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Fine motor skills of kindergarten children
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The deprivation Some of the children to exercise some fine motor activities a big problem , as a consequence, this problem plays of the delay in motor development during early childhood , Usually it happens to be the reasons for the lack of the right place to play , and the lack of the presence of the tools needed to play motor, or fear excessive protection by parents for their children as a result of lack of awareness of the importance of physical activity for the child to use his fingertips and fine his muscles . In addition to that small percentage of children spend most of their time in the daily activities and skills of non-motor , Such aswatching television, or play video games or they tend to play computer and mobile but they are moving away from sound methods in their dependence on fine motor skills when using the fingertips of their hand.
The fine motor in kindergarten registration of such enormous developments in the control of the hands and fingers , This results in a lot of movements as in the ability to cut and paste and build homes using a small wooden or plastic pieces.
The child at this stage attracted to different of motor games so you must make way for him to satisfy the wishes and his penchant for movement by practicing popular games in physical education lesson , Which helps to identify the shapes, colors and sizes, as well as that to develop his physical attitudes towards self-understanding and controlling his movements and compatibility between the eye and the hand, And working with his hands and feet and speed of response to external stimuli for cognitive mental processes in general growth , And help it to grow, which links between cognitive learning and cognitive growth, which is a prerequisite in social life, especially in the advanced ages.
The current research aims to identify the fine motor skills of kindergarten children.
In the current research was to adopt the point of view of complementarity when building test by defining fields, which included four fields , namely (manual - manual synergies , the circular motion of the hand and wrist , grab finger index finger and thumb, visual - manual synergies ).
The researcher chose kindergarten (AL- Jamhoria), located in Morocco Street to apply tested on children preliminary stage whose age between (5-6) years totaling (190) boys and girls by (98) males and (92) females, divided into four divisions, so as to make the application Test them.
In addition, the researcher to extract validity discrimination and difficulty and consistency of the test parameters, so that it can be applied to the sample. Having been testing the sample application, the researcher enter data obtained from children's responses in statistical Pouch (SSPS), has revealed research that the sample suffer from weakness in the fine motor skills results, it has been interpreted researcher reasons for this weakness, according to this view integrative theories for the lack of attention to the motor side for these children since the early stages before entering kindergarten.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Colorimetric Assay of Thiamine Hydrochloride in Pharmaceutical Preparations
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            A simple, rapid, accurate and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of thiaminehydrochloride has been developed. The method is based on the formation of the Schiff’s base between the primary amino group present in thiamine hydrochloride and aldehyde group present in the vanillin reagent to produce a yellow colored complex having maximum absorption at 390 nm. Beers law has obeaid over the concentration range of 2-28µg/mL, with molar absorptivity of 0.96x104L/ The average recovery which is a measure of accuracy is 100±1.3% and the relative standard deviation (RSD) is less than1.5 .The present method is considered to be

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
8th Engineering And 2nd International Conference For College Of Engineering – University Of Baghdad: Coec8-2021 Proceedings
Applications of ecological theory in the urban environment
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Demulsification of Water in Iraqi Crude Oil Emulsion
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Formation of emulsions during oil production is a costly problem, and decreased water content in emulsions leads to increases productivity and reduces the potential for pipeline corrosion and equipment used. The chemical demulsification process of crude oil emulsions is one of the methods used for reducing water content. The demulsifier presence causes the film layer between water droplets and the crude oil emulsion that to become unstable, leading to the accelerated of water coalescence. This research was performed to study the performance of a chemical demulsifier Chimec2439 (commercial) a blend of non-ionic oil-soluble surfactants. The crude oils used in these experiments were Basrah and Kirkuk Iraqi crude oil. These

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 03 2020
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Evaluation of Concrete Material Properties at Early Age
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This article investigates the development of the following material properties of concrete with time: compressive strength, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and fracture energy. These properties were determined at seven different hydration ages (18 h, 30 h, 48 h, 72 h, 7 days, 14 days, 28 days) for four pure cement concrete mixes totaling 336 specimens tested throughout the study. Experimental data obtained were used to assess the relationship of the above properties with the concrete compressive strength and how these relationships are affected with age. Further, this study investigates prediction models available in literature and recommendations are made for models that are found suitable for application to early age conc

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 08 2023
Journal Name
Open Engineering
A review of rutting in asphalt concrete pavement
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Undoubtedly, rutting in asphalt concrete pavement is considered a major dilemma in terms of pavement performance and safety faced by road users as well as the road authorities. Rutting is a bowl-shaped depression in the wheel paths that develop gradually with the increasing number of load applications. Heavy axle loadings besides the high pavement summer temperature enhance the problem of rutting. According to the AASHTO design equation for flexible pavements, a 1.1 in rut depth will reduce the present serviceability index of relatively new pavement, having no other distress, from 4.2 to 2.5. With this amount of drop in serviceability, the entire life of the pavement in effect has been lost. Therefore, it is crucial to look at the mechani

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Ournal Of Chemistry
Extraction of Ocimum basillicum Oil by Solvents Methods
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The extraction of Basil oil from Iraqi Ocimum basillicum leaves using n-hexane and petroleum ether as organic solvents were studied and compared. The concentration of oil has been determined in a variety of extraction temperatures and agitation speed. The solvent to solid ratio effect has been studied in order to evaluate the concentration of Ocimum basillicum oil. The optimum experimental conditions for the oil extraction were established as follows: n-hexane as organic solvent, 60 °C extraction temperature, 300 rpm agitation speed and 40:1mL:g amount of solvent to solid ratio.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
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7th Rilem International Conference On Cracking In Pavements
Mechanistic Evaluation of Lime-Modified Asphalt Concrete Mixtures
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Frequently, Load associated mode of failure (rutting and fatigue) as well as, occasionally, moisture damage in some sections poorly drained are the main failure types found in some of the newly constructed road within Baghdad as well as other cities in Iraq. The use of hydrated lime in pavement construction could be one of the possible steps taken in the direction of improving pavement performance and meeting the required standards. In this study, the mechanistic properties of asphalt concrete mixes modified with hydrated lime as a partial replacement of limestone dust mineral filler were evaluated. Seven replacement rates were used; 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 percent by weight of aggregate. Asphalt concrete mixes were prepared at their

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Surface Pavement Type on Traffic Noise
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This paper investigates the issue of surface-type effects on traffic noise in Baghdad. Since the raw materials for both flexible and rigid paving are available from local sources, the decision on selecting the type of paving which depends on the budget of the project and the road's importance and function. Knowing that for high traffic volumes and a high percentage of heavy vehicles, rigid pavement is more suitable compared to flexible pavement. In Baghdad, some highways consist of flexible pavement and others of combined pavement (flexible segments and rigid segments), so the study of the effect of surface type on traffic noise becomes an important matter. This study selected three highways: one with flexible pavement and two with combined

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
Surgical Management of the Recent Orbital War Injury
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 22 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Biomaterials
Tribology of Coated 316L SS by Various Nanoparticles
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Background. Nanocoating of biomedical materials may be considered the most essential developing field recently, primarily directed at improving their tribological behaviors that enhance their performance and durability. In orthodontics, as in many medical fields, friction reduction (by nanocoatings) among different orthodontic components is considered a substantial milestone in the development of biomedical technology that reduces orthodontic treatment time. The objective of the current research was to explore the tribological behavior, namely, friction of nanocoated thin layer by tantalum (Ta), niobium (Nb), and vanadium (V) manufactured using plasma sputtering at 1, 2, and 3 hours on substrates made of 316L stainless steel (SS),

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