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Geopolitical dimensions to build a dam on the downstream Renaissance (Egypt and Sudan)
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Varied uses of international rivers in the past few decades dramatically, resulting in this multiplicity of uses and all associated with it for the occurrence of freshwater scarcity activities, and thus an increase in conflicts and disputes around on the rights of each of the riparian countries to benefit from the waters of the river at various purposes, particularly the establishment of dams on some of them as is the case (Renaissance Ethiopian) big impact on downstream countries Dam (Egypt and Sudan), due to the Oukuahma at the end of the Nile Valley made them vulnerable to environmental fluctuations, political crises facing the Nile basin countries, and any reduction in the proportion of water is not only the Nile River, but for all rivers will have serious repercussions, affecting the agricultural and industrial production, food security, particularly Egypt as it exploits (85%) of the river water for agricultural purposes, and thus water share to be below the required threshold, so unlike all the other Nile basin countries that have many other sources so is the subject of the Nile water for Egypt is a national security issue in the absence of a comprehensive agreement includes all the riparian states of the Nile River, especially with the presence of external forces (such as the US and Israel) are trying to provoke differences in order to become a party to take advantage of the territorial waters and international, which will cause adverse effects (current and future) to downstream (Egypt and Sudan), represented by (water deficit grave) will happen by filling the tank with water period, and after the collapse of the dam being built on an extremely rugged slope on the plateau, the prospects for its collapse is very high.

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Publication Date
Fri May 29 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Image Fusion Techniques: A Review
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Image Fusion is being used to gather important data from such an input image array and to place it in a single output picture to make it much more meaningful & usable than either of the input images. Image fusion boosts the quality and application of data. The accuracy of the image that has fused depending on the application. It is widely used in smart robotics, audio camera fusion, photonics, system control and output, construction and inspection of electronic circuits, complex computer, software diagnostics, also smart line assembling robots. In this paper provides a literature review of different image fusion techniques in the spatial domain and frequency domain, such as averaging, min-max, block substitution, Intensity-Hue-Saturation(IH

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiyah For Computer Science And Mathematics
Passport Photo Compression: A Review
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The demand for electronic -passport photo ( frontal facial) images has grown rapidly. It now extends to Electronic Government (E-Gov) applications such as social benefits driver's license, e-passport, and e-visa . With the COVID 19 (coronavirus disease ), facial (formal) images are becoming more widely used and spreading quickly, and are being used to verify an individual's identity, but unfortunately that comes with insignificant details of constant background which leads to huge byte consumption that affects storage space and transmission, where the optimal solution that aims to curtail data size using compression techniques that based on exploiting image redundancy(s) efficiently.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Politeness: A Socio- Pragmatic Study
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The most influential theory of ‘Politeness’ was formulated in 1978 and revised in 1987 by Brown and Levinson. ‘Politeness’, which represents the interlocutors’ desire to be pleasant to each other through a positive manner of addressing, was claimed to be a universal phenomenon. The gist of the theory is the intention to mitigate ‘Face’ threats carried by certain ‘Face’ threatening acts towards others.

            ‘Politeness Theory’ is based on the concept that interlocutors have ‘Face’ (i.e., self and public – image) which they consciously project, try to protect and to preserve. The theory holds that various politeness strategies are used to prot

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Animation from a legitimate perspective
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This study aims at investigating the partial Islamic rules of preparing and distributing cartoons in order to issue an overall Islamic rul. To reach an end, descriptive and analytical approaches are adopted to clarify the nature of cartoons and other related concepts. The researcher, as well, with reference to verses of the Holy Quran, tradition (Hadith) and Islamic jurists, adopts a deductive approach to issue Islamic rules related to the industry of cartoons and it's distribution
The study consists of three sections. The first Section addresses the following issues: Definition animation; and related wordy. The second Section: Origin of Cartoon's history and it's negative and positive effects. The third Section: Islamic rules related

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 09 2016
Journal Name
Advances In Environmental Biology
A study effect Histological changes
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Natural head position: A review
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Objectives: Although the Frankfort Horizontal (FH) and sella-nasion were routinely used as craniofacial reference planes, the inter-individual orientations were changeable when related to true horizontal (HOR). Natural head position (NHP) is a reproducible, standardized position, with the head in an upright posture and eyes focused on a point in the distance at eye level so that the visual axis is horizontal. The natural head position has importance in anthropological as well as in orthodontic fields, as this position has a relatively fixed relationship to the true horizontal and vertical planes. However, NHP is clinically not simple and it takes long time to be recorded, in addition to a deficiency in the tools utilized in the NHP and l

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
2nd International Conference On Mathematical Techniques And Applications: Icmta2021
Polynomial image compression: A review
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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Proposed Algorithm for Steganography
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Steganography is an important class of security which is widely used in computer and network security nowadays. In this research, a new proposed algorithm was introduced with a new concept of dealing with steganography as an algorithmic secret key technique similar to stream cipher cryptographic system. The proposed algorithm is a secret key system suggested to be used in communications for messages transmission steganography

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Epidemiological Complex Networks: A Survey
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     In this review paper, several research studies were surveyed to assist future researchers to identify available techniques in the field of infectious disease modeling across complex networks. Infectious disease modelling is becoming increasingly important because of the microbes and viruses that threaten people’s lives and societies in all respects. It has long been a focus of research in many domains, including mathematical biology, physics, computer science, engineering, economics, and the social sciences, to properly represent and analyze spreading processes. This survey first presents a brief overview of previous literature and some graphs and equations to clarify the modeling in complex networks, the detection of soc

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Epidemiological Complex Networks: A Survey
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     In this review paper, several research studies were surveyed to assist future researchers to identify available techniques in the field of infectious disease modeling across complex networks. Infectious disease modelling is becoming increasingly important because of the microbes and viruses that threaten people’s lives and societies in all respects. It has long been a focus of research in many domains, including mathematical biology, physics, computer science, engineering, economics, and the social sciences, to properly represent and analyze spreading processes. This survey first presents a brief overview of previous literature and some graphs and equations to clarify the modeling in complex networks, the detection of soc

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