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An Image Feature Extraction to Generate a Key for Encryption in Cyber Security Medical Environments
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Cyber security is a term utilized for describing a collection of technologies, procedures, and practices that try protecting an online environment of a user or an organization. For medical images among most important and delicate data kinds in computer systems, the medical reasons require that all patient data, including images, be encrypted before being transferred over computer networks by healthcare companies. This paper presents a new direction of the encryption method research by encrypting the image based on the domain of the feature extracted to generate a key for the encryption process. The encryption process is started by applying edges detection. After dividing the bits of the edge image into (3×3) windows, the diffusions on bits are applied to create a key used for encrypting the edge image. Four randomness tests are passed through NIST randomness tests to ensure whether the generated key is accepted as true. This process is reversible in the state of decryption to retrieve the original image. The encryption image that will be gained can be used in any cyber security field such as healthcare organization. The comparative experiments prove that the proposed algorithm improves the encryption efficiency has a good security performance, and the encryption algorithm has a higher information entropy 7.42 as well as a lower correlation coefficient 0.653.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
the role of time management in facilitate the work requirements for employees of the administrative department at the ministry of higher education and scientific research
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The aim of the present study is to provide the adequate knowledge about the role of time management in facilitate the work requirements for employees of the administrative department at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The research depend on studying four important dimensions which are (time planning, time organization, time direction and time observation). In addition to study other five dimensions which are (new procedures, clear procedures, short procedures, the available information and the simplicity of the methods

used).Questionnaire sheets consist of (38 questions) distributed to (170) employees and (146)  sheets only were considered in the study. SPSS program was used

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Accounting disclosure of social responsibility and its impact on achieving sustainable development goals: (Applied research in the State Company for Food Industries- Diwaniyah Dairy Factory)
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The researchers seek to shed light on the importance of accounting disclosure on social responsibility, and the research aims to provide a theoretical approach to social accounting and its disclosure, identify the concept of sustainable development, highlight the theoretical foundations of sustainable development and employ disclosure of social responsibility towards achieving the goals of sustainable development, and identify the impact of The accounting disclosure on social responsibility in achieving sustainable development goals, and the research problem can be reviewed by asking the following question (Does the accounting disclosure of the social responsibility of economic units contribute to achieving sustainable developmen

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 28 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The effectiveness of using interactive harmonic exercises in improving the level of some physical and motor abilities and intelligence for students aged (9-10) years
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We discussed the proper preparation, directing, and implementation of physical education lessons, and clarification of the duties that fall upon the physical education teacher in addition to his physical and skill duties, which is the duty of the physical education lesson. The problem of the research lies in the fact that interactive harmonic exercises are not implemented accurately by physical education teachers because they require great experience, exceptional efforts, and accuracy in performance. The research aims to identify the level of some physical and motor abilities and intelligence among students aged (9-10) years, and to know the effect of some harmonic exercises. Interactivity at the level of some physical and motor abi

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Determining situational dimensions as a method of Equivalence in the source and target language in the translation of Russian and Arab: ( Понимание реальности ) средство полной эквивалентности текста оргинала и текста перевода на русском и арабском языках
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The present paper stresses the direct effect of the situational dimension termed as “reality” on the authors’ thoughts and attitudes. Every text is placed within a particular situation which has to be correctly identified by the translator as the first and the most important step for a good translation. Hence, the content of any word production reflects some part of reality. Comprehending any text includes comprehending the reality’s different dimensions as reflected in the text and, thus illuminating the connection of reality features.


Исследование под названием  ((«Понимание реальности» средство полно

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of a Proposed Study Unit Based on the Funds of Knowledge Theory in Developing the Attitudes Towards Cultural Identity and the Proposed Study Unit among Students of Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman
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The present study aims to explore the effectiveness of a proposed study unit based on the funds of knowledge theory in developing the attitudes towards cultural identity and the proposed study unit. In order to achieve the goal of the study, the two researchers followed the quasi-experimental approach, where the study sample consisted of (28) female students of the fifth-grade at Al-Jeelah Basic Education School, Al-Dakhiliyah Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman. The data were collected by two scales: the first is a scale of attitudes towards cultural identity consisting of (26) items. The second was a scale of attitudes towards the proposed study unit, which consisted of (24) items. The results of the study revealed that the effect of

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
Membrane Fouling Reduction for Reverse Osmosis System Using Zeta Rod
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Reverse osmosis membrane desalination is one of the most significant water treatments that is used to offer freshwater. The aim of this research is to study the effect of controlling the value of the zeta potential on the suspended particles in the water and the proximity of the membrane surfaces in the colloidal solution, to keep the water stable electrically and disperse the colloidal particles. To achieve this aim, the experimental study was conducted in the Sanitary Engineering Laboratory, in the engineering college - University of Baghdad. Two systems were set up, one worked normally and the other worked by using the zeta rod placed before the reverse osmosis membrane. The results showed that the effect of the zeta rod increas

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Water Hammer Arresters; Review Studies and Practical Experiments for Alternatives
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The current research deals with practical studies that explain to the Iraqi consumer multiple instances about the phenomenon of water hammer which occur in the water pipeline operating with pressure. It concern a practical study of the characteristics of this phenomenon and economically harmful to the consumer the same time. Multiple pipe fittings are used aimed to reduce this phenomenon and its work as alternatives to the manufactured arresters that used to avoid water hammer in the sanitary installations, while the consumer did not have any knowledge as to the non-traded for many reasons, including the water pressure decreases in the networks and the use of consumer pumps to draw water directly from the network. Study found a numbe

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 18 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Performance Evaluation of Transport Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
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Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) is a wireless technology that plays an important role in several modern applications which include military, civil, health and real-time applications. Providing Quality of Service (QoS) for this application with network characterized by node mobility, infrastructure-less, limitation resource is a critical issue and takes greater attention. However, transport protocols effected influential on the performance of MANET application. This study provides an analysis and evaluation of the performance for TFRC, UDP and TCP transport protocols in MANET environment. In order to achieve high accuracy results, the three transport protocols are implemented and simulated with four different network topology which are 5, 10

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 20 2012
Journal Name
J. Of University Of Anbar For Pure Science
Laser Processing For Nanoscale Size Quantum Wires of AlGaAs/GaAs
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In this work we investigate and calculate theoretically the variation in a number of optoelectronic properties of AlGaAs/GaAs quantum wire laser, with emphasis on the effect of wire radius on the confinement factor, density of states and gain factor have been calculated. It is found that there exist a critical wire radius (rc) under which the confinement of carriers are very weak. Whereas, above rc the confinement factor and hence the gain increase with increasing the wire radius.

Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Rheological Evaluation of Polymer (Sav 10) For Polymer Flooding Applications
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Half of the oil production of the worldwide is a result  of the water flooding  project. But the main concern of this process is mobility control of the injected fluid, because the unfavorable mobility ratio leads to fingering effect. Adding polymer to the injection water increase the water viscosity, therefore, the displacement will be more stable and have a greater sweep efficiency.

   Using of polymer flooding has received more attention these days. Polymer has great potential in the Middle East region, especially in reservoir with high temperature and salinity.

   The main objective of this work is to show the effect of shear rate, salinity, temperature, polymer concentration on polymer v

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