يحاول البحث الحالي استكناه العلاقة بين عوامل الامن الانساني المفقودة في محافظة البصرة وبين موجة الاحتجاجات الواسعة التي اجتاحتها في تموز من عام 2018، اذ ان هذه المحافظة التي تعد ثالث أكبر المدن العراقية، والمطلة على المنفذ البحري العراقي الوحيد، والتي تحتوي على اكبر حقول للنفط تزود الموازنة العامة في العراق بما يقرب من 95% من العائدات المالية تعاني منذ سنوات طويلة من عدم انعكاس تلك الثروة على واقع ابنائها المعاشي، اذ ترزح تحت نير الفقر والبطالة والمرض الناتج عن ارتفاع نسب التلوث في البيئة وارتفاع نسب الملوحة في المياه، الى جانب الظرف المناخي المتمثل في درجات الحرارة العالية صيفاً والذي تقترن بشكل دائم بعجز منظومة الكهرباء الوطنية عن الايفاء بحاجة المحافظة من الطاقة، ما دعا الى تشكيل حركة اجتماعية واسعة تمثلت في موجة من التظاهرات والاحتجاجات التي تخللها في بعض الاحيان التصعيد العنيف.
المبحث الاول \ مفهوم التنشئة الاجتماعية
التنشئة الاجتماعية هي الاسلوب الذي يتبناه مجتمع ما في بناء الإنسان على صورة الثقافة القائمة وتبرز التنشئة الاجتماعية كحاضن الثقافي يتشكل فيه الإنسان وينموعلى صورة المعايير الثقافية التربوية تحددها الثقافة عينها وفي أسلوب التنشئة الاجتماعية وأنماطها المختلفة تبرز واحدة من أهم القضايا الأساسية للوجود الإنساني والتي تتعلق ببناء جوهر
... Show Moreيتفق معظم العلماء على اهمية الرأي العام في کل الازمنه والامکنة کلها، لکل ناس حکام ومحکومون افراد وجماعات فهو يشکل قوة ضغط على تلک الانظمة والحکومات وان کانت تلک القضايا لها مساس بمصالح الناس ومدى تاثيرها على الانظمة في اتخاذ القرارات من خلال الاحکام التي تصدرها الناس. والبحث هنا يتناول الرأي العام بمفهوم الحرية الممنوحة لهم وان کانت مدة الدراسة لا تتناول المفهوم بذاته ولکن يعبر عنه بمفاهيم مثل ارادة ال
... Show Moreأيديولوجيا العنف في الفكر الاسلامي : داعش أنموذجاً
Considers births illegal for children (illegitimate) phenomenon of negative social phenomena in our society where it's dangerous and the superiority of gravity on other social phenomena Calanhrav, homelessness and other due to poor drainage energies and sexual dysfunction in the value system among its actors and is characterized by the absence of social conscience and a lack of morality and the weakness of the system human-reliance among others.
The morality is the obvious difference between humans and animals. Wade this to say social scientists, while human social animal they said no that he has morals and values do not exist in other organisms so well that births
... Show MoreThrough the study of social work and social policy ( problems of marginalization and empowerment opportunities ) and taken a theoretically descriptive and analytical and highliyhed the role of social work in social policy its achieved only through community intraction and paamong all parties and according to social policies include of material resources and haman and integrated in to the planning and development framework with the aim of providing social services for allsegments of society and become the study in social work that include the introducation / and five chapters each chapter in cludes several detectives and each complements the other .
1 – The absence of social development projects on social policy .
2 – social pol
That writing about the Iraqi Museum, within this context that comes second only to the Egyptian Museum , in terms of the establishment , not least his affair in terms of the historical value of the effects that represent the civilization of Iraq and his history of the old , which stretches for thousands of years until it became a landmark and cultural landmarks the city of Baghdad salient .
The motive for the study of the subject of the Iraqi Museum upbringing and development until 1963 , we did not find a study documented by the independent research except for studies that are specialized to study the ancient history of Iraq and its effects was the outcome of efforts exploration missions archaeological that stretched across decades o
The subject of this thesis acquired it's importance from many sides most
important of it , it's the nature of the relationship between Iraq-Syria relation
itself . which is basic on many close and fare relationship between them upon
the history , and also the changes that happened in global and regional area
after the 11th September 2001 and the changes of the American strategy upon
Syria , and the trying of the united states to qualify the Syrian role inside its
regional in the meddle east upon the changes that imposing by the united
states which is the most important event was the occupation of Iraq .
The importance of this subject is also due to the occupation of the united
states upon the Iraq on April 2003
The political participation of the Iraqi woman, gains a big importance equivalent to its role in all other fields. Therefore , it represents a higher value in the democratic orientation in addition to the importance of rising the reality of the woman specifically in the fields that are considered as a scale of the human development like the income, health, and education . The weakness of womenʹs political participation, is something that can't be ignored or neglected if we are looking forward to the rising of the country᾽s reality and achieving the required development in its all aspects. The woman is half of society or more than that due to the burden of raising the generations tasks. This can be achieved by taking part in th
... Show MoreThe deliberation and exchanged of power is a matter of political importance For the Iraqi political system after 2003, The deliberation of power and its democratic transition and electoral integrity Is a good indicator of political stability and progress In the Iraqi parliamentary political system , The transfer of authority in terms of adopting the deliberative approach represents a structural and institutional dimension of the political process , it led the power to become Authority of the Foundation Exercised in accordance with the Constitution and the law not real power , And lead to the recognition of the existence of an official parliamentary opposition and its right to take political power later through the ballot box Makes the pr
... Show MoreOur goal in the present paper is to recall the concept of general fuzzy normed space and its basic properties in order to define the adjoint operator of a general fuzzy bounded operator from a general fuzzy normed space V into another general fuzzy normed space U. After that basic properties of the adjoint operator were proved then the definition of fuzzy reflexive general fuzzy normed space was introduced in order to prove that every finite dimensional general fuzzy normed space is fuzzy reflexive.