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The Meanings Mentioned in the Quran - objective study
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Praise be to God, who has seen uniting the wonders of manufactures, and pronounced Pthamidh oddity Alambdoat, and swam his creation in different languages, Glory is not equal to one in the earth and the heavens, praise Him, and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner certificate towering branches, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger sent swage Arab government balance, and clearest statement, and the highest residence and Ohllagha words, and Oovaha Zmama, he pointed the way and advised the creation, and the month of Islam, breaking idols, and showed provisions, uncle Balanaam, God separated blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and the God of the good and virtuous and his companions honorable sons and his wives and offspring in every forum and denominator.
After: there is no doubt that the mention of God and his prayer is the best of what it spent times and spent a breathtaking, and the best closer by slave to his Lord Almighty, which is the key to all that is good bestowed slave in this world and the hereafter. When God slave gave this key has wanted to open his and when the bounty left the door goodness Mrtja without him, remains a troubled heart, muddle-hearted, distracting thought, much anxiety,weak vigor and the will, but if the governor of the mention of God and prayed and frequent Alljo him, his heart be reassured his penis to his Lord, and diminish the benefits and virtues and fruits precious ripe in the world and the Hereafter what is known only to God ... and that Almstaheda the light of faith, and the beholder into insight, has learned an investigation; it's not the way to collect the happiness in this world and the hereafter, and win high degrees, Neil Reza right Almighty; but Bmdaomh mentioned by the Almighty, and took heart from much luck paid tribute and veneration, and he realized that he certainly does not zakat for this heart is not goodness to him; however, that is God Almighty beloved and highly required, so there is no way to absolutely, but his knowledge of the Almighty and attendance mentioned. I found it is necessary to discuss this issue and the statement of his order and meaning in the texts of the Koran and I teach an objective study I called (the meanings mentioned in the Koran objective study), and made him after the introduction of five sections and a conclusion: First topic: the meaning of the language of male and idiomatically. The second topic: the male species, and be rewarded for it from him. The third topic: the benefits mentioned in this world and the hereafter. The fourth topic: the meanings mentioned in the Koranic texts. The fifth topic: the remembrance of Allah Almighty and good relates.
(We ask God Almighty, Lord of the Great Throne, to guide us to what he loves and is pleased، And that makes this work-to-face Karim)

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
What was mentioned by Imam Al-Tirmidhi in his book Al-Sunan regarding the provisions of sales
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The reason for my choice of the topic (what Imam Al-Tirmidhi mentioned in his book Al-Sunan regarding the provisions of sales) is that he mentioned many topics that affect people's lives, which are represented by commercial transactions and the exchange of benefits between them, so it became clear to them what is forbidden and what is not, aiming not to fall into the prohibited, and to achieve their interests, and relieve them of embarrassment. What we will see in the research.


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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Language Studies
Investigating the Difference between the Conditionals (In) and (Itha) as Mentioned in the Holy Qur'an with Reference to Translation: Selected Verses
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According to grammarians In ( نإ) and Itha (اذإ) are conditionals and sometimes they may be used interchangeably. However, when they are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, they have their own specific use. This paper attempts to investigate their meanings in the source language as well as investigate their translations and find out any differences or similarities. The translations that are adopted in this research are as follows: Pickthall, Al-Hilali & Khan, and Shakir.

Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2025
Journal Name
Magazine Aldhakwat Albedh
Ideals and values in the texts of the second century AH - Visit forty examples - Technical objective study
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Values and ideals are two basic pillars in human life, and high societies have been keen throughout their ages to adhere to and establish them so that man can distinguish good and evil, right and wrong, as they are a balance of actions that give man a higher value. Many of the followers of Abbasid literature, poetry and prose – it is noted that many imams and writers have been keen to highlight these values and make them material for their poetry and literature, courage, generosity, chastity and....All meanings of human values and there is no doubt that one of the texts abounding in this field is what was reported from the people of the house of infallibility pure (peace be upon them), including we touch it in the visit of Imam Jaafar al-

