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Second Language Learning and Its Relationship with the Third Language Learning: Statistical Study: China
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The exchanges in various fields,like economics, science, culture, etc., have been enhanced unceasingly among different countries around the world in the twenty-first century, thus, the university graduate who masters one foreign language does not meet the need of the labor market in most countries.So, many universities began to develop new programs to cultivate students who can use more foreign languages to serve the intercultural communication. At the same time, there is more scientific research emerged which is related to the relationship between the second and third languages. This humble research seeks to explain the relevant concepts and analyze the real data collected from Shanghai International Studies University in China, to explore this relationship transparently in front of readers and provide recommendations for non-native speakers,especially Chinese learners. Additionally, as a sample study, it aims to serve other researchers and future studies as well.The research results will be produced according to the quantitative and qualitative analyses at the same timeto guarantee the objectivity and validity of the data. As for the part of the qualitative analysis, the paper will explain some related concepts generated in the western world, including their characteristics, benefits, and differences. As for the part of the quantitative analysis, it will refer to the statistics program SPSS. Then, it will produce relevant data with drawings and tables. Lastly, it will clarify the meanings of those data and the relationships among them.

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 11 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Analytical Methods for Determination of Ketoprofen Drug: A review
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Ketoprofen has recently been proven to offer therapeutic potential in preventing cancers such as colorectal and lung tumors, as well as in treating neurological illnesses. The goal of this review is to show the methods that have been used for determining ketoprofen in pharmaceutical formulations. Precision product quality control is crucial to confirm the composition of the drugs in pharmaceutical use. Several analytical techniques, including chromatographic and spectroscopic methods, have been used for determining ketoprofen in different sample forms such as a tablet, capsule, ampoule, gel, and human plasma. The limit of detection of ketoprofen was 0.1 ng/ ml using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry, while it was 0

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Analytical Methods for Determination of Ketoprofen Drug: A review
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Ketoprofen has recently been proven to offer therapeutic potential in preventing cancers such as colorectal and lung tumors, as well as in treating neurological illnesses. The goal of this review is to show the methods that have been used for determining ketoprofen in pharmaceutical formulations. Precision product quality control is crucial to confirm the composition of the drugs in pharmaceutical use. Several analytical techniques, including chromatographic and spectroscopic methods, have been used for determining ketoprofen in different sample forms such as a tablet, capsule, ampoule, gel, and human plasma. The limit of detection of ketoprofen was 0.1 ng/ ml using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry, while it was 0.01-

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 29 2022
Journal Name
Modern Sport
تأثير منهج تعليمي قائم على أنموذج التعلم البنائي في بعض المهارات الاساسية الهجومية بكرة السلة للطالبات
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أن عملية التعلم لازالت تسير بنفس الاسلوب المتبع الذي لا يعتبر المتعلمة محور اساسي في عملية التعلم مما سبب ظهور الملل وانخفاض الرغبة لدى المتعلمات للتعلم لغياب الحافز, ولكون المهارات الاساسية بكرة السلة كالمناولة الصدرية والطبطبة بتغير الاتجاه والتصويب السلمي تعد من المهارات المهمة في اللعبة تم اجراء هذه الدراسة الذي يهدف الى اعداد  منهج تعليمي قائم على انموذج التعلم البنائي والتعرف على تأثيره في بعض ا

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Solving Oscillating Problems Using Modifying Runge-Kutta Methods
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     This paper develop conventional Runge-Kutta methods of order four and order five to solve ordinary differential equations with oscillating solutions. The new modified Runge-Kutta methods (MRK) contain the invalidation of phase lag, phase lag’s derivatives, and amplification error. Numerical tests from their outcomes show the robustness and competence of the new methods compared to the well-known Runge-Kutta methods in the scientific literature.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"Comparison of Approximate Estimation Methods for Logistics Distribution Teachers"
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The goal beyond this Research is to review methods that used to estimate Logistic distribution parameters. An exact estimators method which is the Moment method, compared with other approximate estimators obtained essentially from White approach such as: OLS, Ridge, and Adjusted Ridge as a suggested one to be applied with this distribution. The Results of all those methods are based on Simulation experiment, with different models and variety of  sample sizes. The comparison had been made with respect to two criteria: Mean Square Error (MSE) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE).  

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 25 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Local Search Algorithms for Multi-criteria Single Machine Scheduling Problem
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   Real life scheduling problems require the decision maker to consider a number of criteria before arriving at any decision. In this paper, we consider the multi-criteria scheduling problem of n jobs on single machine to minimize a function of five criteria denoted by total completion times (∑), total tardiness (∑), total earliness (∑), maximum tardiness () and maximum earliness (). The single machine total tardiness problem and total earliness problem are already NP-hard, so the considered problem is strongly NP-hard.

We apply two local search algorithms (LSAs) descent method (DM) and simulated annealing method (SM) for the 1// (∑∑∑

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Influence of Sample Mixing Techniques on Engine Oil Contamination Analysis by Infrared Spectroscopy
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For the most reliable and reproducible results for calibration or general testing purposes of two immiscible liquids, such as water in engine oil, good emulsification is vital. This study explores the impact of emulsion quality on the Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy calibration standards for measuring water contamination in used or in-service engine oil, in an attempt to strengthen the specific guidelines of ASTM International standards for sample preparation. By using different emulsification techniques and readily available laboratory equipment, this work is an attempt to establish the ideal sample preparation technique for reliability, repeatability, and reproducibility for FT-IR analysis while still considering t

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Effect of Nickel Substitution On Structural and Electrical Properties of Hg<sub>0.5</sub>Pb<sub>0.5</sub>Ba<sub>2</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3-y</sub>Ni<sub>y</sub>O<sub>8+δ</sub> Superconductor Composite
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Abstract<p>six specimens of the Hg<sub>0.5</sub>Pb<sub>0.5</sub>Ba<sub>2</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3-y</sub> <italic>Ni<sub>y</sub> </italic>O<sub>8+δ</sub> (y=0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0) superconducting compound were prepared by solid state reaction method, with sintering temperature equal to 1123K for 24 hours. The electrical resistivity was examined by the four probe technique, It was found that all the specimens have metallic behavior and increasing the critical temperature with increasing nickel concentration. The optimum critical temperature T<sub>c</sub> was found equal </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
Modern Applied Science
A New Method for Detecting Cerebral Tissues Abnormality in Magnetic Resonance Images
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We propose a new method for detecting the abnormality in cerebral tissues present within Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI). Present classifier is comprised of cerebral tissue extraction, image division into angular and distance span vectors, acquirement of four features for each portion and classification to ascertain the abnormality location. The threshold value and region of interest are discerned using operator input and Otsu algorithm. Novel brain slices image division is introduced via angular and distance span vectors of sizes 24˚ with 15 pixels. Rotation invariance of the angular span vector is determined. An automatic image categorization into normal and abnormal brain tissues is performed using Support Vector Machine (SVM). St

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Self-Repairing Technique Based on Microcapsules for Cementitious Composites- A Review
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Self-repairing technology based on micro-capsules is an efficient solution for repairing cracked cementitious composites. Self-repairing based on microcapsules begins with the occurrence of cracks and develops by releasing self-repairing factors in the cracks located in concrete. Based on previous comprehensive studies, this paper provides an overview of various repairing factors and investigative methodologies. There has recently been a lack of consensus on the most efficient criteria for assessing self-repairing based on microcapsules and the smart solutions for improving capsule survival ratios during mixing. The most commonly utilized self-repairing efficiency assessment indicators are mechanical resistance and durab

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