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The impact of various staining substances and immersion time on the stainability of bonded sapphire brackets with three kinds of light cure orthodontic adhesives (An in-vitro study)
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Background: The need of the patient for a more reasonable esthetic orthodontic intervention has risen nowadays. Thus, orthodontists make use of esthetic orthodontic materials like brackets, ligature elastics, and arch wires. The esthetic brackets come as different forms of materials, such as ceramic brackets, which have their stainability remaining as the most important consideration for the patients and the orthodontists. This study aimed to compare the staining effects of various staining materials, including black tea, cigarette smoke and Pepsi, as well as the time effect on the color stability of sapphire ceramic brackets bonded with three kinds of light cure orthodontic adhesives: Transbond, Resilience and Enlight. Materials and Methods: Three hundred sixty sapphire brackets were utilized and divided into three different groups (120 brackets per group) based on the type of bonding material. Each group was further subdivided into four subgroups (30 brackets each) based on the media in which the brackets were fully immersed, including distilled water, black tea, cigarette smoke and Pepsi. Moreover, each of these subgroups were further subdivided, based on the time of immersion relative to each media, into 3 different smaller subgroups (10 brackets each): one day, 7 days and 14 days with incubation at 37°C. A UV-visible type of spectrophotometer was utilized in order to perform a light absorption test. ANOVA and post hoc LSD tests were used for comparison. Results: The smoke of cigarette appeared to be the highest potent staining type among the tested materials followed by Pepsi and tea. The staining effects of all kinds of staining materials in relation to the bonded brackets color with all adhesive types were raised with increased time of immersion. Conclusion: The patient’s cooperation and habits should be taken into consideration when using sapphire orthodontic brackets. In addition, the patients should be instructed to decrease the consumption of staining beverages. Keywords: Stainability, staining materials, sapphire brackets.



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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
The Effect Irrigation Scheduling and Potassium Fertilization on Water Consumption of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Under Modern Irrigation Systems
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A field experiment was conducted in Yusufiya sub-district - Mahmudiya township/Baghdad governorate in silty loam texture soil during the spring season of 2020. The experiment included three treatments with three replicates, as the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used according to the arrangement of the split design block. The treatments are in the irrigation system, which included surface drip irrigation (T1) and sprinkler irrigation (T2). Secondly, the Irrigation levels including the irrigation using 0.70 Pan Evaporation Fraction PEF (I1), irrigation using 1.00 PEF (I2), and irrigation using 1.30 PEF (I3). Coupled with, Pota

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 28 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The effect of a psychological counselling approach on cognitive load and mental fatigue among young 110-meter hurdles athletes
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The research aimed to identify and build two specialized scales for cognitive load and mental stress and to identify the level of each of them among 110-meter steeplechase runners among youth, and to prepare a psychological counseling approach to reduce the level of cognitive load and mental stress among 110-meter steeplechase runners among youth, so that the two research hypotheses are that there are differences. There are statistically significant differences between the results of the pre- and post-tests of the experimental group in measuring cognitive load. There are statistically significant differences between the results of the pre- and post-tests of the experimental group in measuring mental stress. The experimental method w

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 11 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Research In Medical And Dental Science
Effect of Topical Melatonin Application on the Peri-Implant Proximal Bone Level and Cortical Plate Thickness (Pilot Clinical Trial)
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Bayesian and non-Bayesian estimation of the lomax model based on upper record values under weighted LINEX loss function
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In this article, we developed a new loss function, as the simplification of linear exponential loss function (LINEX) by weighting LINEX function. We derive a scale parameter, reliability and the hazard functions in accordance with upper record values of the Lomax distribution (LD). To study a small sample behavior performance of the proposed loss function using a Monte Carlo simulation, we make a comparison among maximum likelihood estimator, Bayesian estimator by means of LINEX loss function and Bayesian estimator using square error loss (SE) function. The consequences have shown that a modified method is the finest for valuing a scale parameter, reliability and hazard functions.

