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The Educational and Psychological Problems of Distinguished Students: علم النفس
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The present research aims at identifying the educational problems and psychological problems of distinguished students at the intermediate level. The research sample consists of (246) students who are randomly selected from four distinguished schools (2) in the Karkh\1 and (2) in the Rusafa\2.

The researcher has constructed two scales for measuring the educational and psychological problems. She ensures the psychometric characteristics of the two scales. Alph-Cronbach and test-retest methodsare used to ensure reliability. Some statistical treatments are used to find out the aims of research. These treatments include the one-sample T-test, two independent samples T-test, and the Pearson correlation coefficient. The results show that the sample members do not have educational problems, while they suffer from psychological problems in a moderate degree. Furthermore, there are statistically significant differences in educational/psychological problems in general according to the gender variable in favor of males. The educational and psychological problems are arranged in descending order according to their percentage to identify the five most prominent educational problems as follows:

The eighth problemweights(80)

The sixth problem weights(68.67(

The twelfth problem  weights(68)

The fourth problem  weights(67.67)

Sixteenth problem weights(66.33(

The psychological problems are listed as follows:

The twenty-sixth problem has reached (82.67 .(

The eighteenth problem has reached (79.67(.

The third problem  has reached (78).

The fifteenth problem has reached (77, 67).

The eleventh problem has reached (76.33).

The results show that there is a direct accelerated relationship between educational problems and psychological problems since the value of the correlation coefficient is (0.24).


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Publication Date
Mon Jun 22 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Phase Fitted And Amplification Fitted Of Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg Method Of Order 4(5) For Solving Oscillatory Problems
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In this paper, the proposed phase fitted and amplification fitted of the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method were derived on the basis of existing method of 4(5) order to solve ordinary differential equations with oscillatory solutions. The recent method has null phase-lag and zero dissipation properties. The phase-lag or dispersion error is the angle between the real solution and the approximate solution. While the dissipation is the distance of the numerical solution from the basic periodic solution. Many of problems are tested over a long interval, and the numerical results have shown that the present method is more precise than the 4(5) Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method.

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 24 2024
Journal Name
An International Journal Of Optimization And Control: Theories & Applications (ijocta)
The effect of a psychological scare on the dynamics of the tumor-immune interaction with optimal control strategy
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Contracting cancer typically induces a state of terror among the individuals who are affected. Exploring how chemotherapy and anxiety work together to affect the speed at which cancer cells multiply and the immune system’s response model is necessary to come up with ways to stop the spread of cancer. This paper proposes a mathematical model to investigate the impact of psychological scare and chemotherapy on the interaction of cancer and immunity. The proposed model is accurately described. The focus of the model’s dynamic analysis is to identify the potential equilibrium locations. According to the analysis, it is possible to establish three equilibrium positions. The stability analysis reveals that all equilibrium points consi

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Scopus (8)
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Academic Boredom in the Light of some Variables of Academically Excellent Intermediate Stage Students: زهراء سعد العبودي , انتصار كمال العاني
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Academic boredom is one of the most emotional problems that arouse an individual's fatigueness and lowers his interest. This is because of the environment's low efficiency and of spending long monotonous time. This state is characterized by having lack of interest, difficulties in concentration, and the desire to leave the class.  It is considered one of the most prominent forms of boredom widespread among students and the most severe and dangerous one that has negative effects and severe psychological and social problems. The current research aims to investigate a randomly selected sample of 335 students from the first and third grades at the directorates of education (Karkh and Rusafa) who suffers from academic boredom. Similarily

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 07 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Participation of the Students of the Colleges of Education in the Iraqi Universities in Literacy and Adult Education in Iraq. The Students of the Departments of Holy Quran and Islamic Education (A model)
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The study focuses on the problem that Iraq is approaching an increasing rate of literacy;the available data refers to a rate of (18% -19%). In addition to the fact that the generalcurrent role of the programs directed to literacy is not actually effective enough to limit the expansion of this rate.

