This study was (the reality of beekeeping in Iraq and ways of developing them) as a research project in the branch of production is important branches of the productivity of the agricultural sector in Iraq, and the importance of this section, productive (beekeeping) for the agricultural sector in his contribution to increase the vegetable production and improve the quality and the various Classes of types, through its active role in the pollination of plants and indirectly (when the bees to move between plants to collect nectar and pollen grains), which contributes to reduce the losses in plant production and raise the rate of productivity per donum of various agricultural crops.
On the other hand play a
... Show MoreThe study aimed to build a suggested conception for employing gamification in teaching the general education curricula. Using the analytical method of the previous analytical studies in Teaching, which agreed with the determinants of the analysis of 20 studies from 2014 to 2019, they come on order: points, badges, leaderboards, and then levels. The four most commonly used theories are the theory of self-determination, flow theory, the theory of planned behavior and social theory. In addition, the researcher identified the most commonly used models in gamification, respectively: the ARCS model and the user-based design model. Based on the results of the analysis and using the descriptive approach, the researcher presented a practical perc
... Show MoreThe research aimed to find the effectiveness of teaching impact of the reflex learning strategy on the fifth class female student achievement of the geography content material). The researcher adopted the null hypotheses (there are no statistically significant differences at (0,05) level between the women score mean of the experimental group student who has been taught by the cement material assigned by the reflex learning strategy, and that of the control group who have been taught by the traditional method on the achievement test. The researcher adopted the post-test experimental design to measure students’ achievement. The population of the present study has been limited to the fifth literary class female stud
... Show MoreThe research aims to identify the effect of using the strategy of Roundhouse on the achievement of fourth-grade students of computer and their Attitudes towards it. The research sample consisted of (61) fourth-grade secondary school students distributed into the experimental group consisted of (31) students study computer according to the Roundhouse strategy, and the control group consisted of (30) students follow the traditional method. The researcher designed an achievement test consisting of (30) items of multiple choice. To measure the attitudes of students towards the computer, a questionnaire of (32) paragraphs with three alternatives was designed by the researcher. The results showed that there is a statistically significant diffe
... Show MoreThe study aimed to explore the effectiveness of using rational judgment strategy in teaching science to develop scientific thinking for second-grade students. The researcher utilized the quasi-experimental approach based on (the pre/post designing) of two groups: experimental and control. As for tools: a test of scientific thinking prepared by the researcher that proved its verification of their validity and reliability. The test applied on a random sample of (66) students, divided into two groups: (34) experimental, and (32) control. The results showed that the experimental group outperformed the control group in the post-application of the scientific thinking test, In each skill separately, and in the total skills. The study recommende
... Show Moreالثقافة هي النظرية حول العالم والناسواساليب توزيع خبراته عليهم . انها الكل المعقد والتي تشمل المعرفةوالمعتقدات والفن والاخلاق والقوانين والعادات واية امكانيات وعادات يكتسبها الانسان كونه احد اعضاء المجتمع . ان ادراك ثقافة اللغة الاجنبية ينبغي ان يُنظرلها كمكونمهم في عملية تعليم / تعلم اللغة الانكليزية بوصفها لغةاجنبية وتتضمن الثقافة فهم داخلي وتدريجي للمساواة بين الثقافات ، ومنهن متزايد لثقافة الفرد
... Show MoreCommunicative-based textbooks are developed and disseminated throughout the country.
However, it is difficult for teachers who themselves have learnt English through the traditional
approaches to suddenly be familiar with CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) principles
and teach communicatively. Therefore, many teachers remain somewhat confused about what
exactly CLT is and others familiar with CLT but unable to achieve communicative classroom
teaching. Consequently, those teachers need to be introduced to the CLT principles and they need
training in how to put CLT principles into practice. Accordingly, this study aims to find out the
effect of combining video lectures and Kolb experiential learning on EFL student-t
This research aimed to evaluate the level of readiness to teach science in the light of the information, media, and technology skills among undergraduate students at the Faculty of Edu-cation, King Khalid University. To achieve this goal, a descriptive and analytical approach was used. A list of readiness to teach science was prepared in the light of Information, media, and technology skills, and in the light of this list, a cognitive test, observation sheet, and attitude scale were prepared to assess readiness to teach science in its three aspects, cognitive, behavioral, and emotional. The sample of the research consisted of (42) students enrolled in field training courses at the sixth, seventh and eighth levels. Research tools were app
... Show MoreDomesticated translation has been for a long time the norm in cultural communication between nations all over the world. The texts are translated mainly into English (being the dominant language) in terms dictated principally by the requirements of the target language (English). The claim has been that fluency, readability, and immediate intelligibility can be guaranteed as far as the reader of the target language is concerned (English). The foreignness of the text (of the culture which produced it) would be not preserved. Not only this. Being the language of predominant cultures, English has become number one among languages into which texts are translated. The imbalance has been noticeable between the volumes of works translated from a
... Show MoreLinguistic research according to modern curricula:
It is one of the important matters that occupy the ideas of those concerned with linguistic studies, whether Arabic or otherwise. Recent years have witnessed the advancement of this methodological approach, and books and studies in Arabic have been written on important, multifaceted issues, of grammatical and linguistic origins, and their balance with new developments and ideas attracted mostly from Western studies.
The comparative approach - as they call it - is one of the modern approaches that is based on balancing a language with other sisters belonging to its family, to reach similarities and differences between them, and to know the c