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Effect of Polypropylene Fibers on moisture Susceptibility of Warm Mix Asphalt
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Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) is a modern energy-saving process that uses environmentally friendly materials, has lower mixing and compaction temperatures, and uses less energy and releases less contaminants than conventional hot mix asphalt. Moisture damage poses one of the main challenges of the material design in asphalt pavements. During its design life, the asphalt pavement is exposed to the effect of moisture from the surrounding environment. This research intends to investigate the role of the polypropylene fibres for modifying the moisture susceptibility for the WMA by using different percentages of polypropylene (namely 2, 4, and 6%) by weight of the binder of the control mixture (WMA). In this paper, the physical characteristics of the asphalt cement, Marshall properties, Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) and Index of Retained Strength (IRS) were determined to establish the effect of the polypropylene on the moisture susceptibility of the WMA. The results displayed that the modification of the AC with polypropylene caused an increase in the optimum asphalt content by 1.03, 3.09, and 11.3%, with the addition of 2, 4 and 6% of the P.P., respectively. The moisture resistance of the asphalt mixture was enhanced by adding the P.P., according to the rise in the Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) and Index of Retained Strength (IRS) values. The TSR value showed 9.4, 18.2 and 19.5% increase when the P.P. increased from 0.00 to 0.02, 0.04, and 0.06, respectively; besides, the IRS showed improvement with the addition of the P.P. to the WMA. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2021-03091704 Full Text: PDF

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 19 2018
Journal Name
Advances In Civil Engineering
Moisture Susceptibility of Sustainable Warm Mix Asphalt
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Sustainable pavements are pavements that meet the requirements of present generation without influencing the capability of the future generation to meet their needs. One of the problems of the warm mix asphalt is that it has low resistance to moisture damage; therefore, the aim of this research paper is to study the possibility of producing more durable warm mixes against the moisture damage with the use of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) which has not been studied before. Six replacement rates (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100%) for the coarse version aggregate (VA) with RCA were studied. The Marshall mix design method was used to determine the optimum asphalt cement content for each replacement rate. Thereafter, specimens with the opt

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 19 2018
Journal Name
Advances In Civil Engineering
Moisture Susceptibility of Sustainable Warm Mix Asphalt
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Sustainable pavements are pavements that meet the requirements of present generation without influencing the capability of the future generation to meet their needs. One of the problems of the warm mix asphalt is that it has low resistance to moisture damage; therefore, the aim of this research paper is to study the possibility of producing more durable warm mixes against the moisture damage with the use of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) which has not been studied before. Six replacement rates (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100%) for the coarse version aggregate (VA) with RCA were studied. The Marshall mix design method was used to determine the optimum asphalt cement content for each replacement rate. Thereafter, specimens with the opt

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Publication Date
Fri May 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Moisture Damage of Warm Mix Asphalt Concrete
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Implementation of Warm Mix Asphalt concrete (WMA) is getting global acceptance due to the restrictions for protecting the environment and the requirements to reduce fuel consumption. In this investigation, two WMA mixtures have been prepared in the laboratory using medium curing cutback (MC-30) and Cationic emulsion asphalt. Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) was also prepared for comparison. The cylinder specimens (63.5mm) in height and (101.6mm) in diameter were constructed from the mixtures and subjected to indirect tensile strength test to determine the Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR). The cylinder specimens of (101.6mm) in height and (101.6mm) in diameter were also constructed from those mixtures and subjected to static compressive

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessing the Moisture and Aging Susceptibility of Cold Mix Asphalt Concrete
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Laboratory experience in Iraq with cold asphalt concrete mixtures is very limited. The design and use of cold mixed asphalt concrete had no technical requirements. In this study, two asphalt concrete mixtures used for the base course were prepared in the laboratory using conventional cold-mixing techniques to test cold asphalt mixture (CAM) against aging and moisture susceptibility. Cold asphalt mixtures specimens have been prepared in the lab with cutback and emulsion binders, different fillers, and curing times. Based on the Marshal test result, the cutback proportion was selected with the filler, also based on the Marshal test emulsion. The first mixture was medium setting cationic emulsion (MSCE) as a binder, hydrate

