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Computer Assisted Immunohistochemical Score Prediction Via Simplified Image Acquisition Technique
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Background: techniques of image analysis have been used extensively to minimize interobserver variation of immunohistochemical scoring, yet; image acquisition procedures are often demanding, expensive and laborious. This study aims to assess the validity of image analysis to predict human observer’s score with a simplified image acquisition technique. Materials and methods: formalin fixed- paraffin embedded tissue sections for ameloblastomas and basal cell carcinomas were immunohistochemically stained with monoclonal antibodies to MMP-2 and MMP-9. The extent of antibody positivity was quantified using Imagej® based application on low power photomicrographs obtained with a conventional camera. Results of the software were employed to predict human visual scoring results with stepwise multiple regression analysis. Results: the overall prediction of epithelial score depicted as r square value was 0.26 (p<0.001) which was obviously higher than that of stromal score (0.10; p<0.01). Epithelial and stromal MMP-2 score prediction was generally higher than that of MMP-9. Collectively, ameloblastomas had a more efficient score prediction compared to basal cell carcinomas. Conclusion: there is a considerable variability in the prediction capacity of the technique with respect to different antibodies, different tumors and cellular versus stromal score.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 14 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering &amp; Technology
Hybrid DWT-DCT compression algorithm &amp; a new flipping block with an adaptive RLE method for high medical image compression ratio
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Huge number of medical images are generated and needs for more storage capacity and bandwidth for transferring over the networks. Hybrid DWT-DCT compression algorithm is applied to compress the medical images by exploiting the features of both techniques. Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) coding is applied to image YCbCr color model which decompose image bands into four subbands (LL, HL, LH and HH). The LL subband is transformed into low and high frequency components using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) to be quantize by scalar quantization that was applied on all image bands, the quantization parameters where reduced by half for the luminance band while it is the same for the chrominance bands to preserve the image quality, the zig

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Effect of The Mental image Building Dimensions for The Company to Aattract Attention of Iraqi Consumers for local Products: Exploratory Study
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The survey showed sample opinions of officials in the general company for vegetable oils industry, and the statement of the order of the effect of these dimensions depending on the degree of importance, the questionnaire was used as a key tool in collecting data and information of the sample consisted of 30 officials, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, percentages, Spearman correlation coefficient and the global statistical analysis as a statistical methods that based on statistical program (SPSS), The researcher came to several conclusions, most important that there is high agreement by the respondents of the importance of the dimensions of building a mental picture of the company and to attract the consumer's attention, Also research

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
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The Image of the Arab in Hebrew Literature for Young Adults – A Reading of the Novel “Nadia” by Kalila Ron Feder
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يهدف هذا البحث الى التطرق الى صورة العربي كما يعرضها ادب اليافعين العبري في رواية " نادية " للكاتبة العبرية " كاليلا رون فيدر " . والتي تعد من الاديبات العبريات اللواتي تطرقن بصورة مباشرة الى موضوع ما خلف الجدار ، والصراع العربي – الإسرائيلي وانعكاساته على المجتمع الإسرائيلي بصورة عامة والمجتمع العربي بصورة خاصة . ينقسم هذا البحث إلى ثلاثة فصول، تطرق الفصل الأول  إلى "ادب اليافعين"، و تاريخه ، مميزاته والفئ

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 23 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Assessment of long distance chasing photometer (NAG-ADF-300-2) by estimating the drug atenolol with ammonium molybdate via continuous flow injection analysis: drug atenolol a
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     Atenolol was used with ammonium molybdate to prove the efficiency, reliability and repeatability of the long distance chasing photometer (NAG-ADF-300-2) using continuous flow injection analysis. The method is based on reaction between atenolol and ammonium molybdate in an aqueous medium to obtain a dark brown precipitate. Optimum parameters was studied to increase the sensitivity for developed method. A linear range for calibration graph was 0.1-3.5 mmol/L for cell A and 0.3-3.5 mmol/L for cell B, and LOD 133.1680 ng/100 µL and 532.6720 ng/100 µL for cell A and cell B respectively with correlation coefficient (r) 0.9910 for cell A and 0.9901 for cell B, RSD% was lower than 1%, (n=8) for the determination of ate

