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An Analysis of the Efficacy of Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections on the Treatment of Internal Derangement of a temporomandibular Joint
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Background: A Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) internal derangement (TMJID) is a disruption within the internal aspects of the TMJ in which the disc is displaced from its normal functional relationship with the mandibular condyle, after which the articular portion of the temporal bone causes joint dysfunction, joint sound, malocclusion, and locking of the mouth. Conservative and invasive techniques can be used for the treatment of TMJID. A platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection is a simple, less invasive surgical procedure for the treatment of internal derangement. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of PRP injections in decreasing or eliminating pain, clicking, and limitation of mouth opening in patients with TMJID after they were proven to be unresponsive to conservative treatments. The aim is to also show more predictable clinical results. Methods: The study involved 70 patients between 19 and 46 years-old, 62 of which were female and 8 of which were male (female to maleratio 7:75).There were a total of 140 joints with anterior disc dislocation with reduction, as confirmed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). PRP was injected in the TMJ in the superior joint space. Pain intensity, maximal interincisal opening, and TMJ sounds were assessed and compared for evaluation of treatment success. Results: There was a statistically significant reduction in pain intensity and joint sound and an increase in mouth opening. Conclusions: This study shows that intra-articular PRP injection for the treatment of anterior disc displacement with reduction of the TMJ is a more effective method to reduce pain intensity and joint sound as well as increasing the patient’s mouth opening range

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Technical methodology balanced performance as a strategic framework for the economic units operating in the Iraqi industrial sector environment
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facing economic units operating in the environment sector of the Iraqi

industrial many pressures in its seeking to measure and evaluate its performance because of variables, today's corporate environment, as the case which makes looking for a methodology can be adopted to evaluate its performance with a more holistic, rather than being limited to traditional measures that are no longer enough to keep pace with rapid changes in today's corporate environment, which requires that measures of performance are derived from the strategy of unity and commensurate with the specificity of the environment in Iraq. Try searching discussion Ttormwhrat and performance measurement systems to suit the business strategies and directions of change

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Relationship between Social Anxiety and Mindfulness In Iraqi Women Living In Iraq And The UK; A Comparison Study
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The continuous pressure of work and daily life and the increasing financial and social stress that Iraqi women are experiencing (both inside and outside Iraq) is one of the main causes of anxiety, particularly in those of working class women. This group of women carry the burden of carrying out multiple roles and responsibilities at the same time. All this collectively make them more prone to developing anxiety compared to men. In addition, the physiological and psychological nature of women, as females, on top of the other roles in life, like being a wife or mother or daughter or sister, all add extra pressure on women especially for those who are considered as productive working individuals in the society. In order to study the relatio

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Problems Facing Working Women in the Labor Market (The Mall) as a Model:a Field Study in Al-RusafaArea/ Baghdad
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Most studies and research have tried to shed light on unemployment and employment in general, with less focus on the problems facing working women and the resulting social and economic consequences that threaten their human and professional lives. For women, working is one of the basic necessities for the sustainability of human life, and it constitutes an essential axis for both sexes and through it. It also gives a person the status and social status where the individual finds a ready opportunity to practice his intentions and desires, test his abilities and talents, and achieve his ambitions. The availability of full employment in general and the joining of women to the labor market is an important and fundamental factor in the sustai

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Publication Date
Fri May 18 2018
Journal Name
The Arabian killifish (Aphanius dispar) as a novel model for mycophysiological studies.
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Abstract Candida albicans is a commensal fungal pathogen that grows in yeast and hyphal forms in the human gut. C. albicans causes mucosal and cutaneous diseases that can result in significant mortality following systematic infections and it also exhibits drug resistance. Zebrafish have been an excellent model to investigate C. albicans infections because of their transparency and the availability of many transgenic lines. However, there is a limitation in using zebrafish as a model because the fish embryos cannot survive at 37°C therefore it is not suitable for studying Candida infections at physiological relevant human body temperature. In this thesis, the normal embryonic development of Arabian killifish (A. dispar) is investigated, rev

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
(Novelist character in the Iraqi press criticism – Fadhil Thamir as a model))
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Novel has recently  received the attention of readers and writers greatly, because of the role they play, and this indicates an important rule, which is whenever there is an art or creativity, there must be a respective criticism, and this criticism is certainly not less important than the author. So there are critics who have a prestigious literary position in the follow-up story development, and trying to describe the transformation of its elements. One of these critics is professor Fadhel Thamer, and who wants to approach one of the elements of the novel exploring, must stop on the visions of this critic about it , and that’s why we take the (character) element following the most important opinions of this critic about

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Proceeding Of The 1st International Conference On Advanced Research In Pure And Applied Science (icarpas2021): Third Annual Conference Of Al-muthanna University/college Of Science
A theoretical study including the breakdown voltage characteristics for some industrial gases
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Industrial characteristics calculations concentrated on the physical properties for break down voltage in sf6, cf4 gases and their mixture with different concentrations are presented in our work. Calculations are achieved by using an improved modern code simulated on windows technique. Our results give rise to a compatible agreement with the other experimental published data.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Nation-Building in The Fragile States: Iraq After 2003 as a Model
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The nation-building process in fragile states is complex, often involving multifaceted challenges and opportunities. A pertinent example is Iraq post-2003, which serves as a model to study the intricacies of rebuilding a nation in the aftermath of conflict. During this period, we witnessed a significant international intervention aimed at establishing democratic governance, fostering economic development, and restoring social stability. Iraq’s nation-building journey showcases both successes and shortcomings. Establishing a representative government marked a step towards inclusivity and political participation, yet sectarian tensions persisted, hindering cohesive national identity. Economic initiatives aimed to harness Iraq's oil resou

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Wireless Communications And Mobile Computing
Developing a real time navigation for the mobile robots at unknown environments
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<p><span>This research deals with the feasibility of a mobile robot to navigate and discover its location at unknown environments, and then constructing maps of these navigated environments for future usage. In this work, we proposed a modified Extended Kalman Filter- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (EKF-SLAM) technique which was implemented for different unknown environments containing a different number of landmarks. Then, the detectable landmarks will play an important role in controlling the overall navigation process and EKF-SLAM technique’s performance. MATLAB simulation results of the EKF-SLAM technique come with better performance as compared with an odometry approach performance in terms of measuring the

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Scopus (12)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A solution to the Lifely Disobedience and its Effect to Stop Divorce
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Allah legislated marriage and made it dwelling, fellowship and mercy between
the two couples, Prophet Moh'd (peace of Allah and blessing be upon him) ordered a
husband to look after his wife, treat her with full charity and make love with here
every kindly. On the other hand, he ordered a wife to obey her husband and respect
him deeply, nevertheless, some obstacles may sometimes be appeared within the life
of their marriage, this may be caused by either a husband or a wife. This problem is
called lifely disobedience (AL-Noshooz).
In the other words, this means that a wife begins to hate her husband, refuse his orders
and not obey him.
In brief, they hate each other which leads to some marks appear in their

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Proposing a General Formula for Evaluating the Parametric Cost Using MLR Method
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This research takes up address the practical side by taking case studies for construction projects that include the various Iraqi governorates, as it includes conducting a field survey to identify the impact of parametric costs on construction projects and compare them with what was reached during the analysis and the extent of their validity and accuracy, as well as adopting the approach of personal interviews to know the reality of the state of construction projects. The results showed, after comparing field data and its measurement in construction projects for the sectors (public and private), the correlation between the expected and actual cost change was (97.8%), and this means that the data can be adopted in the re

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