English has for long been one of the most widely used media of communication globally, especially in the Malaysian universities. It has been termed as a Lingua Franca because it is shared with other languages which are considered first languages by different speakers. For this reason, English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) has attracted a number of researchers to investigate its variety via other languages in various communities. The objective of this paper is therefore to establish the strategies which are employing by the international students at the National University of Malaysia/ UniversitiKebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) as an example of one of the Malaysian universities; when they engage in a conversation in their classrooms to avoid the difficulty of understanding the language in the lingua Franca context. UKM has a number of Non-Native English speakers (NNESs), international students who are also multilingual and cannot understand the indigenous Malay, Chinese and Tamil languages. Therefore the mode of teaching and the way they interact with each other becomes hard for them as they try to understand each other despite their origin. This has created a need for a common and international media of communication; which can concluded by the English language. English has been identified as one of the most widely used media of communication among these students. The current article aimed to find out the strategies which employ by the multilingual students at UKM as they try to communicate to each other through conversations and discussions inside the classrooms in the context of being a lingua Franca .This objective is achieved through voice recordings of conversations made between three master students . The data is analyzed using the conversational Analysis (CA) based on Hymes’ 1972 model of speaking.
تعد دراسة التراث العلمي العربي من الدراسات التي تلقي الضوء على التطور التاريخي للعلوم العربية وما أنجزته العقلية العربية في هذا الميدان للمدة التاريخية التي ابتدأت بعصر صدر الإسلام وانتهت بالخلافة ويرى الكثير من العلماء سواء كان
يعد التعلم النشطعملية نشطة ذهنية يبذٌل بها العقل الجهد الكافي لإِكتشاف المعرفة فالمعلمليس ناقلاً فيه للمعرفة ،) وانما مرشداً وموجهاً والمتعلم محور العملية التدريسية فيه،إِي عمليةإِبداع يختار منها المعلمما يستطيع الابداع فيه وتركيبه)حارص، 2015:6 والتعلم النشط طريقة تعاونية يشترك فيها جميع المتعلمين بالأنشطة والواجبات المتنوعة التي تسمح لهم بالأصغاء الإِيجابي والتحليل السليم للمادة والتفكي ا رلابداعي اذ تت
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وأدت هذه التكنولوجيا الجديد
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strong and clear effect on the child in forming his personality through the process
of social upbringing which works on transforming the child from a merely
biological being into an individual who has customs and traditions and the behavior
of the group to which he belongs, and till now there is no social organization or
institution that can do this process not even in partial way like the family
.Therefore depriving the child of his parents leads to depriving him of the normal
chances of growth which relate to his age stage and thus this shortcoming is hard to
treat and based on the preceding the current research aimed at the follo