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Experimental Determination of the Elastic and Viscous Behavior of Polycarbonate Melts at Different Temperatures and Their Relationship to the Steady State Viscosity via the Cox-Merz Rule
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Rheological instrument is one of the basic analytical measurements for diagnosing the properties of polymers fluids to be used in any industry. In this research polycarbonate was chosen because of its importance in many areas and possesses several distinct properties.
Two kinds of rheometers devices were used at different range of temperatures from 220 ˚C-300 ˚C to characterize the rheological technique of melted polycarbonate (Makrolon 2805) by a combination of different investigating techniques. We compared the results of the linear (oscillatory) method with the non-linear (steady-state) method; the former method provided the storage and the loss modulus of melted polycarbonate, and presented the Cox-Merz model as well. One of the

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 10 2024
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Improving the targeted delivery of curcumin to esophageal cancer cells via a novel formulation of biodegradable lecithin/chitosan nanoparticles with downregulated miR-20a and miR-21 expression
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Abstract<p>Nanoencapsulation, employing safe materials, holds substantial promise for enhancing bioactive compounds’ delivery, stability, and bioactivity. In this study, we present an innovative and safe methodology for augmenting the incorporation of the anticancer agent, curcumin, thereby inducing apoptosis by downregulating miR20a and miR21 expression. Our established methodology introduces three pivotal elements that, to our knowledge, have not undergone formal validation: (1) Novel formulation: We introduce a unique formula for curcumin incorporation. (2) Biocompatibility and biodegradability: our formulation exclusively consists of biocompatible and biodegradable constituents, ensuring t</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determining ACE-2 Level and Some Relevant Biochemical Parameters and studying the effect of Gender in Iraqi Diabetic Patients with Glomeruli and Renal Tubules Fibrosis as Early Prediction Marker
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     Diabetic kidney disease is an illness of the glomerulus that interferes with the glomerular filtration barrier (GFB), which is worked to enable kidney to selective purification of water and solutes in addition to limiting the movement of large macromolecules such as albumin. In the glomerular endothelium, mesangial cells, foot cells, and the brush border of the proximal tubules, ACE-2 is expressed and that the kidneys represent the highest-expressing region of this enzyme. Thus, the current study aimed to evaluate ACE-2 level in this case compared to healthy condition. The study Conducted with 120 male and female ranging in age (30-65) years old. Ninety patients with type 2 diabetes subdivided into three groups on the basis of A

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 21 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies (ijim)
Study the Effect of Using Google Classroom on the Academic Performance Under the Covid19 Pandemic Using Data Mining Technique
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— In light of the pandemic that has swept the world, the use of e-learning in educational institutions has become an urgent necessity for continued knowledge communication with students. Educational institutions can benefit from the free tools that Google provide and from these applications, Google classroom which is characterized by ease of use, but the efficiency of using Google classroom is affected by several variables not studied in previous studies Clearly, this study aimed to identify the use of Google classroom as a system for managing e-learning and the factors affecting the performance of students and lecturer. The data of this study were collected from 219 members of the faculty and students at the College of Administra

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Gsc Biological And Pharmaceutical Sciences
Using the silicon (luminal cast plastination technique) for the lower respiratory tract in sheep as an alternative to cement
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The lower respiratory tract of sheep was studied to determine the torsion and branching of the bronchial tree. The respiratory system of ruminants and all living organisms is one of the most important organs in the body that controls the amount of gas exchange between the heart and lungs through the airways, it is clear that in sheep it consists of a narrow bronchial tube that reaches the extent of lung tissue repercussions. He used silicon, water, acid, and at room temperature, and the substance was injected with an injection gun through the trachea and was pushed gently to spread and distribute in all parts of the lungs with moderate manual pressure. The results showed that the mold shape in the lung and the bronchial branches of

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Identificatio n Of Key Factors Affecting Waste Management In Life Cycle Of The Construction Project By Using Delphi Technique
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The problem of generated waste as a result of the implementation of construction projects, has  been aggravated recently because of construction activity experienced by the world, especially Iraq, which is going through a period of reconstruction, where construction waste represents (20-40%) of the total generated waste and has a negative effect on the environment and economic side of the project. In addition, the rate of consumpted  amounts of natural resources are estimated to be about 40% in the construction industry, so it became necessary to reduce waste and to be manage well. This study aims to identify the key factors affecting waste management through the various phases of the project, and this is accom

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