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Fine motor skills of kindergarten children
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The deprivation Some of the children to exercise some fine motor activities a big problem , as a consequence, this problem plays of the delay in motor development during early childhood , Usually it happens to be the reasons for the lack of the right place to play , and the lack of the presence of the tools needed to play motor, or fear excessive protection by parents for their children as a result of lack of awareness of the importance of physical activity for the child to use his fingertips and fine his muscles . In addition to that small percentage of children spend most of their time in the daily activities and skills of non-motor , Such aswatching television, or play video games or they tend to play computer and mobile but they are moving away from sound methods in their dependence on fine motor skills when using the fingertips of their hand.
The fine motor in kindergarten registration of such enormous developments in the control of the hands and fingers , This results in a lot of movements as in the ability to cut and paste and build homes using a small wooden or plastic pieces.
The child at this stage attracted to different of motor games so you must make way for him to satisfy the wishes and his penchant for movement by practicing popular games in physical education lesson , Which helps to identify the shapes, colors and sizes, as well as that to develop his physical attitudes towards self-understanding and controlling his movements and compatibility between the eye and the hand, And working with his hands and feet and speed of response to external stimuli for cognitive mental processes in general growth , And help it to grow, which links between cognitive learning and cognitive growth, which is a prerequisite in social life, especially in the advanced ages.
The current research aims to identify the fine motor skills of kindergarten children.
In the current research was to adopt the point of view of complementarity when building test by defining fields, which included four fields , namely (manual - manual synergies , the circular motion of the hand and wrist , grab finger index finger and thumb, visual - manual synergies ).
The researcher chose kindergarten (AL- Jamhoria), located in Morocco Street to apply tested on children preliminary stage whose age between (5-6) years totaling (190) boys and girls by (98) males and (92) females, divided into four divisions, so as to make the application Test them.
In addition, the researcher to extract validity discrimination and difficulty and consistency of the test parameters, so that it can be applied to the sample. Having been testing the sample application, the researcher enter data obtained from children's responses in statistical Pouch (SSPS), has revealed research that the sample suffer from weakness in the fine motor skills results, it has been interpreted researcher reasons for this weakness, according to this view integrative theories for the lack of attention to the motor side for these children since the early stages before entering kindergarten.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Polymerization of Acrylamide N-methylene Lactic and Glycolic Acid
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In this research work, the novel polymer base on acrylamide N-methylene lactic and glycolic acid was synthesized and its structural performances were identified by the IR, 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectroscopic investigations. The influencing factors and kinetics of polymerization, viscosity performance were studied and quantum chemical calculations were used to identify the correlation between the structure and properties. It was determined that the polymerization rate of the examined monomers in an aqueous solution, in the presence of DAA, adheres to the standard rules for radical polymerization of acrylamide monomers in solution. An investigation into the pH solution's impact on the kinetics of radical polymerization of acrylamido-N-methyle

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Role of Interleukine-33 in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
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The inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are heterogenous chronic inflammatory disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The most widely accepted etiopathogenic hypothesis for these disorders suggests an immune mediated process.
Objective: This study was performed to evaluate the role of interleukine-33 in pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease and to correlate their levels with the disease activity and/or severity.
Methods: Fifty five subjects with inflammatory bowel disease (41 ulcerative colitis patients and 14 Crohn’s disease patients) their ages range from 16-65 years and 25 apparently healthy volunteers their ages and sexes were matched with the patients were participated i

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Some Reflections on the Semantic Changes of Neos Creativity
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Various semantic innovations and expansions have been tackled as factors and sources of neos.  A variety of internal (linguistic) and external (extra-linguistic) motives and motifs leads to the appearance of new terms causing such changes in the political language.  Some statesmen are productive in introducing new terms and creative in manipulating expressions and meanings.