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Assessment of Moisture Susceptibility for Asphalt Mixtures Modified by Carbon Fibers
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Moisture induced damage in asphaltic pavement might be considered as a serious defect that contributed to growth other distresses such as permanent deformation and fatigue cracking. This paper work aimed through an experimental effort to assess the behaviour of asphaltic mixtures that fabricated by incorporating several dosages of carbon fiber in regard to the resistance potential of harmful effect of moisture in pavement. Laboratory tests were performed on specimens containing fiber with different lengths and contents. These tests are: Marshall Test, the indirect tensile test and the index of retained strength. The optimum asphalt contents were determined based on the Marshall method. The preparation of asphaltic mixtures involved

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Hydrated Lime on Moisture Susceptibility of Asphalt Mixtures
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Moisture induced damage can cause a progressive deterioration in the performance of asphalt pavement by the loss of adhesion between asphalt binder and aggregate surface and/or loss of cohesion within the binder in the presence of water. The objective of this paper is to improve the asphalt mixtures resistance to moisture by using hydrated lime as an anti-stripping additive. For this purpose, two types of asphalt binder were utilized; asphalt grades (40-50) and (60-70) with one type of aggregate of 19.0 mm aggregate nominal maximum size, and limestone dust as a mineral filler. Marshall method was adopted to find the optimum asphalt content. Essentially, two parameters were determined to evaluate the moisture susceptibili

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 22 2021
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Experimental Evaluation of Moisture Damage and Rutting Resistance for SBS Modified Warm Mix Asphalt Incorporating Recycled Asphalt Concrete
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The efforts embedded in this paper have been devoted to designing, preparing, and testing warm mix asphalt (WMA) mixtures and comparing their behavior against traditional hot mix asphalt mixtures. For WMA preparation, the Sasobit wax additive has been added to a 40/50 asphalt binder with a concentration of 3%. An experimental evaluation has been performed by conducting the Marshall together with volumetric properties, indirect tensile strength, and wheel tracking tests to acquire the tensile strength ratio (TSR), retained stability index (RSI), and rut depth. It was found that the gained benefit of reduction in mixing and compaction temperatures was reversely associated with a noticeable decline in Marshall properties and moisture s

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Rubber Crumbs on Marshall Properties for Warm Mix Asphalt
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A new pavement technology has been developed in Highway engineering: asphalt pavement production is less susceptible to oxidation and the consequent damages. The warm mix asphalt (WMA) is produced at a temperature of about (10-40) oC lower than the hot asphalt paving. This is done using one of the methods of producing a WMA. Although WMA's performance is rather good, according to previous studies, as it is less susceptible to oxidation, it is possible to modify some of its properties using different materials, including polymers. Waste tires of vehicles are one of the types of polymers because of their flexible properties. The production of HMA, WMA, and WMA modified with proportions of (1, 1.5, and 2%) of rub

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 02 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Nano-Hydrated Lime on the Durability of Warm Mix Asphalt
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Premature failure in asphalt concrete pavement has been the main concern for pavement construction companies and engineers in recent years because of the large rise in traffic volume and loads and the temperature extremes in the summer and winter. The use of modifiers in asphalt concrete mixtures has attracted much attention to increase the performance and lifespan of pavements. As nanotechnology developed, several researchers concentrated on how these materials can help increase pavement serviceability by minimizing rutting and moisture damage. This study evaluates the Hydrated Lime (HL) effect by two methods (wet and dry hydrated lime) on the durability of the warm mix asphalt. The first method, HL, has been supplemented to the as

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study the Effect of using RAP in Warm Mix Asphalt Pavement.
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Sustainability is providing the needs without compromising the ability of the strategical forming to meet their requirements. The production of warm asphalt mixtures using recycled pavements produces economic and environmentally friendly mixtures, which is the most important advantage of this work. This research aims to determine the effect of recycled asphalt concrete (RAP) on the indirect tensile strength of warm asphalt mixtures and Marshall Properties. Models of warm asphalt mixtures using Aggregate from the Al-Nibaay quarry, Asphalt with a degree of penetration (40-50) from the refinery of the cycle, and obtained Recycled asphalt concrete from Salah Al-Din Road, Al-Ameriya area in Baghdad are prepared. Use five rati

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