لما كانت الوظيفة الأساسية للغة هي الوظيفة التواصلية ، أو التبادل الكلامي بين المخاطب والمستمع ، فكان لا بد لهذه الوظيفة من آليات – لغوية وبلاغية – يستعملها المتكلم أو المرسل للخطاب الأدبي لتوجيه ذهن السامع أو المخاطب نحو ما يطرحه من أفكار ، ورؤى ، واقناعه عن طريق التواصل ، بمضمون الخطاب واستلزام سرعة الانجاز ، وتأسيساً على ذلك جاء هذا البحث لبيان هذه الآليات في الخطاب القرآني متمثلاً في سور الطور والنجم والقمر .
The science of The facts basically depends on the intentions of the speaker and what he deliberately waves to the interlocutor, taking into account the context in which the verbal act was received .
This research deals with a unique and innovative topic, that is the study of complaint in the Quranic text. Despite its importance, it has never been studied before, because most of the complaint 's meanings in the Quranic text is: the in explicit complaint. The mentioned complaint's expressions in different contexts overlap with other purposes, in particular call method and its peripherals like mourn , ask for help , exclamation and others.
Moreover, expressions that reveal complaint are related to the complainant's emotional and psychological status, and the complaint's context.
This research deals with the topic into two sections: The first deals with the important expression of complaint such as: iff, ouah, mooing, crying. The
The absurdity of Orientalist thought and its deviation in interpretation
Quranic text
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تنبع أهمية البحث من أهمية الخبرات اللغوية التي يكتسبها الأطفال في مرحلة الرياض لما لها من أهمية بالغة في تطوير النمو اللغوي لطفل الرياض وزيادة ذخيرته اللغوية في المرحلة المستقبلية القادمة.
أن ما يكتسبه الطفل في مرحلة الرياض من ألفاظٍ وكلمات تساعد على تنمية محصوله اللغوي وتمكنهُ من النطق اللغوي السليم وتطوير قابليتهِ على تكوين الجُمل والعبارات السليمة التي تُمهد لدخولهِ المرحلة الابتدائ
... Show MoreActing on the Holy Qur’an by contemplating its meanings, stopping at its commands and prohibitions, and everything in it that guides us to truth and mercy. The Holy Qur’an includes it for various purposes in one verse, and there is no doubt that this is part of the perfection of this great book, and one of the sciences of the fundamentalists is the indication of the context, and it is a great science of high rank, and it is one of the most important things that lead to the correct understanding of the miraculous and decisive book of God Almighty, and one of the best meanings of the Qur’an It was not from the context of the verses, and from here it can be said that the indication of the context is one of the origins of deriving lega
... Show MoreVisual discourse in cinema and television is an expressive medium that carries its audio and visual elements and is effective in influencing the memory of the recipient, according to multiple patterns of forms and representations aimed at persuasion, influence, entertainment, enjoyment and knowledge. This speech will not pass by the recipient without difficulty, as the multiplicity of forms and techniques of image presentation and the diversity of contents derived from different beliefs, concepts, ideas and perceptions may sometimes reach intersections and conflicts, which is reflected in the form of the screen and the theory of television. This motivates us to know the ways in which audio-visual discourse is produced on television, whic
... Show MoreThis paper deals with the meaning of cultural interaction in the hadith &also foundation that prophet (peace on him) followed through his invitation & rejecting all forms of injustice, oppression & racial discrimination.
Although the national law was found in order to provide protection for all members of society against crime، there are some groups of society that need more protection، due to the situation in which they are from these groups. They are of unknown parentage، and in order to provide appropriate criminal protection for their situation، it must first Determine who are the owners of this category and then examine the extent of the adequacy of criminal protection provided by penal laws for this category of society from the danger of crimes affecting their lives and their physical and mental integrity..
Praise be to the one who taught the pen. Without the pen, the knowledge of the first two would not have reached the others. Then, praise the one who taught man from the printing industry unless he knew, and prayers and peace be upon those who guide all nations to the invention and the follower in the matter of religion, and to his family and companions.
The use of Qur’anic use is an integrated and important topic that examines the building and the meaning, which are two major titles in the study of Arabic, so the goal of scholars when going into these explanations was to find out the wonderful linguistic miracle of this great book.
Scholars have worked hard to talk
Praise be to God, prayer and peace upon our master Muhammad the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him mercy, gift, and grace, and rendered his family and the good righteous is followed until the Day of Judgment. After: The Koran