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An Image Feature Extraction to Generate a Key for Encryption in Cyber Security Medical Environments
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Cyber security is a term utilized for describing a collection of technologies, procedures, and practices that try protecting an online environment of a user or an organization. For medical images among most important and delicate data kinds in computer systems, the medical reasons require that all patient data, including images, be encrypted before being transferred over computer networks by healthcare companies. This paper presents a new direction of the encryption method research by encrypting the image based on the domain of the feature extracted to generate a key for the encryption process. The encryption process is started by applying edges detection. After dividing the bits of the edge image into (3×3) windows, the diffusions on bits are applied to create a key used for encrypting the edge image. Four randomness tests are passed through NIST randomness tests to ensure whether the generated key is accepted as true. This process is reversible in the state of decryption to retrieve the original image. The encryption image that will be gained can be used in any cyber security field such as healthcare organization. The comparative experiments prove that the proposed algorithm improves the encryption efficiency has a good security performance, and the encryption algorithm has a higher information entropy 7.42 as well as a lower correlation coefficient 0.653.

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Empirical Equations for Analysis of Two-Way Reinforced Concrete Slabs
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There are many different methods for analysis of two-way reinforced concrete slabs. The most efficient methods depend on using certain factors given in different codes of reinforced concrete design. The other ways of analysis of two-way slabs are the direct design method and the equivalent frame method. But these methods usually need a long time for analysis of the slabs.

In this paper, a new simple method has been developed to analyze the two-way slabs by using simple empirical formulae, and the results of final analysis of some examples have been compared with other different methods given in different codes of practice.

The comparison proof that this simple proposed method gives good results and it can be used in analy

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Surface Free Energy for the Evaluation of Asphalt Binder Stripping
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Stripping is one of the major distresses within asphalt concrete pavements caused due to penetration of water within the interface of asphalt-aggregate matrix. In this work, one grade of asphalt cement (40-50) was mixed with variable percentages of three types of additives (fly ash, fumed silica, and phosphogypsum) to obtained an modified asphalt cement to resist the effect of stripping phenomena .The specimens have been tested for physical properties according to AASHTO. The surface free energy has been measured by using two methods namely, the wilhelmy technique and the Sessile drop method according to NCHRP-104
procedures. Samples of asphalt concrete using different asphalt cement and modified asphalt cement percentages(4.1,4.6 an

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Application Or Innovation In Engineering & Management (ijaiem)
Probabilistic Neural Network for User Authentication Based on Keystroke Dynamics
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Computer systems and networks are increasingly used for many types of applications; as a result the security threats to computers and networks have also increased significantly. Traditionally, password user authentication is widely used to authenticate legitimate user, but this method has many loopholes such as password sharing, brute force attack, dictionary attack and more. The aim of this paper is to improve the password authentication method using Probabilistic Neural Networks (PNNs) with three types of distance include Euclidean Distance, Manhattan Distance and Euclidean Squared Distance and four features of keystroke dynamics including Dwell Time (DT), Flight Time (FT), mixture of (DT) and (FT), and finally Up-Up Time (UUT). The resul

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Technical analysis of the salary scale for public sector employees
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            The research discusses the mechanism for analyzing the salary scale in the public sector through an analysis of grades, their stages, occupants and their financial entitlements, and the extent to which the information obtained for their investment in strategic planning, conducting correction and treatment can be used. The salaries of the employees in them, whose number is (1117) employees, to be a field of research, as the salary structure in it for the year 2019 was analyzed by relying on a number of statistical tools in the analysis process, including the arithmetic circles, upper limits, minimum limits and percentage, and with

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Thermal Performance Analysis of Compact Heat Exchangers for Thermoelectric Generators
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The efficiency of internal combustion engines (ICE) is usually about thirty percent of the total energy of the fuel. The residual energy is lost in the exhaust gas, the lubrication, and the cooling water in the radiators. Recently much of the researcher’s efforts have focused on taking advantage of wasted energy of the exhaust gas. Using a thermoelectric generator (TEG) is one of the promising ways. However, TEG depends entirely on the temperature difference, which may be offered by the exhaust muffler. An experimental test has been conducted to study the thermal performance of a different muffler internal design. The researchers resort to the use of lost energy in an ICE using TEG, which is one of the ways to take adv

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Exact Stiffness Matrix for Nonprismatic Beams with Parabolic Varying Depth
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In this paper, an exact stiffness matrix and fixed-end load vector for nonprismatic beams having parabolic varying depth are derived. The principle of strain energy is used in the derivation of the stiffness matrix.
The effect of both shear deformation and the coupling between axial force and the bending moment are considered in the derivation of stiffness matrix. The fixed-end load vector for elements under uniformly distributed or concentrated loads is also derived. The correctness of the derived matrices is verified by numerical examples. It is found that the coupling effect between axial force and bending moment is significant for elements having axial end restraint. It was found that the decrease in bending moment was
in the

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 27 2022
Journal Name
Egyptian Journal Of Chemistry
Evaluation of Zinc Chelation Ability for Non-Hydroxamic Organic Moieties
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design of L1 -Adaptive Controller for Single Axis Positioning Table
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L1 adaptive controller has proven to provide fast adaptation with guaranteed transients in a large variety of systems. It is commonly used for controlling systems with uncertain time-varying unknown parameters. The effectiveness of  L1 adaptive controller for position control of single axis has been examined and compared with Model Reference Adaptive Controller (MRAC). The Linear servo motor is one of the main constituting elements of the x-y table which is mostly used in automation application. It is characterized by time-varying friction and disturbance.

    The tracking and steady state performances of both controllers have been assessed fo

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Data Acquisition System for Wind Speed, Direction and Temperature Measurements
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This paper describes the use of microcomputer as a laboratory instrument system. The system is focused on three weather variables measurement, are temperature, wind speed, and wind direction. This instrument is a type of data acquisition system; in this paper we deal with the design and implementation of data acquisition system based on personal computer (Pentium) using Industry Standard Architecture (ISA)bus. The design of this system involves mainly a hardware implementation, and the software programs that are used for testing, measuring and control. The system can be used to display the required information that can be transferred and processed from the external field to the system. A visual basic language with Microsoft foundation cl

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Decisions making for fraction functions By Using Goal Programming Method
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Decision making is vital and important activity in field operations research ,engineering ,administration science and economic science with any industrial or service company or organization because the core of management process as well as improve him performance . The research includes decision making process when the objective function is fraction function and solve models fraction programming by using some fraction programming methods and using goal programming method aid programming ( win QSB )and the results explain the effect use the goal programming method in decision making process when the objective function is
fraction .

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