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تركیا و مشروع الشرق الأوسطي
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Turkey came back to the Middle East hardly after long disappearance
throughout its moderate regional policy, which put its in the middle of the
events it reverse its place throughout the regional references in the region,
the way of coming back was too difficult and hard, the internal Turkish
troubles and inhibitors coming together with the maintenance bonds that
forms great complex barrier.
But the great Turkish foreign policy represented by the foreign minister
Ahmed David Oghlu, can successfully pass these problems and as a result it
withdraw turkey both geographical and political to its neighbor after long
period of disappear, it new regional policies cancel the old impressions that
was still in the mind of the other, especially the old impression that said that
either going east or west, this is the old idea in the past that said if you want
to go to Europe or west this will delay the bonds or bridge formation with the
east. But now Turkish policy leaves the old policies by educational and
intellectual way based on political imagination and ambitious thinking doesn’t
know the impossible.
It relay all of that on actual bases reflect deep consciousness in the
composition of the region, it achieve its valuable position throughout its
regional balance and policies. It seems from the first impression there is
certain interaction on its aim for making relationship between the middle east
and European union, it’s in correct impression for many reasons, one from
most important reason because of the new Turkish policies that make it
acceptable from many countries from the world and among the world so
throughout the Turkish role in the middle east it give insurance to the Europe
that it may play the same role in the solving of the middle east troubles this
will keep the advantage of the Europe within the region. This will lead that
turkey play a central role between the Middle East and Europe, but the
reduction of the Turkish foreign policy by choosing between either west or
east policy this will make turkey go back to the old historical era, that make it
lose its new varieties and sedation.
Turkish new policy achieve many success not only just in the security
but it achieve new ideological content in contrast to some of the radicals in
the past era who refuse the Islamic ottoman history, the justice and
development party take its idea and policy from Islamic history of turkey. In
spite of that Ankara don’t leave the idea for joining the European Union. In
addition to that turkey on of the most developed country in the middle east it
has affective and modern democratic regime in the region, and productive economy and it discover new balance between the religion and secular so
that the security aspect of the middle east will accept and support turkey, it
support its goal in control as a big country developed both industrially and
civilization ally.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Optimization of Voltammetric Determination of Dysprosium (III) Using Plackett-Burman and RSM-CCD Experimental Designs
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This study was aimed to develop an optimized Dy determination method using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The Plackett-Burman (PB) experimental design was used to select significant factors that affect the electrical current response, which were further optimized using the response surface method-central composite design (RSM-CCD). The type of electrolyte solution and amplitude modulation were found as two most significant factors, among the nine factors tested, which enhance the current response based on PB design. Further optimization using RSM-CCD shows that the optimum values for the tw

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A comparative reading of the social and political satire in the works of Abu al-Fadl Zrui Nasrabad and Ahmad Rajab (The tadhk: خوانش تطبیقی طنز اجتماعی – سیاسی در آثار ابوالفضل زرویی نصرآباد و احمد رجب(مورد مطالعه: تذکرة المقامات زرویی و نصف كلمة احمد رجب)
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           Satire is genre of the literary arts that has always been the source of human interest. Because  it is difficult to accept direct criticism, Satire appears as a literary tool in which vices, follies, abuses and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government, or society itself into improvement. A satirical critic usually employs irony to attain this goal. Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often profitable social criticism, using wit to draw at

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2023
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
كاریگەری ستراتیژییەتی بەستن و ڕاكێشان لەسەر دەسكەوتی فێرخوازانی پۆلی هەشتەمی بنەڕەتی له بابەتی زمان و ئەدەبی كوردیدا/ اثر استراتيجية الشد والجذب في تحصيل طلاب الصف الثامن الاساسي في مادة اللغة والادب
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 19 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Evaluation of proverb translation in Nahj al-Balagheh based on the theory of Peter Newmark (Dashti, Shahidi and Foladvand): ارزیابی ترجمه ضرب‌المثل‌ در نهج البلاغه بر اساس نظریه پیتر نیومارک. مطالعۀ موردی: (دشتی، شهیدی و فولادوند)
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In addition to being a religious book with high human and moral themes, Nahj al-Balagha is considered a mirror of Arab culture and a literary masterpiece at the height of eloquence and eloquence, and because proverbs in the form of short, concrete and understandable phrases for everyone, experiences, thoughts and convey ideas, Imam Ali (AS) used it to facilitate the understanding of various political, social and moral concepts. In this article, we intend to criticize the way Dashti, Shahidi and Foladvand translated it by using Newmark's model due to the importance and cultural reflections of proverbs in understanding the cultural atmosphere governing Nahj al-Balagheh. In his evaluation model, Newmark divides cult

