This study comes to be as an attempt by the researcher to
participate in gathering part of the heritage of the Arab nation which is
dispersed between the historical and literary sources and references.
The study also aims to accumulate and achieve poetry to be more
useful and effective in the productions of the researchers and scholars
of Arabic literature and history.
The research is an extension of eight handwritings studied by
the researcher for the same poet. These handwritings are found in the
form of five eulogistic stanzas about the great prophet (may peace be
upon him). Therefore, the researcher decides to reveal what other
researchers have transcended but from the side of concern and belief
in the importance of clarification or presentation.
Comparative literature is one of the important research topics in finding new relations and results that other types of studies do not allow.
The present research is a comparative study between two contemporary poets : Al-Sayyab and Prévert. The reason for accomplishing this research is Al-Sayyab’s reading for the western literature. Moreover, the study sheds a light on translational criticism.
It tackles the lives of the two writers and their points of similarities and differences. Prévert and Al-Sayyab’s are two modern poets. The first employed his daily routines to express reality, specially the events of the two world wars. The second’s pain, on the other hand, was the starting point to express others’ suffe
... Show MoreThis research deals with the study of types of parallelism in contemporary Arabic poetry and took the hair Mahmoud Darwish, a model for the study has been the goal of research to clarify the term parallelism and the statement of the most important types, said evidence of that in the poetry of Mahmoud Darwish
الحمدُ للهِ رب العالمين ، والصلاة والسلام على نبيه الأمين محمد r وعلى آله الطيبين الطاهرين ، وأصحابه الغر الميامين:
تعد الصورة السمعية مفهوما بيانيا نجده في البلاغة العربية واضحاً مؤثرا، مؤديا دورا جوهريا في إيصال الفكرة التي يروم الأديب إيصالها إلى المتلقي ولا تبدو السمعية واضحة إلاّ إذا نظر إليها في حالة أدبيه تهز كيان الشاعر  
... Show More
Regret is a feeling that affects a person when he does something, realizing that his present situation would be better if he did not commit this act, or behaved differently in the past. It is also a look back. It makes a person feel dissatisfied, and hopes if he can change In the past, this research deals with the remorse of the hair of Dick Homs al-Jinn, who killed his sweetheart and his wife (Ward), after an alleged treason without being confirmed, and when he found out the truth he regretted killing her all his life. His poetry is studied carefully, and he has not received the attention of scholars like other poets of his time; and his unwillingness to keep up with
... Show MorePride in the poetic Genius in Al-Shareef Al-Murtada's poetry.Pride in the poetic genius is a rich and recurring subject .The poets always compete with each other to show their skills in composing poetry.This subject illustrates the poet's creative talents and his ability to comprehend the vocabulary of the Arabic language.Pride in the poetic gift witnessed great development which was caused by the cultural progress of the Abyssian Age. Such influences are often reflected in poetry because it is an essential part of life.
Dying poetry ,last felt the man to say apriorior improvisation during entry in to the
context of the death while going through it, or distracted by the death , before the soul went
out the duration of a brief may not exceed the minutes , with out pious or pen or vain , may
have been exercised in his daily life, compelled or for the benefit.
The discussion dealt with the meaning of dying, then presented its article with three
First; What was said in accepting the death.
Second; what was said in the reguest fo death.
Third; what was said to ignore the death.
This lesson as well as poetry style andcream and the imeanings and ideas and nages and
rhetorical rhythm. To achieve this, adopted solid sources a
وهوعبارة عن طائفة من القواعد المصوغة من اجل الوصول الى الحقيقة في العلم.وهو قبل كل شيء اسلوب منطقي وعملية ذهنية تتلازمان لكل عملية تحليل ترتدي الطابع العلمي .
يعدّ رضي الدين ابن طاووس من أفاضل العلماء الذين برزوا من بيت آل طاووس،
الذين افادوا الثقافة العربية الإسلامية
Ibn Nuqtah belongs to the Hanbali school of thought, which belongs to
Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (D. 241 AH / 855 CE), and with his Iraqi
upbringing, he is Hijazi in essence and intent, as he belongs to the Maliki
The researcher found that neglecting our Arab Islamic heritage and bragging about what the West came in the field of education and psychology is common in our curriculum
So the researcher found it necessary to identify the thought of our media Arab Muslims like Ibn Al-Jawzi being a remarkable figure in the world of human thought therefore, the researcher in this research decided to identify his educational and psychological ideas and psychological emotions in his mind and methods of control and characteristics of the human soul and methods of development of the Muslim character by following the descriptive analytical approach.