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Comparative Study of The Amount of Apically Extrusion Of Debris During Root Canal Preparation Using Wave Oneâ„¢, Trushape 3Dâ„¢, Hyflexâ„¢ CM and One Shapeâ„¢ Instrumentation Systems (An In Vitro Study)
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Background: Many types of instruments and techniques are used in the instrumentation of the root canal system. These instruments and techniques may extrude debris beyond the apical foramen and may cause post-instrumentation complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the amount of apically extruded debris resulted by using 4 types of nickel-titanium instruments (WaveOne, TRUShape 3D conforming files, Hyflex CM, and One Shape files) during endodontic instrumentation. Materials and methods: Forty freshly extracted human mandibular second premolar with straight canals and a single apex were collected for this study. All teeth were cut to similar lengths. Pre-weighted glass vials were used as collecting containers. Samples were randomly divided into four groups with 10 samples in each group: Group A instrumentation by WaveOne reciprocating file, Group B instrumentation by TRUShape 3D rotating files, Group C instrumentation by Hyflex CM rotating files and Group D instrumentation by One Shape rotating file. A total volume of 7 ml of sodium hypochlorite was used for irrigation in each sample. Apical patency confirmed and maintained by a size #15 K-File. All canals were instrumented up to a size #25. After completion of endodontic instrumentation, vials were then stored in an incubator for 5 days at 68o C for dryness. Then vials are weighted again, and the pre-weight subtracted from the post-weight, the weight difference resembled the amount of apically extruded debris from the apical foramen during root canal instrumentation. Data obtained were statistically analysed by using ANOVA and LSD tests. Results: The results showed that the Hyflex CM Group (C) has statistical significant lowest apically extruded debris as compared to other groups of this study (P ≤0.05), while the TRUShape Group (B) has statistical significant lowest apically extruded debris as compared to One Shape Group (D) and WaveOne Group (A), while the WaveOne Group (A) showed the highest value of apically extruded debris (p ≤0.01). The result showed that all groups resulted in apical extrusion of debris. Significance: Although all systems caused apical extrusion of debris and irrigant, continuous rotary instrumentation was associated with less extrusion as compared with the use of reciprocating file system.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Composition operator induced by ?(z) = sz + t for which |s|?1, |t|<1 and |s|+|t|?1
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We study in this paper the composition operator that is induced by ?(z) = sz + t. We give a characterization of the adjoint of composiotion operators generated by self-maps of the unit ball of form ?(z) = sz + t for which |s|?1, |t|<1 and |s|+|t|?1. In fact we prove that the adjoint is a product of toeplitz operators and composition operator. Also, we have studied the compactness of C? and give some other partial results.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Sttudy tthe oriienttattiion and diisttance ffacttors effffectts on tthe llower usablle ffrequency ((LUF)) over miiddlle eastt regiion
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In this research, the influence of the orientation and distance factors on the lowest usable frequency (LUF) parameter has been studied theoretically. The calculations of the (LUF) parameter have been made using the (VOACAP) international communication model for the connection links between the capital Baghdad and many other locations that distributed on different distances and directions over the Middle East region. The results shown in this study indicate there is a slight affection of the link direction (orientation) on the LUF parameter, while the influence of the distance factor is more significant on the values of the LUF parameter. The day/night effect appears for the long distance HF links (i.e. more than a 500 Km)

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 27 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Prosthodontics
A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis for Overdenture Attachments Supported by Teeth and/or Mini Dental Implants
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design narrow-band frequency amplifier (1.5GHz -1.6GHz) based on InGaP Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) and GaAs HBT
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The research aims to design a narrow-band frequency drive amplifier (1.5GHz -1.6GHz), which is used to boost the transmitter amplifier's input signal or amplify the GPS, GlONASS signals at the L1 band.

The Power Amplifier printed circuit board (PCB) prototype was designed using InGaP HBT homogeneous technology transistor and GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) transistor. Two models have been compared; one of the models gave 16dB gain, and the other gave 23dB when using an input power signal (-15dBm). The PCB consumes 2.4W of power and has a physical dimension of 11 x 4 cm.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 31 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Intelligent Engineering And Systems
Automatic Computer Aided Diagnostic for COVID-19 Based on Chest X-Ray Image and Particle Swarm Intelligence
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Publication Date
Fri May 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Microbiology And Biotechnology
Bioactive Levan-Type Exopolysaccharide Produced by <i>Pantoea agglomerans</i> ZMR7: Characterization and Optimization for Enhanced Production
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal For Electrical And Electronic Engineering
EEG Motor-Imagery BCI System Based on Maximum Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform (MODWT) and Machine learning algorithm
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The ability of the human brain to communicate with its environment has become a reality through the use of a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)-based mechanism. Electroencephalography (EEG) has gained popularity as a non-invasive way of brain connection. Traditionally, the devices were used in clinical settings to detect various brain diseases. However, as technology advances, companies such as Emotiv and NeuroSky are developing low-cost, easily portable EEG-based consumer-grade devices that can be used in various application domains such as gaming, education. This article discusses the parts in which the EEG has been applied and how it has proven beneficial for those with severe motor disorders, rehabilitation, and as a form of communi

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Intelligent EMG Pattern Recognition Control Method for Upper-Limb Multifunctional Prostheses: Advances, Current Challenges, and Future Prospects
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and biological studies for some heterocyclic compounds derived from 2-Morpholino-1,8- naphthyridine-4-carboxylic acid
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New heterocyclic compounds derived from 2-Morpholino-1,8-naphthyridine-4-carboxylic acid such as oxadiazolo, thiadiazolo – thione and triazolo-thione have been prepared and characterized on the basis of IR and 1H NMR spectra data. The hydrizide compound was utilized as a starting material for preparing of these compounds. The second part of this study involves the biological studies of some of these naphthyridine derivatives by using three different kinds of bacteria namely: Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruglnosa and Escherichia coli. The data indicated that some of these compounds have a good activity against the tested bacteria in comparison to antibiotics.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Implementations Special Third-Order Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) for 5th-order 3rd-stage Diagonally Implicit Type Runge-Kutta Method (DITRKM)
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The derivation of 5th order diagonal implicit type Runge Kutta methods (DITRKM5) for solving 3rd special order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) is introduced in the present study. The DITRKM5 techniques are the name of the approach. This approach has three equivalent non-zero diagonal elements. To investigate the current study, a variety of tests for five various initial value problems (IVPs) with different step sizes h were implemented. Then, a comparison was made with the methods indicated in the other literature of the implicit RK techniques. The numerical techniques are elucidated as the qualification regarding the efficiency and number of function evaluations compared with another literature of the implic

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