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قال تعالى: (سنريهم ءايتنا في الافاق وفي انفسهم حتى يتبين لهم انه الحق اولم يكف بربك انه على كل شئ شهيد) -دراسة وتحليل-
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فقد تناولت في موضوعي هذه الآية الكريمة فقد جاء في هذه الآية تعليم من الله عز وجل لرسوله (ص) فلكل داع الى الله من أمته, اسلوباٌ يدعوا به الناس ومحاجة الكافرين بالقرآن, وفيها بيان من الله عز وجل بأنه سيري الناس في المستقبل بعض آياته في كونه, وهي آيات دالات على أن القران حق منزل من عند الله جل جلاله, وليس من وضع البشر, فالناس عاجز عن معرفة الآيات الباهرات التي سيريها الله عز وجل للناس في كونه , وقد أخبرهم عنها في القرآن.

أن التفكر في خلق الله جل جلاله، والتدبر في كتاب الكون المفتوح، وتتبع يد الله المبدعة، وهي تحرك هذا الكون العجيب، وتقلب صفحات هذا الكتاب هو عبادة لله من صميم العبادة، وذكر لله من صميم الذكر لو اتصلت العلوم الكونية التي تبحث في تصميم الكون، وفي نواميسه وسننه، وفي قواه ومدخراته، وفي أسراره وطاقاته؛ لو اتصلت هذه العلوم بتذكر خالق هذا الكون وذكره، والشعور بجلاله وفضله؛ لتحولت من فورها إلى عبادة لخالق هذا الكون وصلاة، ولاستقامت الحياة بهذه العلوم واتجهت إلى الله, ولكن الاتجاه المادي الكافر، يقطع ما بين الكون وخالقه، ويقطع ما بين العلوم والحقيقة الأزلية الأبدية؛ ومن هنا يتحول العلم أجمل هبة من الله للإنسان الى لعنة تطارد الإنسان، وتحيل حياته إلى جحيم منكرة، وإلى خواء روحي يطارد الإنسان كالمارد الجبار.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The wisdom of establishing the right by testimony in jurisprudence and law
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Islam has been concerned with preserving and maintaining rights, so the provisions in which it is preserved are legislated. Among that  is the testimony that made it a way to prove the truth and obliges its bearer to fulfill right in order to preserve the right and establish justice and prevent injustices by defying conflict, and tyranny .

And while acknowledging that divine absolute wisdom that is the cause and origin of legal rulings is sufficient, it is obligatory to abide by its provisions and imposes obedience, surrender, contentment and work in accordance with its controls.

However, the realization of the defects behind the legislation in a comprehensive way that realizes the dev

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Concept of Time in the Poetry of Abdulhaq Hamid: Abdülhak Hamid'in Şiirlerinde Zaman İncelenmesi
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     After Organization literature era, two literary schools appeared in Turkey and Abdulhaq Hamid is one of this period most prominent poets. During his stay in France with a group of colleagues sent by Turkish Government, he was greatly influenced by the French modern literature and the French modern literary authors.

     The study discusses the concept of time in the poetry of Abdulhaq Hamid. Reading his poetry, it can be noticed that time is important where he frequently refers to day and night, morning and evening as time insinuations. Hence, the present paper gives a brief study of the poet’s life, and sheds lights on his poems that deal with time- concept.

Ön Söz

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 25 2022
Journal Name
Al-mağallaẗ Al-šāmilaẗ Li-l-ḥuqūq
The intention to harm others is one of the forms of abuse of the right - a study in the light of American law
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In a world of limited space, the owners are always surrounded by others next to them, and, consequently, there is hardly any activity which the owner may exercise on his land which would not affect the other owners. If he builds a building, that building may block the sun's rays or the air from the buildings next to it and owned by other people. And if he runs a business, the lands adjacent to that business may be overburdened with the accompanying noise or traffic. If oil is prospected in a land, the neighboring lands may be deprived of oil or their owners may be exposed to toxic fumes. Hence the importance of researching the intention of harming others, as it is one of the most important forms of abuse in the use of the right (especially

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 15 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
كربلاء كربلاء منذ نشأتها حتى القرن الخامس الهجري دراسة تاريخية
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Karbala is one of the oldest cities in Iraq. It was named after the name of the child. This is the saga that Imam Hussein was martyred in

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
ثمرات ثمرات الثقة بالله تعالى
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Knowing God is the most important motives to trust This knowledge do not occurred unless of the full knowledge of the Holy Quran, which is gives the real live knowledge of the God through mandates function and oneness and uniqueness too and divinity and the great names and attributes. Trusting in God is the result of the knowledge, whom knew the God and trusts him in confidence too. Recently, ignorance is spread wide the nation, and I mean with the term ignorance is the one which is regarding the understanding of the word

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
مجلة كلية القانون والعلوم السياسية
المسؤولية التعاقدية عن اساءة استعمال الحق
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يتناول البحث دراسة تطبيق نظرية اساءة استعمال الحق في مجال المسؤولية التعاقدية

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Explaining the actions of God Almighty in Ash'ari thought
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Are the actions and rulings of God Almighty justified by intentions and purposes or not? This is a matter of the minutes of the science of theology in which there was a wide difference between the Islamic groups, especially the verbal ones.

This study is an attempt to reach the correct opinion or to avoid it, and to clarify the disagreement that took place in this issue, especially in the Ash'ari school of thought, and it is also an attempt to reconcile opinions as much as possible, and to explain what may appear to be disagreements among some.

Therefore, I divided this research into two topics, and issued it with an introduction in which I defined the terms that are related to the explanation.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Kinetic- spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Naringenin in Pure and Supplements Formulations
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          Simple, cheap, sensitive, and accurate kinetic- spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determination of naringenin in pure and supplements formulations. The method is based on the formation of Prussian blue. The product dye exhibits a maximum absorbance at 707 nm. The calibration graph of naringenin was linear over the range 0.3 to 10 µg ml-1 for the fixed time method (at 15 min) with a correlation coefficient (r) and percentage linearity (r2%) were of 0.9995 and 99.90 %, respectively, while the limit of detection LOD was 0.041 µg ml-1. The method was successfully applied for the determination of naringenin in supplements with satisfac

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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Attitudes of the Elderly towards Social Service Provided in Nursery Home in Baghdad City
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Through social service tasks for the elderly, it natural for elder people to have some attitudes about the quality and nature of provided services, whether negative or positive. Accordingly, the current research is an attempt to investigate the attitudes of the elderly toward the social service provided to them in the nursery homes. The research sample included 60 elderly people chosen from the nursey home at Al-Karrada district and then a scale of attitudes was administered to them that had proved its reliability and validity. The study concluded with a set of recommendations and suggestions were.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 26 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الترادف في التعليق المغني لشمس الحق محمد العظيم آبادي
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Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our master and beloved Muhammad and all his family and companions. As for what follows: The research presented the synonymous and common verbal expressions mentioned in the book Al-Taliq Al-Mughni on Sunan Al-Daraqutni by the scholar Sheikh Shams Al-Haq Muhammad Al-Azeem Abadi

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