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An evaluation of an Iraqi phosphate-bonded investment and a commercial type on the marginal fit of ceramometalcopings using three different investing and burnout techniques
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Background: The accuracy of fitness of any dental casting is imperative for the success of any prosthodontic treatment. From the time that dental casting was first introduced, efforts have been made to produce more accurate and better fitted castings with minimal marginal discrepancy. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effects of three different investing and burnout techniques on the vertical marginal discrepancies ofceramometalcopings invested with two types of phosphate- bonded investments. Materials and methods: Sixty wax patterns were fabricated on a standardized prepared brass die representing an upper central incisor by the aid of a custom-made split mold. Three different investing and burnout techniques were applied for an Iraqi investment and a commercial type; Group I:Ring investing with conventional burnout technique (RC);Group II: Ringless investing with conventional burnout technique (RLC);Group III: Ring investing with accelerated burnout technique (RA).Twenty wax patterns of each group were divided into two subgroups according to the type of investment material used (10 for each subgroup) represented as (B) for the BellaStar XL and (W) for the WYMvest investments. Complete castings were finished and seated on the metal die. The accuracy of fit of each coping was determined by measuring the vertical marginal discrepancies between the finish line on the metal die and the margins of each coping at four specific reference points on the labial, mesial, palatal, and distal aspects of the die by the aid of a light microscope supplied with a digital camera.The arithmetic mean of each three records was computed and regarded as the amount of the marginal discrepancy of each coping and was used as a unit for the statistical analysis. Results: Mean marginal accuracy for W(RLC)was found to be the least (13.839+4.5724 um) while the highest mean value related to B(RLC) (29.033+2.102 um). In general, ANOVA test showed significant results among the mean values of the Binvestment subgroups while LSD test showed non-significance between the (RA) and both the (RC) and (RLC) subgroups. On the other hand, significance was present between the (RLC) and (RA)of the Winvestment subgroups while non-significance was located between the (RC) and both the (RLC) and (RA) subgroups. Comparing similar subgroups of the two tested investments, the Student's t-test showed non-significance between the (RC) subgroups while high significance was located between the (RLC) and (RA) subgroups respectively.Concerning the vertical marginal discrepancy of the copings, applying the (RC) technique for both investments caused non-statistical significance between the labial, mesial, palatal, and distal aspects.The (RLC) technique caused high significance between the four aspects, while the (RA) technique caused non-significance between the labial aspect only and the others. Conclusion: The Iraqi investment generally produced less vertical marginal discrepancies (using the three different investing and burn-out techniques) than the commercial investment.In order to achieve a better marginal fit, it seems that ceramometalcopings invested with the commercial investment tested are better be cast using the conventional ring investing and burnout technique.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Kinetic Study and Simulation of Oleic Acid Esterification in Different Type of Reactors
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Esterification reaction is most important reaction in biodiesel production. In this study, oleic acid was used as a suggested feedstock to study and simulate production of biodiesel. Batch esterification of oleic acid was carried out at operating conditions; temperature from 40 to 70 °C, ethanol to oleic acid molar ratio from 1/1 to 6/1, H2SO4 as the catalyst 1 and 5% wt of oleic acid, reaction time up to 180 min. The optimum conditions for the esterification reaction were molar ratio of ethanol/oleic acid 6/1, 5%wt H2SO4 relative to oleic acid, 70 °C, 90 min and conversion of oleic 0.92. The activation energy for the suggested model was 26625 J/mole for forward reaction and 42189 J/mole for equilibrium constant. The obtained results s

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Assessing liquidity to improve bank’s profitability : An applied research - in a number of – Iraqi private banks
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The current research aims to evaluate liquidity (as an independent variable) to improve the bank’s profitability (as a dependent variable ), by the bank’s ability to maximize its profits from its business results without excessive bank’s  liquidity, so that may affect negatively affects the bank’s reputation and it’s dealers confidence in facing their financial obligations. and this may lead trying to come out among other recommendations including contributing to obtain, the bank’s ability to achieve liquidity balance to maximize its profits. This research has been applied to the sample induced intentionally by choosing three Iraqi private banks. The researcher used financial indicators to assess the bank’s liq

