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The influence of cavity design for cusp coverage on fracture strength of weakened maxillary first premolars using two esthetic restorative systems (CAD/CAM hybrid ceramic and nanohybrid composite) (An in vitro study)
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Background: Maxillary first premolar with wide MOD cavity more susceptible to fracture. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of cavity design for cusp coverage on the fracture resistance of weakened maxillary first premolar restored with CAD/CAM hybrid ceramic versus nanohybide composite. Materials and Methods: Fifty six intact maxillary first premolars of approximately comparable sizes were divided into seven groups eight for each: Group A: Intact teeth (control group); Group B: teeth prepared for MOD inlay; Group C: teeth prepared for MOD onlay covering the lingual cusp; Group D: teeth prepared for MOD covering buccal and lingual cusps ,the previous three groups indirectly restored with nanohybrid composite (3M ESPE Z 250 XT); Group E,F,G prepared with the same design as group B, C, D respectively and restored with CAD/CAM hybrid ceramic (VITA ENAMIC). Results: An axial compression test was used to measure the fracture strength of experimented teeth. The readings were analyzed statistically by t-test, one way ANOVA and LSD, then the mode of fracture had been examined. The results showed that sound teeth in group (A) had more fracture resistance values than all experimental groups and the difference were highly significant with group (B, E, F, G).When the influence of cavity design tested among composite groups it showed highly significant difference between group (B) and (C)and the highest fracture resistance value was for group(C), whereas the influence of cavity design among Enamic groups showed highly significant difference between group (E) and (G) the highest fracture resistance value was for group(E).T-test between similar designs showed non-significant difference between MOD groups and highly difference between other groups. Conclusions: Cusp coverage increased the fracture resistance of composite groups but result in non-restorable fracture, while Enamic total onlay presented promising fracture resistance with favorable mode of fracture. Key words: Fracture resistance, CAD/CAM, hybrid ceramic, VITA ENAMIC, nanohybrid composite, cusp coverage.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 02 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Applied Physics
Characterization of Multilayer Highly-Pure Metal Oxide Structures Prepared by DC Reactive Magnetron Sputtering Technique
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In this work, multilayer nanostructures were prepared from two metal oxide thin films by dc reactive magnetron sputtering technique. These metal oxide were nickel oxide (NiO) and titanium dioxide (TiO2). The prepared nanostructures showed high structural purity as confirmed by the spectroscopic and structural characterization tests, mainly FTIR, XRD and EDX. This feature may be attributed to the fine control of operation parameters of dc reactive magnetron sputtering system as well as the preparation conditions using the same system. The nanostructures prepared in this work can be successfully used for the fabrication of nanodevices for photonics and optoelectronics requiring highly-pure nanomaterials.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
Tikrit Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Nonlinear Analysis of CFRP- Prestressed Concrete Beams Subjected to Incremental Static Loading by Finite Elements
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Applied Physics
Fluorescence Characteristics of Coated- Cell Dye Solutions Containing Highly Pure Nanoparticles as Random Gain Media
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In this work, enhancement to the fluorescence characteristics of laser dye solutions hosting highly-pure titanium dioxide nanoparticles as random gain media. This was achieved by coating two opposite sides of the cells containing these media with nanostructured thin films of highly-pure titanium dioxide. Two laser dyes; Rhodamine B and Coumarin 102, were used to prepare solutions in hexanol and methanol, respectively, as hosts for the nanoparticles. The nanoparticles and thin films were prepared by dc reactive magnetron sputtering technique. The enhancement was observed by the narrowing of fluorescence linewidth as well as by increasing the fluorescence intensity. These parameters were compared to those of the dye only and the dye solution