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Psychological reasons for suicide in the Holy Quran
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Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the prophet as a mercy to the worlds and on his family and companions. The phenomenon of suicide is one of the most expanding social phenomena in the world, where many groups of society of different ages try to put an end to their lives, especially young men and girls. The numbers always remain on the rise, and there is no doubt that the one who does this matter, that he has reasons that made him resort to suicide, and despite that, whatever those reasons. However, this is not a justification for the assault on the soul that God has forbidden to infringe on or lead them to perdition, or to what harms them. Modern psychology has tried to explain this phenomenon and try to

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Altruism in the Noble Qur’an
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions as follows:
     This research examines altruism in the Noble Qur’an objectively. The altruism is a word that permeates selection, preference, presentation, types of gifts, and all other material and moral virtues. It is the highest level of generosity and generosity, provided that the consent of God Almighty is enriched on the consent of others, and that greatness arises in it, and that creation affects On yourself in what does not deprive you of a religion, and it does not cut you off on a path, because the praiseworthy altruism is only in relation to souls, not the disgraced altruism tha

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 27 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
نبذة عن معاني الحروف في العربية دراسة توثيقية نحوية
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اهتمام العلماء العرب بالحروف مبينين معانيه موضحين مقاصده 

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Complaint's Terms and Methods in Statement of Holy Quran
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This research deals with a unique and innovative topic, that is the study of complaint in the Quranic text. Despite its importance, it has never been studied before, because most of the complaint 's meanings in the Quranic text is: the in explicit complaint. The mentioned complaint's expressions in different contexts overlap with other purposes, in particular call method and its peripherals like mourn , ask for help , exclamation and others.
Moreover, expressions that reveal complaint are related to the complainant's emotional and psychological status, and the complaint's context.
This research deals with the topic into two sections: The first deals with the important expression of complaint such as: iff, ouah, mooing, crying. The

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 03 2021
Journal Name
جامعة بغداد
محاضرات في الأديان الوضعية : دراسة موضوعية
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قسم المؤلف كتابه على ستة فصول تسبقها مقدمة وتعقبها حالمة، فقد أبانت المقدمة الدوافع والأسباب التي تقف وراء عنوان الكتاب، إذ وصفه بأنه يجمع بين دفتيه مادة علمية غايتها التعرف على بعض الأديان التي يدين معظم البلدان مع بيان تاريخ نشأتها ومناصريها. وقد حدد الديانات التي سيقتصر الكتاب على دراستها، وهي: الصابئة المندائيين والديانات الهندوسية والبوذية، والجينية والكونفوشية في الصين والشتوية في اليابان كونها من ا

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
الدلالة الصوتية للتماثل الصامتي في صيغة ( يتفعّل) في القرآن الكريم
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 This research, tagged with (phonetic significance of silent symmetry in a form activated in the Qur'an), examines the suggestive images and phonological significance of phonetic symmetries that occur in the form of (activates). Hyacinth, teeth, Karzai, Dal, Dhal, Y, and the Seine, and D, and Taa, and Thaa.
      The research found that this kind of symmetry was mentioned in twenty-seven places in the Holy Quran, with different buildings and suggestive contextual sound indications of affirmation, confinement, exaggeration, generality, and comprehensiveness in (remembers, manages, circulates, praises validates, and implies). , And indicate the cost and difficulty, and trouble, and exaggeration in (fly

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Grammar Lesson in  The Book of Al-Zahir in My Meanings         Words of the people to Abu Bakr al-Anbari (d. 328 AH
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad, and upon his family and companions as a whole. Now, the research deals with the grammatical issues mentioned in the Book of Al-Zahir in the meanings of people's words to Abu Bakr Al-Anbari (d. 328 AH). Two parts of the book have more than one edition, it was printed by the Iraqi Ministry of Culture and Information Beirut in 1979 AD, and the Al-Resala Foundation issued the second edition in 1992 AD The third edition was printed in Dar Al-Bashaer in Damascus in the year 2003 AD and it was the reliance on the research and the grammatical issues were arranged on topics that are: interrogation - Deletion, exclusion, marbling, call and Wallace Relief and

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