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The Impact of Dialect Difference in Multifaceted Grammatical Rules
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Among the issues that preoccupied ancient and modern grammarians is the phenomenon of grammatical disagreement among grammarians and their differences in many grammatical issues that many of them go back to the phenomenon of dialectical difference, so this filled our thinking with a lot of things that led us to look at the side of the reasons for this grammatical difference, and here lies the significance of research to know that it is a linguistic phenomenon dealing with the living language used among the Arabs and linguistic phenomena that reflect linguistic reality as well. Thus our chagrin determination in research and investigation in this issue is the scarcity of dialectical studies at the compositional grammar side, and the lack of a competent study on grammatical disagreement which are taken dialects as the main instrument and main reason in the field of study. In addition, lack of a research to talk about multifaceted grammatical rules; the multiplicity of cases of syntax, or to the different syntactic positions, hence the significance of our research is to indicate the reason for multifaceted grammatical rules, which is the dialectical difference. Therefore, the research is to study this problem explaining the main reasons behind the grammatical disagreement and its impact on the multiplicity of grammatical rules, namely the dialectical differences. Thus, the research is divided into three sections: the first section is devoted to the research terms, the second one is devoted to the definition of dialectical difference and to know the its causes and consequences, the third and the last one is about dialectical difference issues that have had an impact on the multiplicity of grammatical rules that reached twenty-one issues.
Key words: Multiple, object, provisions, disagreement, discord, grammatical

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Grammatical controversy in the conscience of the chapter Between Sibawayh (180 AH) and Fur (207 AH)
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This study examines the syntactic and semantic functions of the conscience of the chapter and the grammatical disagreement in its diagnosis between two famous linguists: Sibuyh and fur. Also, the conscience of the chapter occupies an important synthetic space in the construction of the Arabic sentence, identified by the Arab scientists, as linguistic analysts, have a strong sense of language and careful observation, they revealed it in their linguistic composition through the analysis of nominal structures, and found that it I come in specific syntactic patterns and grammatical templates that have certain characteristics that are unique to them because of the conscience of separation in their compositional space.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of recent trends of the Central Bank of Iraq in activating bank credit for the private commercial banking sector
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                 Central banks seek to control and supervise credit and follow it up effectively due to the high credit risks surrounding it that may lead to damage to banks, and may even lead to damage to the reputation and confidence of the banking system as a whole.

The main role of supervisory control is to control credit by controlling it from excessive expansion during periods of economic inflation or its revitalization and improvement and expansion of credit transactions in cases of economic recession, or when central banks desire to support the national economy or support a sector of various

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Assessing the Impact of reformation in wise Administration of Ruling and constant development : A study of Arab Political
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The research has been talked on specific an important notions concerning with the dimensions of effectiveness of good governance and sustainable development inside all Arab states, So that the scientific article reflected the role of investments in various sections of institutional business by draw attention toward different projects about analyzing the whole political reality according to the standard indications of political and social stability on the regional level and international aspects. Therefore, the study resembled scientific contains and the dimensions of political reform and administrative overhauling within governmental system in order to achieve all raw objectives for sustainable development. All international and

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of empowerment and functional flexibility in evaluating worker performance :an empirical study
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This study was conducted in the Department of Employment and Loans at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to indicate the importance and impact of both the empowerment and the functional flexibility in evaluating the performance of the employees. To achieve the objectives of the study, the data was collected through a questionnaire form designed for this purpose based on previous studies. Data obtained for a significant evaluation of the relationship between the components of both the empowerment and the functional flexibility with the components of the evaluation and determining the degree of importance of each component of both the empowerment and functional flexibility for the components of the evaluation by the extractio

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Importance of obligation to the rules of professional conduct and its impact on tax revenues: An applied research in a sample of companies registered at the Department of the Public Authority for corporate taxes
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The researcher  tried to show the importance of obligation with the rules of professional conduct set by the Association of Accountants and Auditors of Iraqis when expressing an opinion the financial statements submitted tax administration and enhance the confidence of these lists, and adopted in the tax settling accounts process and its impact on tax revenues, and touched a researcher at the theoretical side of the search to the problem of research and of my Is there a trace of non- not to obligation by the rules of professional conduct in Iraq affect the tax revenue with the rules of professional conduct in tax revenue for companies research sample, the research aims to study the rules of professional conduct set by the Associatio

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
EMDR impact on a sample of Displaced persons
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Abstract [email protected] Background: Acute Traumatic Stress Disorder (ATSD) might be complicated by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Psychological First Aid (PFA) said to be helpful to reduce the possibility of reduction of ASD and PTSD symptoms. PFA is simple procedure to deliver help & support to victims, may be by some one close to him, quietly and professionally. Iraq has and is still experiencing, continuous traumatic stresses. ATSD is especially seen in war such as during the Gulf War, Embargo and nowadays under the current American occupation. With the extreme shortage of recourses and the given late priority to psychological problems and intervention have disastrous consequences on the psycho-social wellbeing of peop

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Study of the impact of foreign direct investment in the Iraqi tax system using the factorial analysis: (principal components)
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The tax system, like any other system, as a set of elements and parts that complement each other and are interrelated and interact to achieve specific goals, and is a natural  reflection of the economic, social and political conditions prevailing in society, and therefore the objectives of tax policy formulated in line with the objectives of economic policy in general, which means that any change in economic policy clearly affects fiscal policy measures and fiscal policy in particular.

The problem of searching for the impact of foreign direct investment in the Iraqi tax system was focused on the study  the of foreign direct investment and therole played in developing and improving the economic reality and its implicatio

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of the market knowledge to improve marketing performance an empirical study for mobil communication companies in iraq
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       The study aimed to determine the extent of market knowledge in the companies researched, as if market knowledge is qualified to lead the companies researched to achieve marketing performance , for this purpose, formulated hypotheses of the study in three hypotheses, the first major hypothesis "there is a correlation with significance of market knowledge to improve the marketing performance  , "while the second major hypothesis, "there is a significant moral influence of market knowledge to improve the marketing performance  " these hypotheses targeting to determine the role played by market knowledge in the leadership of companies researched to achieve improvement in marketing perfor

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-ma'moon College
The Rules of Conduct for Cultivated Ladies in Jane Austen's Time
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There is no doubt that Jane Austen is one of the most studied authors of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Her female characters have been extensively studied and they seem to have aroused much interest as manifestations of the conduct of their time. Her heroines have realized that there were many mistakes in the rules of conduct that controlled and restricted their behaviors. Thus, they have found no fault in correcting these mistakes, by behaving naturally without acting. Elizabeth Bennet the heroine of Pride and Prejudice and Marianne Dashwood of Sense and Sensibility are the chosen examples of that kind of women.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Модальные частицы и их значения и происхождения в современном русском языке
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Модальные частицы это служебные слова, которые служат в
предложении для выражении различных оттенков значений и
представляют собой продукт сложных изме- нений грамматического
строя русского языка.
Явно категория модальных частиц тесно соприкасается с
частями речи и частицами ((Модальность в русском языка
выражается формами наклонений, а так же лексическими
средствами-модальными словами и

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