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Second Language Learning and Its Relationship with the Third Language Learning: Statistical Study: China
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The exchanges in various fields,like economics, science, culture, etc., have been enhanced unceasingly among different countries around the world in the twenty-first century, thus, the university graduate who masters one foreign language does not meet the need of the labor market in most countries.So, many universities began to develop new programs to cultivate students who can use more foreign languages to serve the intercultural communication. At the same time, there is more scientific research emerged which is related to the relationship between the second and third languages. This humble research seeks to explain the relevant concepts and analyze the real data collected from Shanghai International Studies University in China, to explore this relationship transparently in front of readers and provide recommendations for non-native speakers,especially Chinese learners. Additionally, as a sample study, it aims to serve other researchers and future studies as well.The research results will be produced according to the quantitative and qualitative analyses at the same timeto guarantee the objectivity and validity of the data. As for the part of the qualitative analysis, the paper will explain some related concepts generated in the western world, including their characteristics, benefits, and differences. As for the part of the quantitative analysis, it will refer to the statistics program SPSS. Then, it will produce relevant data with drawings and tables. Lastly, it will clarify the meanings of those data and the relationships among them.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Extraction of Essential Oil from Iraqi Eucalyptus Camadulensis Leaves by Water Distillation Methods
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The extraction of Eucalyptus oil from Iraqi Eucalyptus Camadulensis leaves was studded using water distillation methods. The amount of Eucalyptus oil has been determined in a variety of extraction temperature and agitation speed. The effect of water to Eucalyptus leaves (solvent to solid) ratio and particle size of Eucalyptus leaves has been studied in order to evaluate the amount of Eucalyptus oil. The optimum experimental condition for the Eucalyptus oil extraction was established as follows: 100 C extraction temperature, 200 rpm agitation speed; 0.5 cm leave particle size and 6: 1 ml: g amount of water to eucalyptus leaves Ratio.

Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
المربعات الصغرى المشذبة الموزونة لتقدير تأثير مياه الصرف الصحي في تلوث مياه نهر دجلة/ محافظة واسط
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في كثير من الأحيان يفشل تحليل المربعات الصغرى (LS) تماماً في حالة وجود قيم شاذة في الظواهر المدروسة، اذ ستفقد OLS خصائصها ومن ثم تفقد صفة المقدر الخطي الجيد Beast Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE) لِما تسببه الشواذ Outliers من تأثير سيئ علـى نتـائج التحليـل الاحـصائي للبيانـات اذ أن وجودها يؤدي الى إرباك كبير في تحليل البيانات في حالة إستخدام الطرائق التقليدية، ولعلاج هذه المشكلة تم تطوير أساليب إحصائية جديدة بحيث لا تتأثر بالقي

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
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Interval methods for verified integration of initial value problems (IVPs) for ODEs have been used for more than 40 years. For many classes of IVPs, these methods have the ability to compute guaranteed error bounds for the flow of an ODE, where traditional methods provide only approximations to a solution. Overestimation, however, is a potential drawback of verified methods. For some problems, the computed error bounds become overly pessimistic, or integration even breaks down. The dependency problem and the wrapping effect are particular sources of overestimations in interval computations. Berz (see [1]) and his co-workers have developed Taylor model methods, which extend interval arithmetic with symbolic computations. The latter is an ef

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Extraction of Essential Oil from Iraqi<i>Eucalyptus Camadulensis</i>Leaves by Water Distillation Methods
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The extraction of Eucalyptus oil from Iraqi Eucalyptus Camadulensis leaves was studded using water distillation methods. The amount of Eucalyptus oil has been determined in a variety of extraction temperature and agitation speed. The effect of water to Eucalyptus leaves (solvent to solid) ratio and particle size of Eucalyptus leaves has been studied in order to evaluate the amount of Eucalyptus oil. The optimum experimental condition for the Eucalyptus oil extraction was established as follows: 100˚C extraction temperature, 200 rpm agitation speed; 0.5 cm leave particle size and 6:1 ml: g amount of water to eucalyptus leaves Ratio.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Monitoring Vegetation Area in Baghdad Using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
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       Vegetation monitoring is considered an important application in remote sensing task due to variation of vegetation types and their distribution. The vegetation concentration around the Earth is increase in 5% in 2000 according to NASA monitoring. This increase is due to the Indian vegetable programs. In this research, the vegetation monitoring in Baghdad city was done using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for temporal Landsat satellite images (Landsat 5 TM& Landsat 8 OIL). These images had been used and utilize in different times during the period from 2000, 2010, 2015 & 2017. The outcomes of the study demonstrate that a change in the vegetation Cover (VC) in Baghdad city. (NDVI) generally shows a

