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Relatives marriage and its genetic effect on children
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Marriage is a characteristic of the human race, as it is one of the oldest organization, asoldas human beign marrige is a legitimale relationsbip between male and female in the name of Allah "o mankind !Be dutiful to your lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his Wife (Eve), and from them both He created mang men and women
Marriage is a requirement of human life to ensure tle continuity and survival of the human species and established it in a legal, social and legitimate frame,according to certain criteria and conditions so that the individual earns psychological and social comfort in the name of Allah and Allah has made for you Azwaj ( mates or wives), sons and grand sons, and has bestowed on you good provision"
Marriage in Irag has been no longer reachable to every young people because marrige is a phenomenon affected by series of changes that have taken place in hraqi society which is summedup in different economic and social crises. These circumstances, developments and changes that experienced by Iraqi society leads to a relatives marriage sample appearanceFrom thist the researcher tried to see the effect of relative marriage effectness on the health of the newborn from diseases.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Structural and contextual dimensions of the coming   Intervals Between that diluted and her experience
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In the name of of Allah the Merciful
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers. The envoy is a mercy to the worlds Muhammad Sadiq Al - Amin, and to the pure and good companions of the Tayyibites.
The formula of the morphological formulas, which have diverged from other meanings, whether lexicon or contextual and what this formula contains many meanings (effective source) and (effective in the sense of effective) and (effective sense reactor) and (effective sense) and ( (F) in the sense of a similar character) and ((the name of the) (collect). This was dealt with in the formula in Surat al-Nisaa a gramophone study. As mentioned in the study of the morphological subj

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation and purlfkation of B-lactemase from proteus mairbilis local isolates 4TF and 20TF
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Proteus mirabilis ? -lactamase of local isolates number 4TF represent karkh side and 20TF represent rusafa side of Baghdad were extracted and purified 23.17, 25.23 fold with yield of 36.66 %, 37.5% and specific activity 11.8, 12.6 of unit/ mg protein by DEAE –cellulose and Sepharose 4B (respectively ).Molecular weight of both enzyme was about 35500 Dalton determined by gel filtration. The study indicated that the isoelectric point of purified ? -lactamase that extracted from isolate number 4TF and 20TF was 5.4.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
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Copper (Cu) Zinc (Zn) and Magnesium (Mg) in serum, RBC, urine and dialyzate fluids were
studied in 39 patients, who have been undergoing chronic haemodialysis treatment. They were
divided in to polyuric , oliguric and anuric depending on their urinary output. Elevated serum and
RBC Mg was observed before dialysis, while decreased serum and RBC level was noticed except
serum Mg of polyuric patients. Before dialysis elevated serum and RBC Zn were observed. While
after dialysis these parameters were increased. Normal RBC Cu value before dialysis was observed.
While low serum Cu was noticed. After dialysis serum Cu showed raised value, while RBC level
decreased in oliguric and increased in polyuric patients. Zn / Cu rati

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Total Protein and Total Fucose in Sera of Patients with Thyroid Dysfunction and Control
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Total protein and total fucose were determined in sera of thyroid

disorder patients.

Sera of (40) diagnosed by consultant hyperthyroidism, and 40 hypothyroidism  were analyzed  for  the above  parameter  for  control, sera of (40) normal individuals were used.

They   were   healthy   with    no  appearing   disorder   results   analysis revealed  no significant  differences  (P<0.05)  in  the (mean  Â±SD)  of total   protein   values  in   sera  of   hyper  and   hypothyroidism   were compared

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The mucosal and systemic immune status for diabetic and non-diabetic Dentialvcolar infected patients
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From a group of 60 patients with dentoalveolar infections among which 10 were diabetic and 10 non-diabetic were elected as test group as well as 10 normal subjects as control group. Six Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus anginousus were diagnosed in the first and second group of the patients the immune status of the patients and control subject were tested by pathogen specific antibody titre, neotrophil NBT reduction phagocytosis and leukocyte inhibition LIF. Diabetic patients with dentoalveolar infection shows decreased specific antibody titers, subnormal neutrophil NBT phagocytic % as well as non significant LIF % in comparison non diabetic reveal high specific antibody titers against , high neutrophil NBT% and significant LIF% re

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Gender and Supportive Moves of Criticism: Evidence from Iraqi-Arabic and Malay Speech Communities
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This study aims to reveal the similarities and differences between Iraqi and Malay university learners and their genders in producing the supportive moves of criticism. To this end, 30 Iraqi and 30 Malay university learners have participated in this study. A Discourse Completion Test (DCT) and a Focus Group Interview (FGI) are conducted to elicit responses from the participants. Nguyen’s (2005) classification of criticism supportive moves is adapted to code the data. The data are analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. Overall, the findings unveil that both groups use similar categories of supportive moves, but Iraqis produce more of these devices than Malays in their criticisms. Although both females and males of both groups use id

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 17 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Pending issues between the federal government and the Kurdistan region (Constitutional and legal solutions)
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The federal state is usually based on a number of regions because it is based on the multiplicity of political entities. The federal experiments were based on the existence of two or more regions and each federal system has its own peculiarities. Administrative authority between the federal government and local elected bodies of local people of absolute relative independence does not threaten the entity of the state according to the Constitution and the law and on a regional or reformer basis and exercise its powers within the legal scope prescribed The relationship between the federal authority and the Kurdistan region is the first level of the relationship on the real level, especially since no other region in Iraq has been formed exce

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Advances In Mechanical Engineering
Using a spherical inverted pendulum and statokinesigram for modeling and evaluating quiet standing posture
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This paper proposes a new approach to model and analyze erect posture, based on a spherical inverted pendulum which is used to mimic the body posture. The pendulum oscillates in two directions, [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text], from which the mathematical model was derived and two torque components in oscillation directions were introduced. They are estimated using stabilometric data acquired by a foot pressure mapping system. The model was quantitatively investigated using data from 19 participants, who were first were classified into three groups, according to the foot arch-index. Stabilometric data were then collected and fed into the model to estimate the torque’s components. The components were statistically proce

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Sun May 21 2023
Journal Name
Experimental and Numerical Behavior of Encased Pultruded GFRP Beams under Elevated and Ambient Temperatures
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In this research, experimental and numerical studies were carried out to investigate the performance of encased glass-fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) beams under fire. The test specimens were divided into two peer groups to be tested under the effect of ambient and elevated temperatures. The first group was statically tested to investigate the monotonic behavior of the specimens. The second group was exposed to fire loading first and then statically tested to explore the residual behavior of the burned specimens. Adding shear connectors and web stiffeners to the GFRP beam was the main parameter in this investigation. Moreover, service loads were applied to the tested beams during the fire. Utilizing shear connectors, web stiffeners,

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Scopus (6)
Crossref (7)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the indicators of the educational process and scientific levelUsing the analysis of variance of ordered data in repeated measurements
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In this research want to make analysis for some indicators and it's classifications that related with the teaching process and the            scientific level for graduate studies in the university by using analysis of variance for ranked data for repeated measurements instead of the ordinary analysis of variance . We reach many conclusions  for the                         

important classifications for each indicator that has affected on   the teaching process.         &nb

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