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Oral signs and symptoms and hyperglycemic status of type II diabetic patients in relation to cytomorphometric findings of gingival and buccal cytobrush smears
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Background: Brush cytology is an accepted technique that gets renewed interest. It is now used as an aid for the diagnosis and observation of possible epithelial changes that could be associated with oral mucosal diseases. This study aimed to evaluate the cytomorphometric changes in gingiva and buccal mucosa of type II diabetics and to assess their relation to oral symptoms and glycemic status. Materials and methods: Cytological Papanicolaou stained smear were prepared from cheek and gingiva of 20 non treated cases, 20 treated diabetics and 20 healthy persons of both sex after measuring their HbA1c and recording their oral symptoms. Hundred unfolded epithelial cells were evaluated qualitatively using MCID software to measure nuclear and cytoplasmic areas, ratio, perimeters, and form factors. Different statistical analyses were used to determine relations between studied parameters. Results: Diabetics smears showed large nucleus, small cytoplasm, and small cytoplasm/nucleus ratio compared with healthy persons with no sex variation. Xerostomia and burning sensation were significantly correlated with nuclear parameters, while HbA1c was significantly correlated with both cytoplasmic and nuclear parameters. Well-controlled patients showed reduction in nuclear area, but nucleus and cytoplasm form factors were unlike normal. Conclusions: Oral cytology from type II diabetics is associated with detectable cytomorphometric changes that is better demonstrated in buccal than gingival mucosa and tend to return partially to their normal values in well-controlled patients, with no sex variation. NA seems to be the main parameter that changed during hyperglycemia and xerostomia, while both NA and CA were related to burning sensation.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 15 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Dissociation Enthalpies for R134a Clathrate Hydrate in Binary and Ternary Systems
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In the present work the clathrate hydrate dissociation enthalpies of refrigerant R134a+ water system, and R134a + water + salt system were determined. The heat of dissociation of three types of aqueous salts solutions of NaCl, KBr and NaF at three concentrations (0.09, 0.17and 0.26) mol·kg−1 for each salt type, were enthalpy measured. The Clapeyron equation was used tocalculate heat of dissociation of experimental data for binary and ternary system.In order to find the effect of compressibility factor on heat dissociation enthalpy, the study was conducted by using equation of state proposed by Peng and Robinson Stryjek-Vera (PRSV). The obtained results of dissociation enthalpy for binary system were (143.8) kJ.mol-1

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 11 2011
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Employing Neural Network and Naive Bayesian Classifier in Mining Data for Car Evaluation
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In data mining, classification is a form of data analysis that can be used to extract models describing important data classes. Two of the well known algorithms used in data mining classification are Backpropagation Neural Network (BNN) and Naïve Bayesian (NB). This paper investigates the performance of these two classification methods using the Car Evaluation dataset. Two models were built for both algorithms and the results were compared. Our experimental results indicated that the BNN classifier yield higher accuracy as compared to the NB classifier but it is less efficient because it is time-consuming and difficult to analyze due to its black-box implementation.

Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Experimental Parasitology
An Acanthamoeba castellanii metacaspase associates with the contractile vacuole and functions in osmoregulation
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Quasi Semi and Pseudo Semi (p,E)-Convexity in Non-Linear Optimization Programming
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The class of quasi semi -convex functions and pseudo semi -convex functions are presented in this paper by combining the class of -convex functions with the class of quasi semi -convex functions and pseudo semi -convex functions, respectively. Various non-trivial examples are introduced to illustrate the new functions and show their relationships with -convex functions recently introduced in the literature. Different general properties and characteristics of this class of functions are established. In addition, some optimality properties of generalized non-linear optimization problems are discussed. In this generalized optimization problems, we used, as the objective function, quasi semi -convex (respectively, strictly quasi semi -convex

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Dental Caries and Treatment Needs among Kindergarten Children in Al-Basrah Governorate/Iraq
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Background: Dental caries is a disease occurs in the world in both developed and developing countries, it is still widespread among children and it can be controlled but not eliminated , most of tooth loss occurs due to dental caries and its complications. The aim of this study was to estimate the occurrence, and severity of dental caries and treatment needs among kindergarten children in Al-Basrah governorate. Materials and methods: The sample consisted of 1000 kindergarten children at age of 4-5 years old (445 boys and 555 girls) from urban areas in Al-Basrah city. Diagnosis and recording of dental caries and treatment needs were done according to the criteria of WHO (1987). Results: The percentage of dental caries was (80.8%) of the tota

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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     The specimens of Camponotusxerxes Forel, 1904 were collected from different localities in Iraq; the purpose of morphological study of this species in details throughout the present study.


     The description was based on major workers belonging to this species, also some notes of polymorphism in workers have been mentioned; the most important of morphological features are illustrated and figured.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 06 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Engineering And Technological Science (jaets)
Deep Learning and Its Role in Diagnosing Heart Diseases Based on Electrocardiography (ECG)
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Diagnosing heart disease has become a very important topic for researchers specializing in artificial intelligence, because intelligence is involved in most diseases, especially after the Corona pandemic, which forced the world to turn to intelligence. Therefore, the basic idea in this research was to shed light on the diagnosis of heart diseases by relying on deep learning of a pre-trained model (Efficient b3) under the premise of using the electrical signals of the electrocardiogram and resample the signal in order to introduce it to the neural network with only trimming processing operations because it is an electrical signal whose parameters cannot be changed. The data set (China Physiological Signal Challenge -cspsc2018) was ad

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
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Organism and its Aesthetic Connections in the Interior Design: حسنين صباح داوّد سلمان
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Organism is considered one of the intellectual products that search for compatibility and harmony with the natural environment. Man has adopted on since the ancient times in choosing his residence through imitating nature such as animal burrows, hives, bird nests and others of the natural manifestations being spontaneous inspirations. With the development of the age, these concepts turned into an analysis that examines the philosophy that deals with the shapes and functions of various elements in the nature as a source of inspiration, and discusses the call for contemplation and achieving benefits physically and spiritually in line with the nature of the organic thought that seeks to keep up with modern technologies that are characterize

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ascc)
ESO-based repetitive control for rejecting periodic and aperiodic disturbances in piezoelectric actuators
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This paper presents the Extended State Observer (ESO) based repetitive control (RC) for piezoelectric actuator (PEA) based nano-positioning systems. The system stability is proved using Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs), which guarantees the asymptotic stability of the system. The ESObased RC used in this paper has the ability to eliminate periodic disturbances, aperiodic disturbances and model uncertainties. Moreover, ESO can be tuned using only two parameters and the model free approach of ESO-based RC, makes it an ideal solution to overcome the challenges of nano-positioning system control. Different types of periodic and aperiodic disturbances are used in simulation to demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm. The comparison studi

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 02 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Medical Journal
Etiology and Antibiotic Sensitivity for Otitis Media in A Central Pediatric Teaching Hospital.
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