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Using Index of Compaction in interpreting the distribution and shapes of soil map units of Lower Diyala project.: Using Index of Compaction in interpreting the distribution and shapes of soil map units of Lower Diyala project.
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This study was conducted by using soil map of LD7 project to interpret the
distribution and shapes of map units by using the index of compaction as an
index of map unit shape explanation. Where there were wide and varied
ranges of compaction index of map units, where the maximum value was
0.892 for MF9 map unit and the lower value was 0.010 for same map unit.
MF9 has wide range appearance of index of compaction after those indices
were statistically analyzed by using cluster analysis to group the similar
ranges together to ease using their values, so the unit MF9 was considered as
key map unit that appears in the soils of LD7 project which may be used to
expect another map units existence in area of that project and areas around
which is considered an important step in soil survey works then classification
and management of soils there. 78.57% of these indices where 0.526 or less
that means they are low and reflects unit shape that is not simple and almost
being elongated and branched ones. While 21.42% of these samples were
0.526 or more which show high and medium indices with shapes simple or
moderately simple and may have no branches.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Select the optimal project by using two methods of analytic hierarchy and goal programming
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      The aim of this research is to solve a real problem in the Department of Economy and Investment in the Martyrs establishment, which is the selection of the optimal project through specific criteria by experts in the same department using a combined mathematical model for the two methods of analytic hierarchy process and goal programming, where a mathematical model for goal programming was built that takes into consideration the priorities of the goal criteria by the decision-maker to reach the best solution that meets all the objectives, whose importance was determined by the hierarchical analysis process. The most important result of this research is the selection of the second pro

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Terrorist Project in Terms of the Agreement
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Terrorist crime is considered a serious act that outweighs all other crimes in terms of impact and result, because it has a wide range on societies, and it also contains a great thing of danger represented in its purpose, and here describing terrorism as a crime is a description that does not give the full right to this behavior or that it It abbreviates it and does not show its actual reality, given that terrorism contains several different crimes and the roles of its contributors, and these roles are necessary to reach the result or the end. In which each episode is complementary to the other, it is not a single act, but rather several joint and complex actions that in turn all lead to the result, and the agreement in the terrorist pro

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
The shapes of adjacent structures for informing the stage show for children
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This research talked about the importance of adjacent structures for informing the stage show for children. The researcher began from the importance of adjacent structures for informing the show to introduce the various and different proofs, on the level of creativity and artistic shape of the accomplishment over it’s shifts that contribute to formation the show and it's intellectual, artistic, technical and cognitive Marks that contribute in dynamism the interactive show and contact the idea that connect with the design and directional vision for the beauty and cognitive. Lead to the eager operation in attention, sensitive and attractive the child. The research consist of four chapters: The first chapter include methodological framewo

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Investigation of Backfill Compaction Effect on Buried Concrete Pipes
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The present study deals with the experimental investigation of buried concrete pipes. Concrete pipes are buried in loose and dense conditions of gravelly sand soil and subjected to different surface loadings to study the effects of the backfill compaction on the pipe. The experimental investigation was accomplished using full-scale precast unreinforced concrete pipes with 300 mm internal diameter tested in a laboratory soil box test facility set up for this study. Two loading platforms are used namely, uniform loading platform and patch loading platform. The wheel load was simulated through patch loading platform which have dimensions of 254 mm *508 mm, which is used by AASHTO to model the wheel load of a HS20 truck. The pipe-soil system

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using the Critical Path Method to Find Time of Constriction for Helicopters Airport Project in the Oil Fields
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This research is considered one of the important researches in Maysan Governorate, as it focuses on the construction of helicopter airport project in the oil fields of the Maysan Oil Company, where the oil general companies in Maysan Governorate suffer from the cost of transporting the foreign engineering experts and the governing equipment of sustaining oil industry from Iraq's international airports to oil fields and vice versa. Private international transport companies transport foreign engineering from the oil fields to Iraqi airports and vice versa, and other international security companies take action to provide protection for foreign engineering experts during transportation. Hence, this process is very costly.


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Publication Date
Sat Oct 29 2022
Journal Name
Current Trends In Geotechnical Engineering And Construction
Optimal Bedding Selection with the Specific Soil Type According to the Thrust Forces Generated in the Water Distribution Networks Using the Restraining Joint System
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A study has been performed to compare the beddings in which ductile iron pipes are buried. In water transmission systems, bends are usually used in the pipes. According to the prescribed layout, at these bends, unbalanced thrust forces are generated that must be confronted to prevent the separation of the bend from the pipe. The bed condition is a critical and important factor in providing the opposite force to the thrust forces in the restraint joint system. Due to the interaction between the native soil and the bedding layers in which the pipe is buried and the different characteristics between them. Also, the interaction with the pipe material makes it difficult to calculate the real forces opposite to the thrust forces and the way they

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluate the Rate of Pollution in Soil using Simulink Environment
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       In this paper we design a Simulink model which can be evaluate the concentration of Copper, Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Cobalt, Nickel, Crum and Iron. So, this model would be a method to determine the contamination levels of these metals with the potential for this contamination sources with their impact. The aim of using Simulink environment is to solve differential equations individually and as given data in parallel with analytical mathematics trends. In general, mathematical models of the spread heavy metals in soil are modeled and solve to predict the behavior of the system under different conditions.

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Modeling of Comparative Performance of Asphalt Concrete under Hammer, Gyratory, and Roller Compaction
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The main objective of this study is to develop predictive models using SPSS software (version 18) for Marshall Test results of asphalt mixtures compacted by Hammer, Gyratory, and Roller compaction. Bulk density of (2.351) gm/cc, at OAC of (4.7) % was obtained as a benchmark after using Marshall Compactor as laboratory compactive effort with 75-blows. Same density was achieved by Roller and Gyratory Compactors using its mix designed methods.

A total of (75) specimens, for Marshall, Gyratory, and Roller Compactors have been prepared, based on OAC of (4.7) % with an additional asphalt contents of more and less than (0.5) % from the optimum value. All specimens have been subjected to Marshall Test. Mathematical model

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 26 2021
Journal Name
Series On Biomechanics
Monitoring and analysis of plantar pressure map and foot motions using a wearable sensing system
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Peer-Reviewed Journal

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Laboratory Investigation on Roller Compaction Technique in Concrete Construction
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Roller compacted concrete (RCC) is a concrete compacted by roller compaction. The concrete mixture in its unhardened state must support a roller while being compacted. The aim of this research work was to investigate the behavior and properties of roller compacted concrete when constructed in the laboratory using roller compactor manufactured in local market to simulate the field conditions. The roller compaction was conducts in three stages; each stage has different loading and number of passes of the roller. For the first stage, a load of (24) kg and (5) passes in each direction had been employed. For the second stage, a load of (104) kg and (10) passes in each direction were conducted. Finally, at the third stage, a load of (183) kg a

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