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Evaluating the effect of natural, industrial juices and beverage on orthodontic bonding composite (in-vitro study)
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Background: Dental erosion is a common oral condition which results due to consumption of high caloric and low pH acidic food such as carbonated drinks and fruit juices. It is expected that these food types can cause irreversible damage to dental hard tissues and early deterioration of the dental restorations. So, this study aimed to evaluate and compare the erosive potential effects of orange fruit juice and Miranda orange drink on the microhardness of an orthodontic composite material. Materials and methods: Thirty discs with a thickness of 2 mm and a diameter of 10 mm were prepared from orthodontic bonding composite. The prepared discs were equally divided into three groups (n=10). Microhardness analysis was carried out both prior to and subsequent to immersion cycles. The microhardness of the specimens underwent evaluation subsequent to immersion in the beverages for durations of 6 hours (equivalent to one day) and 42 hours (equivalent to seven days). Microhardness measurements at baseline, one day, and one week were performed utilizing the Vickers microhardness testing. Statistical analyses were carried out using repeated measure one way ANOVA test and Bonferroni post-hoc test with a level of significant p< 0.05. Results: The micro hardness of composite exposed to the selected soft drinks was significantly decreased (p< 0.05). Conclusions: Natural, industrial orange juices and Miranda can affect the micro hardness of composite. The beverage effect on the orthodontic composite based on the type of juice and the exposure time to these beverages.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 12 2019
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Absorption Wavebands for Discriminating Oxidation Time of Engine Oil as Detected by FT-IR Spectroscopy
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Fourier Transform-Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy was used to analyze gasoline engine oil (SAE 5W20) samples that were exposed to seven different oxidation times (0 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, 96 h, 120 h, and 144 h) to determine the best wavenumbers and wavenumber ranges for the discrimination of the oxidation times. The thermal oxidation process generated oil samples with varying total base number (TBN) levels. Each wavenumber (400–3900 cm−1) and wavenumber ranges identified from the literature and this study were statistically analyzed to determine which wavenumbers and wavenumber ranges could discriminate among all oxidation times. Linear regression was used with the best wavenumbers and wavenumber ranges to predict oxidation time.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
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Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference
Numerical Simulation of Gas Lift Optimization Using Artificial Intelligence for a Middle Eastern Oil Field
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Abstract<p>Artificial lift techniques are a highly effective solution to aid the deterioration of the production especially for mature oil fields, gas lift is one of the oldest and most applied artificial lift methods especially for large oil fields, the gas that is required for injection is quite scarce and expensive resource, optimally allocating the injection rate in each well is a high importance task and not easily applicable. Conventional methods faced some major problems in solving this problem in a network with large number of wells, multi-constrains, multi-objectives, and limited amount of gas. This paper focuses on utilizing the Genetic Algorithm (GA) as a gas lift optimization algorit</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
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Baghdad Science Journal
Common Fixed Point of a Finite-step Iteration Algorithm Under Total Asymptotically Quasi-nonexpansive Maps
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      Throughout this paper, a generic iteration algorithm for a finite family of total asymptotically quasi-nonexpansive maps in uniformly convex Banach space is suggested. As well as weak / strong convergence theorems of this algorithm to a common fixed point are established. Finally, illustrative numerical example by using Matlab is presented.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Assessment of Air Pollution around Durra Refinery (Baghdad) from Emission NO2 Gas at April Month
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Nitrogen dioxide NO2 is one of the most dangerous contaminant in the air, its toxic gas that cause disturbing respiratory effects, most of it emitted from industrial sources especially from the stack of power plants and oil refineries. In this study Gaussian equations modelled by Matlab program to state the effect of pollutant NO2 gas on area around Durra refinery, this program also evaluate some elements such as wind and stability and its effect on stacks height. Data used in this study is the amount of fuel oil and fuel gas burn inside refinery at a year 2017. Hourly April month data chosen as a case study because it’s unsteady month. After evaluate emission rate of the all fuel and calculate exit velocity from

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
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Journal Of Ecological Engineering
Biosorption of Heavy Metals from Synthetic Wastewater by Using Macro Algae Collected from Iraqi Marshlands
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
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Chemical Methodologies
A Novel Design for Gas Sensor of Zinc Oxide Nanostructure Prepared by Hydrothermal Annealing Technique
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
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Aip Conference Proceedings
Analysis of performance measures with single channel fuzzy queues under two class by using ranking method
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Chemistry
Spectrophotometric Determination of Co(II) by Using Ethyl Cyano(2-Methyl Carboxylate Phenyl Azo Acetate) (ECA)
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A new simple and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of trace amount of Co(II) in the ethanol absolute solution have been developed. The method is based on the reaction of Co(II) with ethyl cyano(2-methyl carboxylate phenyl azo acetate) (ECA) in acid medium of hydrochloric acid (0.1 M) givining maximum absorbance at ((λmax = 656 nm). Beer's law is obeyed over the concentration range (5-60) (μg / ml) with molar absorptivity of (1.5263 × 103 L mol-1 cm-1) and correlation coefficient (0.9995). The precision (RSD% ˂ 1%). The stoichiometry of complex was confirmed by Job's method which indicated the ratio of metal to reagent is (2:1). The studied effect of interference elements Zn(II), Cu(II), Na(I), K(I), Ca(II) and Mg

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
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Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science (ijeecs)
A new smart approach of an efficient energy consumption management by using a machine-learning technique
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Many consumers of electric power have excesses in their electric power consumptions that exceed the permissible limit by the electrical power distribution stations, and then we proposed a validation approach that works intelligently by applying machine learning (ML) technology to teach electrical consumers how to properly consume without wasting energy expended. The validation approach is one of a large combination of intelligent processes related to energy consumption which is called the efficient energy consumption management (EECM) approaches, and it connected with the internet of things (IoT) technology to be linked to Google Firebase Cloud where a utility center used to check whether the consumption of the efficient energy is s

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences &amp; Humanities
Sarah Orne Jewett As a Precursor of Ecoconscious Children Fiction: “A White heron” As an Example
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Nearly a century and a half has passed since Sarah Orne Jewett published her much anthologized short story “A White Heron” (1886), but commentators on the tale missed one of the most important points in the text. It is the story’s similarity to the traditional Euro-centric fairy tale of “Little Red Riding Hood”. As an author, writing at the end of the ninetieth century, a time that witnessed the demise of the Romantic movement in America and the beginning of the age of Realism, Jewett did not romanticize her characters, despite the idyllic landscape in which “A White Heron” is set. Her story can be analyzed as a text that aims at disseminating ecological awareness among her young readers. This study focuses on Jewett

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