      New words are nonces that get metaphorical expansion for quadrilateral motivations resting on extra meaning innovation, new terms at the semantic expansions to be honed as neos.  In tracing the phases of the semantic processes of neos and hulks, lexical and semantic changes might be of widening or narrowing of refe

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Place of Reading Comprehension in Second Language Acquisition
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The present study aims to show the importance of ESL reading ability in acquiring English as a second language. The study involves 92 college students (males and females) from the Department of English at Nizwa College of Applied Sciences, Sultanate of Oman. They represent two groups, the foundation year students and the first year English majors. A number of tests were used to measure students’ overall proficiency in English as well as their reading ability (i.e., the ability to contribute to the main idea of the text, scanning, skimming, to derive word meanings from context, to use a dictionary to find meanings, definitions, to identify prefixes, antonyms and synonyms). Students’ ability to read was correlated to their proficiency

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Motivated Lamentations of Imam Hussein in modern Iraqi poetry
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The Fountain of poetry Canot be suddenly flow or flood from emptiness. but it is streams and motives drive it to move . Forward tat Calmness and latent in depth of poet ,and try to Chang it in to high wives , go in to details inside the seas of poetry ,to sail threw it on the ships of poetry in creative styel to reach to the point from imaginary meaning , so every poet has direction to competein poetry poetsin Lament of Imam Hussain, There versification of poetry didn’t come from emptiness , but there was clashes motive them threw Calling the personality of Imam Hussain to learn lesson in avery beautiful and greative styel ,to be the expression poem from many sides in the personality of Imam Hussain from that events and facts that happ

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Clouds Height Classification Using Texture Analysis of Meteosat Images
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In the present work, pattern recognition is carried out by the contrast and relative variance of clouds. The K-mean clustering process is then applied to classify the cloud type; also, texture analysis being adopted to extract the textural features and using them in cloud classification process. The test image used in the classification process is the Meteosat-7 image for the D3 region.The K-mean method is adopted as an unsupervised classification. This method depends on the initial chosen seeds of cluster. Since, the initial seeds are chosen randomly, the user supply a set of means, or cluster centers in the n-dimensional space.The K-mean cluster has been applied on two bands (IR2 band) and (water vapour band).The textural analysis is used

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Improvement of Gasoline Octane Number by Using Organic Compounds
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The toxic lead additives to gasoline are no longer used in many countries around the world. Many other countries are now phasing out the lead in gasoline. Although the lead fuel is still in use in Iraq, several plans are considered to phase out the lead. The use of organic compounds to replace the lead additives in gasoline is considered now as an option in Iraqi refineries. The main objective of this project was preparation of premium gasoline, by blending of gasoline with Alternative additives (alcohol, aromatic) to enhancing octane number of Al-Doura gasoline pool. Improved gasoline was tested by ASTM standard method which includes octane number measuring by CFR engine analyzer. Gasoline pool RON (80) was used and selective components

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A.C Conductivity and Dielectric Properties of Epoxy - TiO2 Nanocomposites
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In this paper, A.C conductivity of micro and nano grain size- TiO2 filled epoxy composites is measured. The dielectric material used is epoxy resin, while micro and nano-sized titanium dioxide (TiO2) of grain size (1.5μm, and 50nm) was used as filler at low filler concentrations by weight (3%, and 5%). Additionally the effect of annealing temperature range (293-373)º K and at a frequency range of 102-106 Hz on the A.C conductivity of the various specimens was studied.
The result of real permittivity for micro and nanocomposite show that the real permittivity increases with decreasing frequency at range of 102-106Hz. The micron-filled material has a higher real relative permittivity than the nano-filled this is true at all the temper

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 28 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Emergency of Edge city between Regeneration and Acclimatization Urban
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           In the nineteenth century, a new type of cities appeared, known as new cities located on the edges of major cities, and these cities began to  decentralization, urban studies turned to this type of cities to find out the most important reasons for the emergence of new cities and find out what those cities will become . Therefore, we will discuss in this research how the urban emergence of these cities (edge cities) occurs, so the research formulates its problem : The need to know the stages that edge cities go through, ending with their emergence, and the mechanisms that cities take within their context  ( regeneration or adaptation ), Assuming that edge cities are a

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Check List of the algae in Diyala River, Iraq
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A total of 722 algal taxa are recorded in Diyala River by different authors. Most of the identification algae belong to three Divisions: Bacillariophyceae (367, 50.8%), Chlorophyceae (179, 24.8%), and Cyanophyceae (126, 17.5%).

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