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Psychological implications in children's drawings in nurseries
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Education is one of the most important topics that researcher educator and educational
society as a whole operated in the latter half of the twentieth century, which won the
reflection and study many of officials in the educational cocked in the global regionally and
took educational systems around the world interested in the dimensions of this aspect and
planning to achieve the principle and characteristics in order to be in concerned with the in
dividual to provide an opportunity for education and training.Experiments have been taken from this type of education in the world, including the
developing world snd Islam was still taken on taking science life for the rest of the human
sons and on this basis, we find that studies and research took strong principle to keep the
individual and human ignorance and illiteracy to prosecute evolution and techniques
imposed on it today and in the future.Many Research studies have focused on studying for
education in terms of policy and programmed method and it's concept and its fields and
constraints for students in community ,schools and kindergartens exclusively.
It also contributed to education in broad cast artistic culture among children. As a work
very much beneficial. and adopted the duty on it .Nabil and commitment toward society and
human .the value and properties .Fiqimtart education and Swabath , Kamann an in the search
do not complain about the complexity and concavity. Nor Bghos in details ?And a steady
drumbeat of various theories or condractories .a shelters also divers and inclusive for all all
psychological revelation received by the mind of a child the portrayal in the drawings are
often expressed in words as well as drawings in deliver the idea that recipient cannot be
embodied by his drawings of simple and expressive colour..
This is taken into consideration in this research as well as it covers many fields and
benefits researchers in this field.
Therefore, the current research is trying to take a closer look at the psychological
implications in children's drawings in the nursery. The first chapter came defined the
importance of research and the need for it as well as the research problem after placing the
following objectives:
Research Objectives
The research aims to identify ..
1.identify the children's drawings in kindergartenageof4_6years.
2. To identify the topics that kids resolve and draw most important things to focus in their
3.psychological effect and impression left by the societies in children's thinking through
expression with graphics in the nursery.
4.psychological revelations through children's drawingsandby themes that were given to
Border research
Is determined by the current search
1.objective limits: includes general philosophy of children's drawings from the face of the
scientific review.
2.Spatial Order: include kindergarten eligibility birds of paradise in Zafaranyia /Baghdad
3.temporal limits :the academic year2013-2014
The Second chapter, including previous st and philosophical framework and monetary
While chap III procedures. Chapter IV contains the conclusion and recommendation
proposals of Arab and foreign sources and result relied upon by the current research as well
as summary of the Arabic language and a summary in English.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 26 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
قيود الختام او حرود المتن دراسة تطبيقية بالاستناد على نماذج مختارة من المخطوطات الاسلامية من القرن(10-13هـ/ 16-19م) في المكتبة المركزية بأربيل:
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     Islamic manuscripts are considered an identity for the civilizational, cognitive and cultural development of nations and the Islamic world as a whole, and to identify this identity, the closing statement usually written at the end of the manuscript helps us with this, meaning that the closing entries serve as the identity document of the manuscript

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
استخلاص عامل التلزن ( اللكتين ) من بكتريا لخلايا Enterococcus faecalis EM1 وتأثير العوامل البيئية المختلفة عليه ودوره في تلزن أنواع من البكتريا السالبة لملون غرام
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استخلص عامل التلزن من E. faecalis EM1 بعد تكسير الخلايا بعدة طرق واختيار الطريقة التي تعطي اعلى قيمة تلزن والترسيب بالكحول الاثيلي , واجري فحص التلزن وقياسه للمستخلص  مع انواع من البكتريا السالبة لملون غرام تضمنت     Escherichia coli  و Klebsiella  pneumoniae  و Serratia

