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The Influence of Chlorhexidine Diacetate Salt Incorporation Into Soft Denture Lining Material on Its Antifungal And Some Mechanical Properties
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Background: One of the most common problem associated with the used of soft denture lining material is microorganisms and fungal growth especially Candida albicans, which can result in chronic mucosal inflammation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of chlorhexidine diacetate (CDA) salt Incorporation into soft denture lining material on antifungal activity; against Candida albicans, and the amount of chlorhexidine di-acetate salt leached out of soft liner/CDA composite. Furthermore, evaluate shear bond strength and hardness after CDA addition to soft liner Materials and methods: chlorhexidine diacetate salt was added to soft denture lining material at four different concentrations (0.05%, 0.1% and 0.2% by weight). Four hundred and fifty specimens were made and divided into four groups according to the test to be performed. Disk diffusion test was used to evaluate the antifungal activity of the soft liner/CDA composite after four different periods of incubation in artificial saliva. UV spectroscopy was used to evaluate the amount of accumulative and periodic CDA released in artificial saliva after 2 days, 2 weeks and 4 weeks incubation in artificial saliva. The shear bond strength and shore A hardness was measured after 2 and 4 weeks incubation in artificial saliva and the results were statistically analyzed. Results: All experimental groups showed a highly significant increase in diameter of inhibition zone around the test specimen in compare with control group. The release of Chlorhexidine showed to be dose dependent. The shore A hardness a highly significant increase with the addition of CDA and as for shear bonding strength, the addition of CDA at 0.5% and 1.5% percentage resulted in a highly significant decrease in bond strength, while 2.5% and 3.5% percentage showed non-significant differences in compare with control. Conclusion: soft denture lining material with antifungal properties was the result of CDA salt incorporation which indicate that chlorhexidine was released in affected concentration from soft liner/CDA composite. This incorporation resulted in Hardness increase and did not affect the shear bond strength for 2.5% and 3.5% percentage. Keywords: Soft denture liners, antifungal activity, chlorhexidine diacetate salt.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 15 2022
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
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The article attempts to provide the theoretical fundamentals for the semiotic component of lacunae in a language. The definitions of the following notions have been represented: 1) lacunarity as a complex phenomenon that works in the modes of language, speech and speech behaviour; 2) lacuna as a gap, an empty space, which lacks something, which may be characteristic of a written work. The author of the article considers the main classes of lacunae, among which are: 1) generic lacunae, which reflect the absence of a common name for a class of objects; 2) species lacunae are the absence of specific names, names of individual types of objects or phenomena; 3) intralingual lacunae are found within the paradigms of one language; 4) interlanguage

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The presidential system in Turkey between reality and challenges: a vision of the future
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The nature of the political system of any country in the international system must have an impact on the policy of the State, whether in the interior or exterior, both regional and international, Turkey is one of the most important countries in the Middle East, which have a place and effectiveness on the surrounding environment, hence the importance of research lies in its political system and the transfer of power in it and its transformation from the form of the parliamentary system to the presidential system of the repercussions of the task and mutual effects between Turkey and the countries of the surrounding region in terms of the extent of achieving political stability in the Turkish interior or not and how this can be refl

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The political image of Kurds and ideological representation in the Arab novel in Iraq
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The novels that we have addressed in the research, Including those with the ideological and political ideology, It's carry a negative image for the Kurds without any attempt to understand, empathy and the separation between politics and the people, The novels were deformation of the image, Like tongue of the former authority which speaks their ideas, Such as (Freedom heads bagged, Happy sorrows Tuesdays for Jassim Alrassif, and Under the dogs skies for Salah Salah). The rest of novels (Life is a moment for Salam Ibrahim, The country night for Jassim Halawi, The rib for Hameed Aleqabi). These are novels contained a scene carries a negative image among many other social images, some positive, and can be described as neutral novels. We can

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Taking Over The Judiciary By Women And The Position Of Law From That: مثالا
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     الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيد الأنبياء والمرسلين نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وعلى  واصحابه أجمعين  ومن تبعهم وأهتدى بهداهم الى يوم الدين اما بعد :

        فوظيفة القضاء وظيفة سامية يراد منها اقامة العدل ولا يستقيم حالهم الا به دفعاّ للظلم ، ولقد اولى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ومن بعده الخلفاء الراشدون

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Simulation and Analysis the Effect of the Lorentz Force in a Free Electron Laser
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Due to the scientific and technical development in the free electron laser devices and the accompanying industrial and technological progress in various fields of civil and military life, it became necessary to expand the understanding of the mechanism of interaction of electrons (as an effective medium) with the magnetic field that they pass through to form coherent photons.

    In this paper, the Lorentz force effect is simulated and analysed. The results showed that the Lorentz force originates from the magnetic field, making the electron move through it oscillate. This sinusoidal motion of the electron causes it to emit two photons for every electron wavelength. It has been concluded that the electron velocity directly affe

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 03 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Architecture And Planning
The technological indicators of the relationship between structure and form in contemporary interior space
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Publication Date
Tue Apr 18 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The uses of social networking applications and websites in promoting the gulf stock markets
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The study aims to identify the uses and the impact of social networking applications and websites on stock markets and their role in defining the details of dealing with stock movement and trading. The study also aims to highlight the role of these networks by increasing confidence in stock markets and companies as well as encouraging and inciting young people to invest in these markets, the study belongs to the descriptive analytical approach, the study population consisted of all current and potential investors in the stock and financial markets in the United Arab Emirates. The study used a questionnaire that was distributed to a number of followers of social networking pages and websites that deal with trading

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Veterinary Sciences
The histological and histochemical features of the esophagus in local breed dogs (Canis familiaris)
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
Pros and Cons of the Transconjunctival Retroseptal Approach to the Isolated Orbital Floor Fracture
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To get access into the orbital floor 3 paths are commonly used which are transconjunctival, subciliary and subtarsal approaches. Each one of these approaches has its advantages and disadvantages. The study assessed the outcomes of the transconjunctival retroseptal approach, which reflects our experience in this type of surgery. Along 8 years, 26 patients received in the emergency room diagnosed with pure isolated orbital floor fractures, all of them admitted to the maxillofacial surgery department and approached by transconjunctival incision without lateral canthotomy. Three types of complications occurred: laceration of the lower eyelid, injury to the lacrimal system and entropion. All of these complications were managed accordingly with n

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
The Dialectic of Identity and the Other in Iraqi Contemporary Theatre: انس راهي علي
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  The value of culture in its interaction is composed and formulated according to compatible and incompatible roles which view the identity that adopts that formation although it is in most cases perceived and declared. The attraction and difference characteristic might be implied within subjective and procedural meaning through which it seeks to make the identity mobile subject to identity- shaping cultural causes implying the conflicts that take the shape and culture of real time. As for the end of the twentieth century and afterward where the concepts of hegemony, globalization, cultural invasion, colonial and imperial culture, all these causes made the cultural identity concept appear on the surface of the critical studies as a

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