Languages were not found in our life in a way utter coincidence , and it’s not flounce on people’s tongue randomly ‚ but laws are the controlling in languages‚ these laws could be lift to the same level of natural laws‚ phonetics form the main part in producing those languages‚ the Arabic language is one of those languages ‚ it’s largest dialects in Arabian Peninsula according to speakers number ‚ Arabic language link with these dialects through properties and phenomena sound and grammar‚ from this point my topic search is came Similar and different between Arabic and Arabian peninsula Accents balance linguistic–study voice of the Seine typically ) . and Similar and different of the phenomena of the Arabic language and similar speaking of the two votes in one word each of which is characterized as different from the other‚ as manifest and whisper or the dishes and opening up would receive as result of that weight in the pronunciation resorts speaker to lie between the two sounds by replacing one of them to another voice to reduce‚ the effort muscular effort when the two sound pronoun citation‚ as well as an investigation in to the voice of harming between them it is similar appearances substitution and slurring the succession they on the contrary similar they are converting a two sound identical to another voice sound these phenomena are common phenomena in the Arabian peninsula accents as these dialects and is knew as but they dispersed after that , then came this research to pave and three axes and a conclusion, boot talked about similar offense in general , the first axis: the substitution, touched it to the substitution language and idiomatically, and the types of substitution, and cannibalization between the Seine and other voices in the Arab Arabian Peninsula and dialects, Axis ll : slurring and talked in it for slurring language and idiomatically, and sections slurring, and slurring voice between the Seine and the only sounds with the examples mentioned, the third axis: the offense, has been defined by this phenomenon and departments with examples of violation of Seine between the voice and other sound in Arabic and dialects of the Arabian Peninsula.
In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful
Scholars, past and present, have paid attention to the books of Fasting and Hajj, and they have compiled literature on that, and they have written treatises and researches. The best days, and as for the pilgrimage, it is one of the great pillars of Islam, which God Almighty has distinguished by making its rituals in the best of places, which is the Sacred House of God.
قسم المؤلف كتابه على ستة فصول تسبقها مقدمة وتعقبها حالمة، فقد أبانت المقدمة الدوافع والأسباب التي تقف وراء عنوان الكتاب، إذ وصفه بأنه يجمع بين دفتيه مادة علمية غايتها التعرف على بعض الأديان التي يدين معظم البلدان مع بيان تاريخ نشأتها ومناصريها. وقد حدد الديانات التي سيقتصر الكتاب على دراستها، وهي: الصابئة المندائيين والديانات الهندوسية والبوذية، والجينية والكونفوشية في الصين والشتوية في اليابان كونها من ا
... Show MoreJustice is a human values that heavenly religions urged, and made her the fundamentals of individual and social and political life, in Allah almighty sent justice messengers, and sent down his books,as the Earth and the heavens with justice, it is a legal system in which a person takes his dues, which protect the rights of the individual And punish him when committing mistakes, so all religions to achieve chiefly Christianity, the Bible that Allah almighty qualities of Justice, and it is not affected by love or hate, and no factors or percentages, but granted to all who are on earth that despite money and prestige, or what was between them. Of affection or no matter, as well as injustice, whether unjustly or self for others, especially the
... Show MoreWisdom in the era before Islam is soo famous and so mature And Wisdom in the age of Islam {the holy quran and AI Hadeeth AI shareef }is dealt with by different meanings that agree with the contexts in which it occurs its contacs One of meanings is wisesaying that occuars in the Halal and Haram .As to the wisdom of the Amawy age ,it was some times absent since it was not dealt with by the great Poets of that age .In the Poetry of AL-FARAZDAK , Wisdom was little and it expressed religious and phsycological meanings because wisdom is amessage that has along –rang .
يعد موضوع المحل من المواضيع الشائكة في القانون المدني ، اذ ان هذا الموضوع رغم قدمه الا انه لازال يمثل ارضا خصبة للبحث ، اذ يوجد خلاف حول تحديد الكائن القانوني الذي يعد المحل ركنا فيه ، حيث اختلفت التشريعات في هذه المسألة ، فبعض التشريعات تذهب الى ان المحل ركن في العقد ، وبعضها يذهب الى ان المحل ركن في الالتزام ، وبعضها يذهب الى ان المحل ركن في العقد وركن في الالتزام وقد انتقل هذا الخلاف الى الفقه فظهر فيه عدة اتج
... Show Moreيعتقد البعض ان مفهوم العلم يعني الآلات والاجهزة العلمية (تقنيات التعليم) وهي لا تختلف عن مفهوم تكنولوجيا المعلومات , ويعد هذا الاعتقاد خاطئ , لان العلم هو بناء المعرفة العلمية المنظمة والتي يتم التوصل اليها عن طريق البحث العلمي , اما تكنولوجيا المعلومات فهي "التطبيقات العملية للمعرفة العلمية في مختلف المجالات ذات الفائدة المباشرة بحياة الانسان, او هي النواحي التطبيقية للعلم وما يرتبط بها من آلات واجهزة".
Anadara granosa is a species of the class bivalve commonly found on the east coast of South Sumatra as a fishery commodity. This species has not been widely studied as a source of new bioactive compounds that have antioxidant abilities. This study aims to analyze the antioxidant ability of A. granosa against DPPH radicals and its phytochemical profile qualitatively. Samples were taken at the fishing port of Sungsang Village, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Furthermore, the samples were extracted using ethanol as a solvent and tested for antioxidants against DPPH radicals, total phenol analysis, and preliminary phytochemical test. Based on the antioxidant test results, the IC50 value of the ethanolic extract of
... Show MoreNew hydrazide compounds (A2) and (A9) were prepared from their corresponding esters (A1, A8) .These esters were also prepared from their precursors 5-ethoxy carbonyl-(4methoxyphenyl)-6-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidine-2-thione (A1) via multicomponent reaction type and from hippuric acid respectively. The hydrazide compounds were then allowed to react with some aldehydes forming the corresponding hydrazones (A3-7) and (A1014). The synthesized compounds were characterized by IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, and Mass spectroscopies and well discussed. .
In this study we examine variations in the structure of perovskite compounds of LaBa2Cu2O9, LaBa2CaCu3O12 and LaBa2Ca2Cu5O15 synthesized using the solid state reaction method. The samples’ compositions were assessed using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. The La: Ba: Ca: Cu ratios for samples LaBa2Cu2O9, LaBa2CaCu3O12 and LaBa2Ca2Cu5O15 were found by XRF analysis to be around 1:2:0:2, 1:2:1:3, and 1:2:2:5, respectively. The samples’ well-known structures were then analyzed using X-ray diffraction. The three samples largely consist of phases 1202, 1213, and 1225, with a trace quantity of an unknown secondary phase, based on the intensities and locations of the diffraction peaks. According to the measured parameters a, b, and c, every sa
... Show MoreThe study included a statement toxicity of some heavy metals individually and collectively and the existence of plant nutrients in the center Agirenk bluish green moss growth and Askhaddm biomass as an indicator of the study, in addition to portability moss on the accumulation of the metal