رغد عبدالعالي عزيز - Raghad Abdulaali Azeez
PhD - assistant professor
College of Education Ibn Rushd for Human Sciences , Department of History

Assist. Prof .Dr. Raghad A. Azeez received the MSc. from University of Technology, Iraq, 2002 and PhD. in Computer Science from Iraqi Commission for Computers and Informatics / Institute for Postgraduate Studies, 2006 . She has around 25 years of teaching experience. Her areas of interest's are computer security and image processing.


computer security


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Research Interests

computer security

Academic Area

phd in computer science

Teaching materials
اساسيات الحاسوب
كلية التربية ابن رشد للعلوم الانسانية
Stage 1

اساسيات الحاسوب


Publication Date
Tue Jan 17 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Online And Biomedical Engineering (ijoe)
An Image Feature Extraction to Generate a Key for Encryption in Cyber Security Medical Environments

Cyber security is a term utilized for describing a collection of technologies, procedures, and practices that try protecting an online environment of a user or an organization. For medical images among most important and delicate data kinds in computer systems, the medical reasons require that all patient data, including images, be encrypted before being transferred over computer networks by healthcare companies. This paper presents a new direction of the encryption method research by encrypting the image based on the domain of the feature extracted to generate a key for the encryption process. The encryption process is started by applying edges detection. After dividing the bits of the edge image into (3×3) windows, the diffusions

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 05 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies (ijim)
A Partial Face Encryption in Real World Experiences Based on Features Extraction from Edge Detection

User confidentiality protection is concerning a topic in control and monitoring spaces. In image, user's faces security in concerning with compound information, abused situations, participation on global transmission media and real-world experiences are extremely significant. For minifying the counting needs for vast size of image info and for minifying the size of time needful for the image to be address computationally. consequently, partial encryption user-face is picked. This study focuses on a large technique that is designed to encrypt the user's face slightly. Primarily, dlib is utilizing for user-face detection. Susan is one of the top edge detectors with valuable localization characteristics marked edges, is used to extract

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Design a system for an approved video copyright over cloud based on biometric iris and random walk generator using watermark technique

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
3D scenes semantic segmentation using deep learning based Survey
Abstract<p>Semantic segmentation realization and understanding is a stringent task not just for computer vision but also in the researches of the sciences of earth, semantic segmentation decompose compound architectures in one elements, the most mutual object in a civil outside or inside senses must classified then reinforced with information meaning of all object, it’s a method for labeling and clustering point cloud automatically. Three dimensions natural scenes classification need a point cloud dataset to representation data format as input, many challenge appeared with working of 3d data like: little number, resolution and accurate of three Dimensional dataset . Deep learning now is the po</p> ... Show More
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