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The Indian Ghost in Lynn Riggs' Play The Cherokee Night

This play is written in 1932 by Lynn Riggs who is half Cherokee. The play is set in Claremore Mound, Oklahoma almost a century after the Trail of Tears. Riggs presents mixed- blood, young Cherokees to portray a post-colonial state of spiritual loss and disruption of traditional community ties. The new generation lives in darkness, and the title of the play tells about the dramatist's view that night comes to his Cherokee Nation. The Indian ghost is one of the play’s characters.  It is an Indian ghost of a warrior. It comes to remind Cherokees of their heritage and traditions. The ghost sees the new generation as nothing as ghosts because they are neither good for themselves nor for their nation. This paper is important as it discusses the post-colonial state of Cherokees after a century of their displacement, concentrating on mixed-blood youth to give a broader dimension of the state of non-belonging and spiritual loss of these young natives. The paper aims at examining this state during that period, and the findings of the paper show that the Cherokee nation has no hope to regain their great heritage.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Control Over The Medical Evacuation Program in light of the Government's Accounting System

The accounting system of government is considered an important tool to follow up the financial transactions that reflect the activities of governmental units and by which the useful information for estimating governmental annual revenues and expenditures are provided through the state public budget because it is an information system that provides detailed past performance, as well as measures the efficiency of the governmental agencies performance in implementing the budget, and the of success governmental units is measured through the type of services and programs offered, their size and the possibility of achieving the objectives assigned to them. The medical evacuation program is one of the medical and curative health services provid

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
Journal Name
Polarization and the mechanism of communication in the form of industrial products (green)

Our research which is under the name "Polarization and Communication mechanism in the formation of green industrial products " The problem of the research focuses in identifying what is polarization and its function mechanisms , by displaying the inventive and creative cases of the designer in how to exploit the industrial products and its recycling process to attract the user and recipient by asserting on the values of beauty of the appearance of the industrial product with the attraction Of the user and the recipient with the new function of that product and how its different from the function achieved by the old product , with consideration of nature and its preservation . The results of the research were as following : The designer e

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Fairness in the ancestral quarrel at the meeting of subordinate and representative metaphors

Having signed my eyes on the manuscript labeled (equity in the ancestral quarrel at the meeting of subordinate and representative metaphors) I was impressed by the process of achieving it; That manuscript came to light; to be seen by specialists in Arabic rhetoric and students of science, and supplement the library of rhetoric one of the sources ..

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Chronic Effects of Salinity in the Biology of ?? Rotifers Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas

The present study included the effect of chronic exposure for two concentrations of NaC? salt on the biology of fresh water zooplankton species Brachionus calyciflorus (from ^otifera). The concentrations 0.5 , 0.75%o were used for chronic exposure to investigate its effects on the life tables, range of the rate of expectation for further life and reproduction. The rotifer B. calyciflorus was sensitive to salinity and may tried to protect the species by increasing the size (2.22 ind./clutch lor control group and 2.9? for 0.5%o concentration) and number of clutches produced ?.1? clutch/female for control group and 2.9 ' ' ' for 0.75 %0 concentration) beside stimulation the animal to produce the first clutch of eggs earlier? ? small reduction

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2002
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

Samples of marsh frog included 148 sexually mature males were collected in Baghdad
from December 1992 to December 1993 to December 1993. The testis weight was expressed
as percentage of the body weight. The percent mean weights of testis were at their minimal
weight (0.255%) during April (spawning period).
Testis weight has increased until reached its greatest average weight in August (0.785%).
During the winter there is a slight decrease in weight with a more obvious fall at the spawning
months. From the results obtained from the present work on Rana ridibunda and from the
observations on annual cycle in testis weight of some temperate zone anurans we notice that
testes tend to be lowest after spawning and the te

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 04 2023
Journal Name
East European Journal Of Physics
Investigation the Structural Influences of Silver Oxide Addition in the Bioactive Phosphate Glasses

This research investigates the impact of varying concentrations of silver oxide on the structure and morphology of phosphate bioactive glass (PBG). PBGs are gaining popularity as a potential replacement for traditional silicate glasses in biomedical applications due to their adjustable chemical resistance and exceptional bioactivity. Upon examination of the scanning electron microscope of the composites without Ag2O, it was observed that the grains tended to merge together, and the surface particles appeared to be larger than those in composites with Ag2O at concentrations of 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 wt%. The study found that the diffraction pattern of phosphate bioactive glass composites sintered without Ag2O showed the presence of Stro

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Low Power Electronics And Applications
Tolerating Permanent Faults in the Input Port of the Network on Chip Router

Deep submicron technologies continue to develop according to Moore’s law allowing hundreds of processing elements and memory modules to be integrated on a single chip forming multi/many-processor systems-on-chip (MPSoCs). Network on chip (NoC) arose as an interconnection for this large number of processing modules. However, the aggressive scaling of transistors makes NoC more vulnerable to both permanent and transient faults. Permanent faults persistently affect the circuit functionality from the time of their occurrence. The router represents the heart of the NoC. Thus, this research focuses on tolerating permanent faults in the router’s input buffer component, particularly the virtual channel state fields. These fields track packets f

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The water bodies in the Southern East of Iraq before and after 2018

This study is concerned with the recent changes that occurred in the last three years (2017-2019) in the marshes region in southern Iraq as a result of the changes in the global climate, the study included all the water bodies in the five governorates that are located in the southern regions of Iraq (Wasit, Maysan, Dhi-Qar, Qadisiyah and Basrah), which represent the marshes lands in Iraq. Scenes of the Landsat 8 satellite are used to create a mosaic to cover the five governorates within a time window with the slightest difference between the date of the scene capture, not to exceed 8 days. The results of calculating the changes in water areas were obtained using the classifier support vector machine, where high accuracy ratios were recorded

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Civil And Environmental Engineering
Prediction of the Delay in the Portfolio Construction Using Naïve Bayesian Classification Algorithms
Abstract<p>Projects suspensions are between the most insistent tasks confronted by the construction field accredited to the sector’s difficulty and its essential delay risk foundations’ interdependence. Machine learning provides a perfect group of techniques, which can attack those complex systems. The study aimed to recognize and progress a wellorganized predictive data tool to examine and learn from delay sources depend on preceding data of construction projects by using decision trees and naïve Bayesian classification algorithms. An intensive review of available data has been conducted to explore the real reasons and causes of construction project delays. The results show that the postpo</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Apr 19 2022
Journal Name
Ishraqat Tanmawia
The reality of the divorce problem in Iraqi society Reasons, solutions and results

Praise be to God, who created people from one soul, and made her husband, and prayers and peace be upon His Messenger, Mercy given and the grace given, and on a machine and companions pure. Divorce cases have increased in recent years in a worrying manner, especially since divorce has unforeseen consequences at the individual and social levels. The source of concern stems from the fact that the cohesion and integrity of society starts from a family as it is the cornerstone of the social structure, which is the foundation upon which the large society is based. Marital life may suffer from problems and obstacles that are difficult to solve, so the man presents the divorce of his wife and that the phenomenon of divorce is not a result of it, b

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