تدور الدراسة في علم الاقتصاد المنزلي حول احتیاجات الانسان الضروریة لاستمرار الحیاة ومواقف في محیط
الاسرة وتفاعل مع ظروف البیئة المحیطة بھ .والتي تكون دائمة التغییر لذلك یمكن تعریف علوم وفنون الاقتصاد
المنزلي وفنونھ انھا عبارة عن مجموعة منظمة من المعارف والعلوم تتركز في محور الاسرة والمنزل حیث ینمو
ویتطور الانسان بالعلاقات الانسانیة والنواحي الاقتصادیة والاجتماعیة من جھة والنواحي العلمیة والفنیة الخاصة
بالغذاء من جھة اخرى فضلا عن النواحي العلمیة والفنیھ الخاصة بالمنسوجات والملابس التي تحتاجھا افراد الاسرة
لاتصالھا الوثیق بحیاتھم الیومیة . بحیث یعتقد البعض انھ لایوجد حقل من حقول المعرفة یعنى بحاجات الاسرة
المعاصرة وادارتھا اكثر مما یستطیع تخصص الاقتصاد المنزلي تقدیمھ . ذلك انھ یتنافس مع حقول المعرفة
المتنوعة بجانبیھا النظري والعملي من خلال تطوره المستمر ذو العلاقة بتطور مفردات حیاة الانسان.
إن تطور غایات الاقتصاد المنزلي لھ اھمیة في جعل الفرد یعیش في المجتمع عضواً نافعاً ویساعد غیره من
الافراد . كذلك یساعد على تنمیة المفاھیم والمھارات التي یحتاجھا الفرد في حاضره ومستقبلھ . ومن ھذا المنطلق
جاءت اھمیة تخصص الاقتصاد المنزلي عالمیاً حیث اصبح لھ اقسام وكلیات متكاملة في مختلف البلدان شرقاً وغرباً
. وفي الوطن العربي ھناك كلیات متخصصة في الاقتصاد المنزلي ویدرس بجدیة في مدارس البنات ضمن المواد
الدراسیة في مناھجھا ولھ ثُقلھ الخاص لاھمیتھ للفتیات في حیاتھن ، كما ان ھناك جمعیات عالمیة للاقتصاد المنزلي
في دول مختلفة ومشھورة عالمیاً بالدوریات التي تصدرھا وبمؤتمراتھا الفعالة .
ومع التطور الاجتماعي والتقدم العلمي والتكنولوجي تغیر نمط الحیاة وزادت اھمیة الجانب العلمي لمختلف
انشطة الحیاة . ولذلك تغیر مفھوم الاقتصاد المنزلي ومضمونھ للایفاء بالاحتیاجات الجدیدة للاسرة والمجتمع واصبح
تركیزه حالیاً على الجانب العلمي وجعل الاسرة محوراً للدراسة فضلاً عن المرونة وسھولة التكیف للتغییرات التي
تمس حیاة الاسرة والمجتمع .
In mammals, the kidneys originate in an embryo from the mesoderm through three excretory organs, namely: Pronephros, Mesonephros, and Metanephros. After the formation of Metanephros is completed, the kidneys begin to form nephrogenesis through mesenchymal cells located at the tip of the ureteric bud, that contribute in the formation of glomerulus and Renal tubules. The stages of glomerulus formation in the embryo of albino mice at the age of 14 to 19 days of gestation were studied. It was obtained after the sacrifice of the expectant mother and the kidneys were excised from the embryos and fixed using Aqueous Bouin's solution, Microscopic slices with a thick
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Background: Insulin resistance (IR) is the primary metabolic disorder associated with obesity. Obesity is a growing worldwide health problem affecting both adults and children. Objectives: To determine the association between leptin and IR, and to identify the ratio of fasting glucose/leptin (G/L) and insulin/leptin (I/L) as a new simple method for the detection of IR in obese children.Methods: This study was done in the National DiabeticCenter/ AL-Mustansiriya University during the period fromMay 2013 until the end of October 2013. Fasting bloodglucose (FBG), serum insulin, leptin, and lipid profile weremeasured in 52 obese children (24 children with IR and 28without IR); their age range was (5-15) years, they werecompared with 38 healt
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defined as isolation of a specified quantitative count
of bacteria in an appropriately collected urine
specimen from an individual without symptoms or
signs of urinary tract infection.
Aim of study: To evaluate the frequency of
bacteriuria according to age, pregnancy, and type II
diabetes mellitus in a sample of Iraqi women.
Patients and Methods: A total of 125 female
individuals were involved. The study participants
were classified into the following groups: nonpregnant
women with type II diabetes mellitus,
pregnant women with type II diabetes mellitus,
pregnant women without type II diabetes mellitus, and
apparently healthy non-pregnant women. Urine
In this paper, method of steganography in Audio is introduced for hiding secret data in audio media file (WAV). Hiding in audio becomes a challenging discipline, since the Human Auditory System is extremely sensitive. The proposed method is to embed the secret text message in frequency domain of audio file. The proposed method contained two stages: the first embedding phase and the second extraction phase. In embedding phase the audio file transformed from time domain to frequency domain using 1-level linear wavelet decomposition technique and only high frequency is used for hiding secreted message. The text message encrypted using Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm. Finally; the Least Significant bit (LSB) algorithm used to hide secr
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The first chapter deals with the general methodological framework of the research in terms of the research problem which is focused on the question: What is the hegemony and motivation in the sculptures of Mona Saudi? The importance of research and the need for it, including the technical scientific material concerned with the sculptural achievement of t
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In this paper, we use concepts and results from percolation theory to investigate and characterize the effects of multi-channels on the connectivity of Dynamic Spectrum Access networks. In particular, we focus on the scenario where the secondary nodes have plenty of vacant channels to choose from-a phenomenon which we define as channel abundance. To cope with the existence of multi-channels, we use two types of rendezvous protocols: naive ones which do not guarantee a common channel and advanced ones which do. We show that, with more channel abundance, even with the use of either type of rendezvous protocol, it becomes difficult for two nodes to agree on a common channel, thereby potentially remaining invisible to each other. We model this
... Show MoreKnowledge and awareness towards cryptosporidiosis were assessed in this study during the period from April 2009 till June 2011, among 188 person of both gender which were divided in different groups and sub groups as following Group 1: include 48 physician from different hospitals and primary health care centers in Baghdad this group were sub divided into 30 Specialist doctors and 18 General practitioners doctors. Group 2 : include 45 teaching staff member from Biology department , Biotechnology department in University of Baghdad and AL-Nahrain University as well as teaching staff member from the college of medicine – University of Baghdad and University of Mustansiryah, this group were sub divided into 9 Ph.D and 36 M.Sc. + B.Sc. me
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