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر استعمال انموذج ديك و كاري في تحصيل طالبات الأول المتوسط في مادة جغرافية
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Occupies an important geographical position, and instructional material is distinctive among the various course materials, as covered in the study of human and surrounding environment, and interaction happening between them, and the problems that arose as a result and a lot of reliable in achieving educational purposes. Through the monotony and tradition in the methods used in our schools in the teaching of geography, which prevails in teaching nature conservation and indoctrination with poor educational qualification as a teacher geography, and the fact that this article need to be effective methods for teaching, such as the use of teaching models modern-dependent student at the center of the process education, and this is confirmed by

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
مجلة علوم التربية الرياضية
بعض القدرات البدنية الخاصة و علاقتها بالتحرك الدفاعي والانطلاق للهجوم السريع الفردي بكرة اليد
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يهدف البحث عن الاساليب والعوامل التي ترفع من قدرات اللاعبين البدنية و المهارية للتواصل مع التطور المطلوب حيث وجد ان هناك حاجة ملحة لتطوير الهجوم السريع الفردي وذلك لضعف و تذبذب الاداء الفني بكرة اليد تحتاج في المباراة الخاصة السرعة الانتقالية التي ترتكز عليها صفة السرعة دون الهبوط بالمستوى المطلوب لتحقيق ثمرة جهد هذا الاداء بأداء تصويبه في مرمى الفريق الخصم لمحصلة هذا الاداء المميز يتطلب ان يكون كل لاعب من

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 08 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Spatial Response Uniformity of Silicon–Based CdS and PbS Heterojunction Laser Detectors
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This paper demonstrates the spatial response uniformity (SRU) of two types of heterojunctions (CdS, PbS /Si) laser detectors. The spatial response nonuniformity of these heterojunctions is not significant and it is negligible in comparison with p+- n silicon photodiode. Experimental results show that the uniformity of CdS /Si is better than that of PbS /Si heterojunction

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Bayesian Tobit Quantile Regression Model Using Double Adaptive elastic net and Adaptive Ridge Regression
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     Recently Tobit  Quantile Regression(TQR) has emerged as an important tool in statistical analysis . in order to improve the parameter estimation in (TQR) we proposed Bayesian hierarchical model with double adaptive elastic net technique  and Bayesian hierarchical model with adaptive ridge regression technique .

 in double adaptive elastic net technique we assume  different penalization parameters  for penalization different regression coefficients in both parameters λ1and  λ, also in adaptive ridge regression technique we assume different  penalization parameters for penalization different regression coefficients i

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 06 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Difficulties in learning and teaching Arabic to non-native speakers in the Kurdistan Region Types and solutions
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This research is a study of the difficulties of learning the Arabic language that faces Arabic language learners in the Kurdistan Region, by revealing its types and forms, which can be classified into two categories:

The first type has difficulties related to the educational system, the source of which is the Arabic language itself, the Arabic teacher or the learner studying the Arabic language or the educational curriculum, i.e. educational materials, or the educational process, i.e. the method used in teaching.

The second type: general difficulties related to the political aspect, the source of which is the policy of the Kurdistan Regional Government in marginalizing the Arabic language and replacing the forefront of th

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
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Expressive Topics in Plastic Art Achievement A comparative study between Gustav Klimt and Star Kauusch
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 Schools and artistic trends derive their themes from artistic styles and styles as methods followed by the artist to express his themes embodied in the values of artistic and plastic elements as symbols and signs that can be described according to the type of art school and the extent to which the artist is influenced in employing them as a goal to achieve the plastic achievement in the painting, and from those vocabulary (human beings nature Life) as encoded messages that have an appearance and an interior, the appearance of which are forms, colors, formats and distributions of space and their interior meanings and semantics embody attitudes, events and circumstances that stem from the social depth and daily life and derive their comp

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