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An Image Feature Extraction to Generate a Key for Encryption in Cyber Security Medical Environments
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Cyber security is a term utilized for describing a collection of technologies, procedures, and practices that try protecting an online environment of a user or an organization. For medical images among most important and delicate data kinds in computer systems, the medical reasons require that all patient data, including images, be encrypted before being transferred over computer networks by healthcare companies. This paper presents a new direction of the encryption method research by encrypting the image based on the domain of the feature extracted to generate a key for the encryption process. The encryption process is started by applying edges detection. After dividing the bits of the edge image into (3×3) windows, the diffusions on bits are applied to create a key used for encrypting the edge image. Four randomness tests are passed through NIST randomness tests to ensure whether the generated key is accepted as true. This process is reversible in the state of decryption to retrieve the original image. The encryption image that will be gained can be used in any cyber security field such as healthcare organization. The comparative experiments prove that the proposed algorithm improves the encryption efficiency has a good security performance, and the encryption algorithm has a higher information entropy 7.42 as well as a lower correlation coefficient 0.653.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 29 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Alternating Directions Implicit Method for Solving Homogeneous Heat Diffusion Equation
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     An Alternating Directions Implicit method is presented to solve the homogeneous heat diffusion equation when the governing equation is a bi-harmonic equation (X) based on Alternative Direction Implicit (ADI). Numerical results are compared with other results obtained by other numerical (explicit and implicit) methods. We apply these methods it two examples (X): the first one, we apply explicit when the temperature .

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Unity Sliding Mode Controller Design for Active Magnetic Bearings System
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Active Magnetic Bearings (AMBs) are progressively being implemented in a wide variety of applications. Their exclusive appealing features make them suitable for solving traditional rotor-bearing problems using novel design approaches for rotating machinery.  In this paper, a linearized uncertain model of AMBs is utilized to develop a nonlinear sliding mode controller based on Lyapunov function for the electromechanical system. The controller requires measurements of the rotor displacements and their derivatives. Since the control law is discontinuous, the proposed controller can achieve a finite time regulation but with the drawback of the chattering problem. To reduce the effect of this problem, the gain of the uni

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller for Servo Actuator System with Friction
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This paper addresses the use of adaptive sliding mode control for the servo actuator system with friction. The adaptive sliding mode control has several advantages over traditional sliding mode control method. Firstly, the magnitude of control effort is reduced to the minimal admissible level defined by the conditions for the sliding mode to exist. Secondly, the upper bounds of uncertainties are not required to be known in advance. Therefore, adaptive sliding mode control method can be effectively implemented. The numerical simulation via MATLAB 2014a for servo actuator system with friction is investigated to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed robust adaptive sliding mode control scheme. The results clarify, after

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Inducing the Health Promotion Model for Nursing Practice: Qualitative Study
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Objective: To generate a model that conceptualizes the phenomenon of health promotion and its related factors.
Methodology: A grounded theory methodology is used as qualitative method to explore the health promotion as
phenomenon of interest and its other related factors from the perspectives of specialists in this field. The study is
carried out from January 2002 through September 2004. A sample of (20) specialists in health sciences are
selected and interviewed as experts in the area of health promotion. The investigators conducted intensive and
structured interviews with the specialists to collect the data. These interviews were transcribed verbatim,
analyzed and interpreted.
Results: Findings of the study indicat

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 20 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Fractional CO2 Laser for Treatment of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence
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Background: Urinary incontinence (UI) is a common disorder that affects women of various ages and impacts all aspects of life. This condition negatively influences quality of life. Fractional CO2 laser (10600nm) is the recent method for treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women. Objectives: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of fractional CO2 laser (10600nm) in the treatment of female stress urinary incontinence. Materials & Methods: This study was done from July 2020 to February 2021conducted at the laser institute for postgraduate studies university of Baghdad, patients collected from a private clinic and the Department of

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Robustness Assessment of Regional GNSS Geodetic Networks for Precise Applications
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Over the past few decades, the surveying fieldworks were usually carried out based on classical positioning methods for establishing horizontal and vertical geodetic networks. However, these conventional positioning techniques have many drawbacks such as time-consuming, too costly, and require massive effort. Thus, the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) has been invented to fulfill the quickness, increase the accuracy, and overcome all the difficulties inherent in almost every surveying fieldwork. This research assesses the accuracy of local geodetic networks using different Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) techniques, such as Static, Precise Point Positioning, Post Processing Kinematic, Session method, a

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Nano MgO catalyst for chemical depolymerization of polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
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This paper focuses firstly on the production of monomers bis (2-hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET) and oligomers by using two different form of MgO light active and Nano Magnesium oxide with different weight ratio (0.15, 0.25 and 0.5) by using chemical recycling glass condenser at 190 ˚C. The second purpose is to study the effect of catalyst ratio, time of reaction and yield of products of the product. Elemental analysis for Carbon –Hydrogen and Nitrogen (CHN), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) have been investigated. Results indicated the catalytic activity was found to correlate with surface area; however, LA MgO has shown an exceptional activity, still it is h

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Projective Properties for Symmetrical Magnetic Lens by Using Exponential Model
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A computational investigation is carried out in the field of charged particle optics with the aid of the numerical analysis methods. The work is concerned with the design of symmetrical double pole piece magnetic lens.  The axial magnetic flux density distribution is determined by using exponential model, from which the paraxial-ray equation is solved to obtain the trajectory of particles that satisfy the suggested exponential model.  From the knowledge of the first and second derivatives of axial potential distribution, the optical properties such as the focal length and aberration coefficients (radial distortion coefficient and spiral distortion coefficient) are determined.  Finally, the pole piece profiles capable of pr

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
the coincidence lefschetz number for self-maps of lie groups
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Let/. It :0 ---0 G be any two self maps of a compact connected oriented Lie group G. In this paper, for each positive integer k , we associate an integer with fk,hi . We relate this number with Lefschetz coincidence number. We deduce that for any two differentiable maps f, there exists a positive integer k such that k 5.2+1 , and there is a point x C G such that ft (x) = (x) , where A is the rank of G . Introduction Let G be an n-dimensional com -pact connected Lie group with multip-lication p ( .e 44:0 xG--+G such that p ( x , y) = x.y ) and unit e . Let [G, G] be the set of homotopy classes of maps G G . Given two maps f , f G ---• Jollowing [3], we write f. f 'to denote the map G-.Gdefined by 01.11® =A/WO= fiat® ,sea Given a point g

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Best estimation for the Reliability of 2-parameter Weibull Distribution
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This Research Tries To Investigate The Problem Of Estimating The Reliability Of Two Parameter Weibull Distribution,By Using Maximum Likelihood Method, And White Method. The Comparison Is done Through Simulation Process Depending On Three Choices Of Models (?=0.8 , ß=0.9) , (?=1.2 , ß=1.5) and (?=2.5 , ß=2). And Sample Size n=10 , 70, 150 We Use the Statistical Criterion Based On the Mean Square Error (MSE) For Comparison Amongst The Methods.

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