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Extraction of Essential Oil from Iraqi<i>Eucalyptus Camadulensis</i>Leaves by Water Distillation Methods
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The extraction of Eucalyptus oil from Iraqi Eucalyptus Camadulensis leaves was studded using water distillation methods. The amount of Eucalyptus oil has been determined in a variety of extraction temperature and agitation speed. The effect of water to Eucalyptus leaves (solvent to solid) ratio and particle size of Eucalyptus leaves has been studied in order to evaluate the amount of Eucalyptus oil. The optimum experimental condition for the Eucalyptus oil extraction was established as follows: 100˚C extraction temperature, 200 rpm agitation speed; 0.5 cm leave particle size and 6:1 ml: g amount of water to eucalyptus leaves Ratio.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Electric Power Systems Research
Electromagnetic transient modeling of form-wound stator coils with stress grading system under PWM excitation
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The insulation system of a machine coil includes several layers made of materials with different characteristics. The effective insulation design of machine coils, especially in the machine end winding, depends upon an accurate model of the stress grading system. This paper proposes a modeling approach to predict the transient overvoltage, electric field, and heat generation in machine coils with a stress grading system, considering the variation of physical properties in the insulation layers. A non-uniform line model is used to divide the coil in different segments based on material properties and lengths: overhang, stress grading and slot. The cascaded connection of chain matrices is used to connect segments for the representation of the

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 05 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Agriculture And Veterinary Science
Tillage Appearance Device Test When Used Mold Board Plow Under Difference of a Variables Condition
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Tillage appearance device is mechanical, electric-electronic design, getting Patent from the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control – Industrial Property Department - Ministry of Planning – The Republic of IRAQ under number Patent 3876 in 20 / 4 / 2014, calculates the number of clods per area by Tillage appearance device, This is done through the generation electrical impulses are sent to the controlled accurate calculates number clods required space and shows the result on the screen in order to see the tillage view per area. Three factor used in these experiment, first factor represents forward speed of tractor three levels (3.5, 4.5, and 5.5 km/h), second factor represent soil moisture content at two levels (14

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Increasing validation accuracy of a face mask detection by new deep learning model-based classification
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During COVID-19, wearing a mask was globally mandated in various workplaces, departments, and offices. New deep learning convolutional neural network (CNN) based classifications were proposed to increase the validation accuracy of face mask detection. This work introduces a face mask model that is able to recognize whether a person is wearing mask or not. The proposed model has two stages to detect and recognize the face mask; at the first stage, the Haar cascade detector is used to detect the face, while at the second stage, the proposed CNN model is used as a classification model that is built from scratch. The experiment was applied on masked faces (MAFA) dataset with images of 160x160 pixels size and RGB color. The model achieve

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Among a collection of leafhoppers from Erbil Province in Kurdistan/Iraq, a new species of the genus Arboridia Zakhvatkin, 1946 was designated and described here as a new species  to  the science. The erection of this species was mainly built on the external characters included the male genitalia. Sites and dates of collections so as the host-plants were verified.


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Publication Date
Wed Nov 30 2022
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Removal of amoxicillin from wastewater by adsorption onto activated carbon prepared from sunflower seed hulls
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In this study, the potential of adsorption of amoxicillin antibiotic (AMOX) from aqueous solutions using prepared activated carbon (AC) was studied. The used AC was prepared from an inexpensive and available precursor (sunflower seed hulls (SSH)) and activated by potassium hydroxide (KOH). The prepared AC was examined for its ability to remove AMOX from aqueous contaminated solutions and characterized with the aid of N2 -adsorption/desorption isotherm Brunauer–Emmett– Teller, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and Fourier-transform infrared. Zeta potential of the prepared activated carbon from sunflower seed hulls (SSHAC) were studied in relation to AMOX adsorption. The physical and chemical propert

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The taxonomy of Ficus L., 1753 species is confusing because of the intense morphological variability and the ambiguity of the taxa. This study handled 36 macro-morphological characteristics to clarify the taxonomic identity of the taxa. The study revealed that Ficus is represented in the Egyptian gardens with forty-one taxa; 33 species, 4 subspecies and 4 varieties, and classified into five subgenera: Ficus Corner, 1960; Terega Raf., 1838; Sycomorus Raf., 1838; Synoecia (Miq.) Miq., 1867, and Spherosuke Raf.,1838; out of them seven were misidentified. Amongst, four new Ficus taxa were recently introduced to Egypt namely: F. lingua subsp. lingua Warb. ex De Wild. & T. Durand, 1901; F. pumila L., 1753; F. rumphii Blume, 1825, and F. su

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