The importance of this study highlights the fact that the Iraqi universities are an important tributary among the tributaries of human development, especially in spreading the education of the voluntary work in literacy field and confirming the connection between the students and their society and their role in solving one of the prominent challenges that face the development, i.e., literacy.


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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Feeding Problems in Children with Congenital Heart Diseases in Nasiriya Heart Center
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Objective: To identify feeding problems of children with congenital heart disease.
Methodology: Non probability (purposive) sample of (65) were selected of 225 children who visit Al Nasiriya
heart center during the period of conducting the pilot study, previously diagnosed with congenital heart
Results: The study results indicated that children with congenital heart disease have feeding difficulties, low
birth weight , repeated diarrhea , more than half of the sample taking medication for heart disease which cause
repeated vomiting, difficulty taking liquids and refusal of feeding or eating.(64.6%) of study sample suffered
from wasting. (78.5%) suffered from stunting. Almost half of the study sample suffered

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
( دور التخطيط في تنمية وتطوير المؤسسات التعليمية)
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الأهمية :

التخطيط بالمعنى العام مارسته بعض الجماعات ، وكثير من الأفراد عبر العصور فهم حاولوا أو يحاولون التحكم في مستقبل حياتهم أو حياة أبنائهم ، وقد حدثنا التأريخ عن بعض التجارب لمواجهة الأزمات والكوارث التي هددت بعض الشعوب ، ولعل قضية سيدنا يوسف عليه السلام وهي تشير الى خطته لمواجهة المجاعة المنتظرة ، ومقوماتها حسن التخزين وضبط الأستهلاك وفترتها الزمنية ، فضلاً عن أمثلة تاريخية لموا

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
The effectiveness of media communication and its problems in the contemporary theatrical presentation: راسل كاظم عوده-سلمان خلف حسين
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The theater can be considered a media that the effectiveness of its tools and the perceptions it produces cannot be abandoned according to patterns or aesthetic artistic trends, and at the same time it carries a large amount of information that can be worked on activating it with conscious directions within the elements of the theatrical performance, and these can be counted The study is an attempt to trace the functioning of the communication and media elements in the structure of the theatrical performance, as the study included: An introduction that defines the research problem and its importance, which crystallized around the following question: Does the media communication through theatrical presentation form its desired effectivene

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Knowledge and Attitude of Family Doctors Regarding the Provision of Psychological Health Care in Primary Health Care Centers in Baghdad Al-Karkh
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Background: Mental health is integrated into PHC as a strategy of WHO to fill the gap in mental health treatment. Part of this strategy needs a level of task shifting so that mental health care is provided by different level of PHC workers and not only specialists such as psychiatrists and psychologists.

Objectives: To assess the knowledge and attitudes of family doctors regarding the provision of psychological health in PHCC and if there is an association between the certificates of these family doctors and their Knowledge and attitudes to psychological health.

Subjects and Methods:  A cross-sectional descriptive study with analytic elements was conducted in 8 famil

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 27 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Level of Depression and Anxiety among School Age Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia under Chemotherapy Treatment at Pediatric Teaching Hospitals in Baghdad City
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Objective(s): To assess the level of depression and anxiety among school age children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia under chemotherapy treatment and to find out the relationship between the level of depression and anxiety among the affected children and their demographic characteristics.
Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted on school age children both gender having acute lymphoblastic leukemia under chemotherapy treated and their age between 6 years to 12 years. The study started from the period of September, 19th 2020 to March,1st 2021. Non-probability (Purposive) sample of (114) children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia under chemotherapy was selected in attending hospital wards, outpatient and counseling clinics

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
The role of psychological content in building the fiction film an analytical study of a selected sample
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 Psychological aspects are a major influence and motivation factor in many cinematic and television works such as television series. There are many films that dealt with psychological issues through the personality affected by psychological projections and complexes that lead towards abnormal behavior and actions in most cases, so the researchers chose the title and the research problem was raised through the following question: What is the mechanism that fulfills a psychological role in the narrative film? The objectives of the research were to reveal the mechanism used to instill psychological contents in the feature film? As for the limits of the research, it was an intentional sample, and the researchers adopted the descriptive anal

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