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Studying the Effect of Permeability Prediction on Reservoir History Matching by Using Artificial Intelligence and Flow Zone Indicator Methods
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The map of permeability distribution in the reservoirs is considered one of the most essential steps of the geologic model building due to its governing the fluid flow through the reservoir which makes it the most influential parameter on the history matching than other parameters. For that, it is the most petrophysical properties that are tuned during the history matching. Unfortunately, the prediction of the relationship between static petrophysics (porosity) and dynamic petrophysics (permeability) from conventional wells logs has a sophisticated problem to solve by conventional statistical methods for heterogeneous formations. For that, this paper examines the ability and performance of the artificial intelligence method in perme

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 13 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Influence of Chlorhexidine Diacetate Salt Incorporation Into Soft Denture Lining Material on Its Antifungal And Some Mechanical Properties
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Background: One of the most common problem associated with the used of soft denture lining material is microorganisms and fungal growth especially Candida albicans, which can result in chronic mucosal inflammation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of chlorhexidine diacetate (CDA) salt Incorporation into soft denture lining material on antifungal activity; against Candida albicans, and the amount of chlorhexidine di-acetate salt leached out of soft liner/CDA composite. Furthermore, evaluate shear bond strength and hardness after CDA addition to soft liner Materials and methods: chlorhexidine diacetate salt was added to soft denture lining material at four different concentrations (0.05%, 0.1% and 0.2% by weight). Four hund

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
A Review on Pressure Transient Analysis in Multilayer Reservoir: South Iraq Case Study
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Multilayer reservoirs are currently modeled as a single zone system by averaging the reservoir parameters associated with each reservoir zone. However, this type of modeling is rarely accurate because a single zone system does not account for the fact that each zone's pressure decreases independently. Pressure drop for each zone has an effect on the total output and would result in inter-flow and the premature depletion of one of the zones. Understanding reservoir performance requires a precise estimation of each layer's permeability and skin factor. The Multilayer Transient Analysis is a well-testing technique designed to determine formation properties in more than one layer, and its effectiveness over the past two decades has been

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Positron Annihilation Lifetime Study on free Volume Changes in TLD by Gamma - irradiation
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Positron annihilation lifetime has been utilized for the first time to investigate the free - volume hole properties in thermolumenscent dosimeter ( TLD ) as a function of gamma-dosc . The hole volume, free volume fraction determined form orthopsitronium lifetime are found to be ?lamatically increase to large values , and then to minimum values as a function ofgamma-dose . The free - volume holes size is found to be 0.163nm’ and to have maximum of 0.166nm^ at the gamma-dose of 0.1 and 0.8 Gy, respectively-

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A qualitative Study on Algae in Abdullah Abu-Nadjem Oasis, Al-Dewanyah,Iraq
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  The present study was conducted on spring-fed(Abdullah Abu-Nadjem Oasis)west of AlDewanyah province,Iraq. ,during Winter 2007.    The results indicate that water quality was neutral tend to be slightly alkaline pH was 7.7 and 7.4 for station(1)and station (2) respectively.   Total hardness value of water about 1520 and 1488 mg/l.for two stations respectively ,This high values of hardness may be due to Calcium ions 397.5 and 395.5mg/l.for two stations. According to Salinity values (1.58 - 2.22) ‰(ppt) ,water of oasis may be classified as brackish water, the oasis water was well aerated dissolved oxygen was 5.3 and 7.4 mg/l.     On the other hand about (58) algal taxa were recorded

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study on Co – odd (even) Sum Degree Edge Domination Number in Graphs
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 An edge dominating set    of a graph  is said to be an odd (even) sum degree edge dominating set (osded (esded) - set) of G if the sum of the degree of all edges in X is an odd (even) number. The odd (even) sum degree edge domination number  is the minimum cardinality taken over all odd (even) sum degree edge dominating sets of G and is defined as zero if no such odd (even) sum degree edge dominating set exists in G. In this paper, the odd (even) sum degree domination concept is extended on the co-dominating set E-T of a graph G, where T is an edge dominating set of G.  The corresponding parameters co-odd (even) sum degree edge dominating set, co-odd (even) sum degree edge domination number and co-odd (even) sum degree edge domin

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