يحاول البحث الحالي استكناه العلاقة بين عوامل الامن الانساني المفقودة في محافظة البصرة وبين موجة الاحتجاجات الواسعة التي اجتاحتها في تموز من عام 2018، اذ ان هذه المحافظة التي تعد ثالث أكبر المدن العراقية، والمطلة على المنفذ البحري العراقي الوحيد، والتي تحتوي على اكبر حقول للنفط تزود الموازنة العامة في العراق بما يقرب من 95% من العائدات المالية تعاني منذ سنوات طويلة من عدم انعكاس تلك الثروة على واقع ابنائها المعاشي، اذ ترزح تحت نير الفقر والبطالة والمرض الناتج عن ارتفاع نسب التلوث في البيئة وارتفاع نسب الملوحة في المياه، الى جانب الظرف المناخي المتمثل في درجات الحرارة العالية صيفاً والذي تقترن بشكل دائم بعجز منظومة الكهرباء الوطنية عن الايفاء بحاجة المحافظة من الطاقة، ما دعا الى تشكيل حركة اجتماعية واسعة تمثلت في موجة من التظاهرات والاحتجاجات التي تخللها في بعض الاحيان التصعيد العنيف.
the research discussed a stage of strategic management. The strategic of the evaluation of the proposed strategy through feedback is to ensure that it is implemented with the least possible variation. The research aims at evaluation a proposed strategy for the Ministry of Planning for the years 2018-2022 in line with the orientations of the state, taking into account the surrounding environmental conditions. It relies on scientific bases and steps to formulate the strategy The extent of the strategy suitability was tested through a set of statistical means and its objectivity was verified through a survey of a number of specialized experts who were selected in accordance with the principle
... Show MoreThis research aims to study the economic, social, and political reality of Iraqi women by identifying the obstacles and diagnosing their empowerment trends in various fields, assessing the extent of their participation in economic activity, and re-achieving balance between women and men by reducing the gender gap between them and reducing the percentage of female unemployment to the lowest possible level. Is achieved by enhancing confidence in Iraqi women by enacting laws and making decisions that allow them to access resources freely. The researcher used the descriptive and analytical method to deal with information and data related to the research topic over a specific period (1990-2018), using local, Arab, and international re
... Show MoreThe research explores through its three parts, to search for the unconscious and the collective unconscious in order to identify the per-formative stimuli and motives and their motivation to produce a performance that is consistent with the metaphysics of the myth or the epic and its different characters from other human characters. The paper also explores in its second section a sort of sacred performance energy. Together, along with motivating the mind and engaging the subconscious, comes a metaphysical text and with its characters and epic events.
اهتم الفكر السياسي في القرنين الاخيرين بدراسة الطبقات على نحو غير مسبوق, واصبح موضوع التحليل الطبقي المعني بالطبقات من حيث تعريفها, وتحديد موقعها في السلم الاجتماعي, فضلاً عن نوعية العلاقة بين شرائحها وفئاتها المختلفة من حيث الصراع والتناغم, المادة الرئيسة والموضوع الاكثر اهمية في دراسات الفكر السياسي والاجتماعي.ومن بين الطبقات, احتلت الطبقة الوسطى مكا
... Show MoreThe research is a vision of the future of industry in Iraq, so it is may be outside the ceiling of the capabilities of the Iraqi economy, and therefore it is exaggerated. Therefore, future plans must be applicable through the availability of capabilities. Everyone knows that the financial and administrative corruption and mismanagement of resources are the main cause of the inefficiency of the industrial sector, and the failure to exercise its real role in achieving economic development.; as well as the political situation and the dominance of parties and their insistence on addressing positions that have a strong relationship in managing the economic sector that has a significant impact on drawing the economic map in its current
... Show MoreIraqi-Saudi Relations have witnessed a state of rapprochement over decades. However, this rapprochement was temporary and could not overcome the differences that formed the core of Iraqi-Saudi relations after 2003, relations between Iraq and Saudi Arabia deteriorated with the Iraqi governments that followed the rule of Iraq after 2003, especially the government of Nuri Al-Maliki in which relations reached the end of mutual accusations between the two parties. In order to promote the relationship between the two countries, a culture of moderation has to be propagated especially in the field of religion and the religious institution should be encouraged to open up to other sects and to recognize all sects as prelude to combating the cultur
... Show MoreThe Iraqi- Kuwaiti relations had witnessed a lot of problems which had its impact on them, at the fore front is the frontier issue, and the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990 which led to the severance of relations between them and had strengthened the disagreement and the dispute and raised the animosity and tension.
After 2003, Iraq has witnessed a lot of changes which affected Iraq and the region as a whole.
Under the new political developments in Iraq, a now phase has started in the relations between the two parts. which is based on the emphasis on building new relations based on the mutual respect and non intervention in the internal affairs of both countries, and in accordance with the principles of the international law, and w
The press release plays an important role in understanding and recognizing the policy of governments by the public in managing the state, especially in times of crises, as it helps to clarify the position of the government and its decisions.In addition, it is considered as one of the most important tools of communication between the government and its public at the present time.
In light of the technical developments and adopting modern mechanisms in transferring of what is issued by the government, the press release has been edited and published electronically; and helps in the success of this transfer speed and knowledge of the reactions of the masses towards the implications,In a crisis like the Basrah crisis in particular, the Ira