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An Image Feature Extraction to Generate a Key for Encryption in Cyber Security Medical Environments
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Cyber security is a term utilized for describing a collection of technologies, procedures, and practices that try protecting an online environment of a user or an organization. For medical images among most important and delicate data kinds in computer systems, the medical reasons require that all patient data, including images, be encrypted before being transferred over computer networks by healthcare companies. This paper presents a new direction of the encryption method research by encrypting the image based on the domain of the feature extracted to generate a key for the encryption process. The encryption process is started by applying edges detection. After dividing the bits of the edge image into (3×3) windows, the diffusions on bits are applied to create a key used for encrypting the edge image. Four randomness tests are passed through NIST randomness tests to ensure whether the generated key is accepted as true. This process is reversible in the state of decryption to retrieve the original image. The encryption image that will be gained can be used in any cyber security field such as healthcare organization. The comparative experiments prove that the proposed algorithm improves the encryption efficiency has a good security performance, and the encryption algorithm has a higher information entropy 7.42 as well as a lower correlation coefficient 0.653.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Application of Finite Element Technique: A Review Study
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The finite element approach is used to solve a variety of difficulties, including well bore stability, fluid flow production and injection wells, mechanical issues and others. Geomechanics is a term that includes a number of important aspects in the petroleum industry, such as studying the changes that can be occur in oil reservoirs and geological structures, and providing a picture of oil well stability during drilling. The current review study concerned about the advancements in the application of the finite element method (FEM) in the geomechanical field over a course of century.

Firstly, the study presented the early advancements of this method by development the structural framework of stress, make numerical computer solution

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 16 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Colorimetric Determination of Meprobamate after a simple derivatization
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     A sensitive and environmentally benign spectrometric method was developed for quantifying Meprobamate (MEP). The analyzed MEP was derivatized into a colored complex and determined spectrometrically. The colorimetric analytical parameters were optimized and validated. Low limit of detection (LOD) was achieved down to 1.88×10-6 mol/l while the limit of quantification (LOQ) was extended over the range of 1.97×10-6 - 1.35×10-3 mol/l. The high precision has been denoted by the 1.54% value of the coefficient of variation. The recovery was 96.07%, while the RSD (n=3) was 1.05 - 1.19%. The apparent molar absorptivity (Ɛ) obtained within 1154.7 - 1691.9

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Digital Watermarking, Methodology, Techniques, and Attacks: A Review
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 The use of multimedia technology is growing every day, and it is difficult and time-consuming to provide allowed data while preventing secret information from being used without authorization. The material that has been watermarked can only be accessed by authorized users. Digital watermarking is a popular method for protecting digital data. The embedding of secret data into actual information is the subject of digital watermarking. This paper examines watermarking techniques, methodologies, and attacks, as well as the development of watermarking digital images stored in both the spatial and frequency domains.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
PMMA/ Anthracene Film as a Low Doses Dosimeter
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A prepared PMMA/Anthracene film of thickness 70μm was irradiated under reduced pressure ~10-3 to 60Coγ-ray dose of (0.1mrad-10krad) range. The optical properties of the irradiated films were evaluated spectrophotometrically. The absorption spectrum showed induced absorption changes in the 200-400nm range. At 359nm, where there is a decrease in radiation-induced absorption, the optical density as a function of absorbed dose is linear from 10mrad-10Krad.It can therefore, be used as radiation dosimeter for gamma ray in the range 10mrd-10krad

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improving IoT Applications Using a Proposed Routing Protocol
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The main objective of this work is to propose a new routing protocol for wireless sensor network employed to serve IoT systems. The routing protocol has to adapt with different requirements in order to enhance the performance of IoT applications. The link quality, node depth and energy are used as metrics to make routing decisions. Comparison with other protocols is essential to show the improvements achieved by this work, thus protocols designed to serve the same purpose such as AODV, REL and LABILE are chosen to compare the proposed routing protocol with. To add integrative and holistic, some of important features are added and tested such as actuating and mobility. These features are greatly required by some of IoT applications and im

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 06 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Engineering And Technological Science (jaets)
Lightweight Block and Stream Cipher Algorithm: A Review
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Most of the Internet of Things (IoT), cell phones, and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) applications need high speed in the execution and processing of data. this is done by reducing, system energy consumption, latency, throughput, and processing time. Thus, it will affect against security of such devices and may be attacked by malicious programs. Lightweight cryptographic algorithms are one of the most ideal methods Securing these IoT applications. Cryptography obfuscates and removes the ability to capture all key information patterns ensures that all data transfers occur Safe, accurate, verified, legal and undeniable.  Fortunately, various lightweight encryption algorithms could be used to increase defense against various at

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Dynamics of a single Condensing Two-Phase Bubble
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The dynamics of a single condensing two-phase bubble of two different dispersed-continuous systems were studied. The systems were, CCl4 - water and CCl4 - 100% glycerol. Cinephotography was used to determine the change in height, diameter and time. These results were used to determine the experimental rise velocity of the bubble, which was compared with a theoretical one based on some equations used. It was found that the velocity of the first system remained almost constant, while it decreased gradually for the second system.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2006
Journal Name
The Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal
Garden Cress Seed Could be A Factual Galactagogue
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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Trivial number of books, concerning traditional medicine, had mentioned a galactagogual role of Garden cress seeds. Others ignore that. This controversy, in addition to the steroid (family of sex hormones) contents of the seeds, directed us to evaluate the role of this herb in mammogenesis and lactogenesis. METHODS: Twelve parameters were used to assess the effect of Garden cress seeds on the mammary gland of young adult virgin rats. These parameters comprise gross assessment, histological examination (routine/ haematoxylin and eosin stain and special stain/ PAS), enzymatic histochemical study (alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase and lipoprotein lipase cytochemical localization), biochemical estimations (hor

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Italian Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics
The non-zero divisor graph of a ring
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Spergularia iraqensis sp. nov. is described as a new species from Iraq. This species has been collected from Diyala Province in the central east of Iraq; it is closely related to Spergularia rubra (L.) J. Presl & C. Presl, 1819 and Spergularia bocconei (Scheele) Graebn., 1919.
The distinguishing of the morphological characteristics of the new species alongside the two similar species are discussed with photographs, and an identification key is given for Spergularia iraqensis and other closely related species.

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