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Scopus (8)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jul 20 2021
Journal Name
Materials Science Forum
Red Laser Irradiation Effect on the Structural Properties of MawsoniteCu&lt;sub&gt;6&lt;/sub&gt;Fe&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;SnS&lt;sub&gt;8&lt;/sub&gt; [CFTS] Thin Films Deposited via Semi-Computerized Spray Pyrolysis Technique
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The existing investigation explains the consequence of irradiation of violet laser on the structure properties of MawsoniteCu6Fe2SnS8 [CFTS] thin films. The film was equipped by the utilization of semi-computerized spray pyrolysis technique (SCSPT), it is the first time that this technique is used in the preparation and irradiation using a laser. when the received films were processed by continuous red laser (700 nm) with power (>1000mW) for different laser irradiation time using different number of times a laser scan (0, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 times) with total irradiation time (0,30,45,60,75,90 min) respectively at room temperature.. The XRD diffraction gave polycrysta

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Issues of Media Trials in Iraqi after 2003
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The Supreme Judicial Council decided on July 3, 2003, to set up a court to deal with the issues of publication and media. This court tries to solve the problems of media and publishing in both its civil and penal aspects. The decision of establishing the court represents a new and important step to be taken by the Iraqi Judicial Council for the tremendous development witnessed by media sector in general and press in particular especially after 2003.
This study includes two main axes: the first one deals with the most important crimes of publication in the Iraqi legislations such as the crimes of defamation, libel, insult, indecency, and incitement; the second deals with an analytical survey of the completed cases i.e. the issues tha

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Asocaial acceptance to ward slow learnes by their normal peers
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هدفت الدراسة الحالية الى التعرف ما اذا كان هناك تقبل اجتماعي للتلاميذ بطيئي من قبل اقرانهم العاديين؟ وكذلك معرفة ما اذا كان هناك فروق ذات دلالة في التقبل الاجتماعي بين افراد عينة الدراسة على وفق المتغيرات الاتية:

أ- العمر (9-13)

ب- الجنس (ذكور –اناث)

ج- المرحلة الدراسية

د- الحالة الاقتصادية (جيدة –متوسطة –جيدة جدا)

    ولغرض تحقيق اه

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر إستراتيجية خلايا التعلم في تنمية التفكير الناقد والتفكير التأملي لدى طلاب الصف الخامس الأدبي في مادة الجغرافية
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Find extract This research aims to find out (after learning strategy cells in the development of critical thinking and reflective thinking at the fifth-grade students in the geographic literary material). And follow researcher Almhnj demo for the purpose of achieving the goals of current research and design on an experimental group and a control with a test group after me and adopted chose researcher sample Find a way Mqsidih students of junior high Kadhimiya Boys of the breeding Baghdad / Karkh II and to verify the effectiveness of the search coined researcher hypotheses following cases: - 1. No statistically significant between the mean scores of the experimental group and the students taught her students that strategy differences (lea

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Self concept among slow leaner student
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Slow learning becomes a problem in the present , where it comprises ratio musnt ignore in every school . So , its one of education problems facing by parents and teachers .

Slow learning subject regard of new subject attract the attention in the last years of the 20th century where the attention was focusing on the other disabilities but the existence of number of healthy children suffering from Learning problems attract the attention of the researchers .

So , this study aims at recognizing the degree of self , concept among slow learner students and the differences significance of self concept according to sex and academic degree of parents variables.

Because there is not tool , the researcher build a

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