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Patterns of Poisoning Exposure in Different Ages in Duhok Governate: A three Years Study (2016, 2017, 2018)
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Poisoning with toxic substances accidently or deliberately can be life threatening and especially in some countries that lack the essential tests and facilities to identify the types and causes of these toxic substances. In Iraq, as many other countries, poisoning is one of the chronic public health problems. However, very little literature about the pattern of poisoning cases, types and age is available in Duhok Governorate. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the most common patterns of poisoning and the related age and gender in Duhok Governorate from 2016-2018, which would possibly contribute to the early diagnosis and treatment of poisoning. The present study was conducted for three years, started from 1st of

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Extraction, Identification and Determination of di-(2ethylhexyl) Phthalate (DEHP) Plasticizer in Some Stored Blood Samples Bags Using Different Spectroscopic Techniques.
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   The di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) was extracted using different solvents from plastic blood bag. The extracted product was identified using FT-IR, NMR (1H and 13C), DEPT, COSY, HMBC and HSQC_TOCSY spectrometry. The extracted plasticizer was tested in complex formation with Fe2+ and Cr3+ using UV-visible spectrophotometric method. The migration of the plasticizer from the blood bags to the blood was studied and determined during different storage times depending upon the formation of complexes with Fe2+ and Cr3+, and the change in the concentration of Fe2+ and Cr3+. 

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
International Communications In Heat And Mass Transfer
Thermal behaviour of the flow boiling of a complex nanofluid in a rectangular channel: An experimental and numerical study
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Case Studies In Chemical And Environmental Engineering
Treatment of petroleum refinery wastewater by an innovative electro-Fenton system: Performance and specific energy consumption evaluation
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
An Evaluation of Environmental Performance According to The International Standard (ISO14001: 2015) in a Field East of Baghdad / A Case Study in the Midline Oil Company
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EMS in accordance with ISO 14001: 2015 is considered an entry point to reduce environmental impacts, especially the effects resulting from the oil industry, which is the main source of environmental pollution and waste of natural resources, since the second revision of the standard took place in September 2015. The problem of the research was manifested in the weakness in understanding the correct guidelines that must be followed in order to obtain and maintain the standard. The purpose of this research was to give a general picture of what is behind ISO14001:2015 and how it is possible to create a comprehensive base for understanding its application by seeking the gap between the actually achieved reality, standards requirements

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Inhibition of bacterial growth around gutta percha cones by different antimicrobial solutions using antibiotic sensitivity test (An in vitro study)
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Background: Decontamination of gutta percha cones was important factor for success of root canal treatment. The aim of the present in vitro study was to identify and to compare the antimicrobial effect of following disinfection solutions: 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate, Iodine, tetracycline hydrochloride solution, EDTA & formocresol mixed with zinc oxide eugenol, on E faecalis, E coli and Candida albicans using sensitivity test Materials and Methods: Three types of microorganisms were isolated from infected root canals (E faecalis, E coli and Candida albicans) and cultured on Mueller Hinton agar petri-dishes. Disinfection of gutta percha cones done by immersion in six disinfection solutions (six groups), the groups are: distill water (used a

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Commercial fish catch in the Iraqi marine waters from December 2018 to December 2019 was investigated. The study is based on three stations: the first station is located at the Shatt Al-Arab estuary, the second represents the area between the Shatt Al-Arab Estuary and open marine waters, and the third is associated with the Iraqi territorial marine waters. The total weight of the catch was 1881 kg, represented by 500, 654, and 727 kg in the first, second and third stations respectively. The third station was the highest with a majority of the family Sciaenidae by 464 kg, while the lowest was the family Scombridae by 0.5 kg. The total number of species included 37 species, belonging to 27 genera, 19 families, and 6 orders, the largest ord

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 20 2018
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Achieving an Iraqi model in contemporary fashion design
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The Iraqi outfit is characterized by special features and identity that are closely related to the traditions, customs, religious and social beliefs and other references of the Iraqi environment and its factors affecting the individual and society. Every place in Iraq has its own uniform, which differs in terms of its artistic, aesthetic and functional components from place to place.

The abaya, especially worn by women, is especially distinct in terms of the design of the uniform, the nature of the cloth made of it, as well as the color of the abaya, which is dominated by black in most designs. The Dar Al-Taros Center and Textile Research initiated the construction of theoretical and practical bases in the design of contemporary

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