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Degree of Knowledge and Use of Authentic Assessment Tools by Basic Elementary Teachers' According to some Variables: أمجد عزات جمعة، شريف عبد الرحمن السعودي، و سلمى علي العلوي
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Evaluation is one of the most important elements of  teaching process. The recent trends in evaluation and educational reform movements have called for using alternative evaluation, which focuses on performance evaluation. Authentic assessment is usually described as formative, in which students participate in their acquisition, in addition to the fact that students are productive and active, which is reflected in the students' achievement and skill level. The study aims to reveal the degree of knowledge and use of alternative assessment tools by primary school teachers in Gaza -Palestine. To meet the objective of the study, the researchers used the descriptive-analytical method and the questioner as a study tool. The study sample c

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Adoption of the IFRS11 Financial Reporting Standard for Oil Service Contracts Costs and its Reflection on Measurement and Disclosure for National Oil Companies: بحث تطبيق في شركة نفط ميسان (ش . ع)
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The research seeks to clarify the problems related to the aspects of the financial and accounting process resulting from entering into contractual arrangements with a period of more than 20 years, among which is the research problem represented by the lack of clarity of the foundations and procedures for the recognition of oil costs and additional costs borne by foreign invested companies, which led to a weakening of their credibility and reflection. Negatively "on the measurement and accounting disclosure of financial reports prepared by oil companies, and the research aims to lay down sound procedures for measuring and classifying oil costs and additional costs paid to foreign companies, and recognizing and recording them in th

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Full Text Book Of Minar Congress10
مستوى الافصاح عن المعلومات المالية المتعلقة بالاستدامة على وفق معيار (IFRS-S1) وتأثير على أداء الشركة - بحث تطبيقي في عينة عن المصارف الاسلامية العراقية
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2022
Journal Name
مجلة التربية الرياضية
إدارة درس التربية الرياضية لدى الطالب المطبق وفقا المهارات التدريسية من وجهة ً الهم نظر اعضاء هيأة التدريس في كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة جامعة بغداد
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
کاریگەری ستراتیجیەتی مێزگرد لەسەر دەستکەوتی بابەتی خوێندنەوە و ئەدەبی کوردی
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Prioritized Text Detergent: Comparing Two Judgment Scales of Analytic Hierarchy Process on Prioritizing Pre-Processing Techniques on Social Media Sentiment Analysis
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Most companies use social media data for business. Sentiment analysis automatically gathers analyses and summarizes this type of data. Managing unstructured social media data is difficult. Noisy data is a challenge to sentiment analysis. Since over 50% of the sentiment analysis process is data pre-processing, processing big social media data is challenging too. If pre-processing is carried out correctly, data accuracy may improve. Also, sentiment analysis workflow is highly dependent. Because no pre-processing technique works well in all situations or with all data sources, choosing the most important ones is crucial. Prioritization is an excellent technique for choosing the most important ones. As one of many Multi-Criteria Decision Mak

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
دراسة حالة: Case Study
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The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the impact of deposit insurance to reduce banking risks, as banks in various countries of the world face a variety of risks that led to banking and financial crises that led to the failure and bankruptcy of many of its bank, which led to the banks to find quick and appropriate solutions to get rid of these difficulties These solutions include the use of bank deposit protection system for the many risks and sequences of crises that accompanied the Iraqi banking work of thefts, forgery, embezzlement and changing and unstable circumstances. The importance of studying the subject of research through the theoretical framework of banking risks as well as the framework of consideration In order to

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 02 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الإدراك الحسي الحركي لدى الطلبة المتفوقين والمتأخرين دراسيا في المدارس الإعدادية (بحث مستل من رسالة ماجستير بنفس العنوان / جامعة بغداد) كلية التربية للبنات 2009 م
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مشكلة البحث   The Problem of the Research


          يعّد التحصيل الدراسي للطلبة عموما من أهم أركان النشاط العقلي في المجال التربوي، فلا تكاد تخلو منه أيه مدرسة، أبتداءً من المدارس الابتدائية وقد تسبقها رياض الأطفال، إلى المدرسة الإعدادية والجامعية ، وقد تمتد إلى مراحل متقدمة في العمر، فكان الطالب وما يزال هو محور العملية ال

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