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Assessment of Patients’ Compliance with Essential Hypertension
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This study aims to asses the patients' compliance with essential hypertension in respect to antihypertensive
medications, follow-up, dietary pattern and health habits, to identify the associated long-term complications, and
to find out the relationship between patient's compliance, and demographic characteristics such as age, gender,
level of education, and duration of disease.
A descriptive study was carried out in Nasiriyah Teaching Hospital to achieve presented objectives .
The results of the study revealed that there were a significant association between educational level and total
patient's compliance, a significant association was found between the duration of disease and complications, the
majority (63%) of the sample was non-complaint, most of them was males with low level of education and
(70%) of them had complications. A greater number (21%) suffering from (Cerebrovascular accident).
The research recommends that establishing well-equipped specialized hypertension clinics, educational program
should be designed, antihypertensive drugs should be supported by government, antihypertensive medications
must be obtained from the out patient clinic to avoid buying them from private pharmacies to maintain patients
compliance, and further study can be conducted in Iraq to determine the impact of non-compliance of patients
with essential hypertension.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Effectiveness of Quantitative Instruments in Controlling Money Supply: An Applied Research in the Central Bank of Iraq
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This research deals with the role of quantitative (indirect) tools of monetary policy that used by the Central Bank of Iraq in order to control and manage the size of the money supply that intermediate goal through which monetary policy is able to achieve its final goals, foremost among which is to reduce inflation and raise the value of the local currency in front of foreign currency rates. The research is based on a major hypothesis stating that quantitative tools have a direct and strong influence on the money supply, especially under the circumstances of the shift towards a market economy. There has been a branching relationship with this statistically significant relationship between the money supply and the quantitative tools used

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Population Therapeutics And Clinical Pharmacology
Accuracy of Office Hysteroscopy in Diagnosis of Endometrial Pathologies Compared to Ultrasound and Histopathology in Baghdad Teaching Hospital
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Detailed interpretation of Sheikh Abdullah Knon A look at the curriculum and method of innovation Critical inductive study
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The problem lies in the main research Where the site of this interpretation of the books of interpretation and what is new and how?
The objectives of this research Vjat to give a quick overview of Sheikh Kenon and the qualifications that made him interpreter, as the goal of the research to reveal the method of Sheikh Kenon highlighting what he has and what is new and show.
The researcher used the inductive method to read the whole book and the comparative approach to compare it with others. He also used the critical method to distinguish between the positions of strength and weakness in the book. The most important results are as follows: :
1 - Sheikh Abdullah Kenon language writer familiar with many sciences, such as jurisprude

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    The research has conducted on shelterbelt of Al-Ashraf Najaf city to explore suitability of four Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. Forms and two other tree species; Casuarina equisetifolia and Olea europaea to the local dominant sever conditions. Development in growth was studied through the interval of five years. Growth parameters included height, DBH stem diameter, main stem height, crown diameter, and stem girth were investigated. Distance from water supply was inspected, too. Results showed superiority of E. camaldulensis upon other species. Investigations showed weakness in growth of C. equisetifolia where most of trees could not resist because of their position in oppos

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Chinese Economy and its impact on international trade (Study on the role of the port of Gwadar)
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China's economic policy and its huge capabilities operate according to an expansion strategy, especially in investing foreign projects, as the past ten years have witnessed a major development in the elements of comprehensive strength, especially in the economic field, in 2014 China launched the largest initiative in the world, represented by the Belt and Road Project (BRI), which links nearly 70 countries, through this project, a very important region has emerged, which is (the port of cadres) in Pakistan, as China has headed towards that region and given the highest importance that is in its interest in the first place regardless of the great Pakistani interest, This is consistent with its future aspirations, especially after breaking

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Publication Date
Tue May 20 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The use of mathematical formulas to control river pollution Study area Diyala River within the city of Baquba
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Pollution of the aquatic environment and the depletion of the natural resource cause imbalance in the natural balance of the river environment and contributes to the deterioration of life and the killing of living organisms. Most of the old and modern cities and urban centers were set up close to the rivers because water enters the main lifeblood and all its facilities. The proximity of cities to rivers caused environmental problems resulting from the dumping of residues of these cities to a large and continuous, these wastes include all uses of the city (industrial, agricultural, residential and commercial) and others. The accumulation of these wastes inside the rivers water kills life and makes them unsuitable for various uses to bury

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Medical Sciences
Histopathological effects of S. xylosus peptidoglycan in comparison to E. coli lipopolysaccharide in the urinary tract of mice
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he present work, among other previous studies done in our lab, aimed to highlight the histopathological effect of S. xylosus peptidoglycan in comparison to LPS of E. coli. Materials and methods: One hundred and fifty urine specimens were collected from urinary tract infection patients visiting Baghdad hospitals. The histopathological effects of S. xylosus S24 peptidoglycan was studied in the urinary tract of female mice by injecting 5 animal groups at the following concentrations: 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, and 5000 µg/mL. Another 5 groups were injected with 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100 ng/mL of E. coli (serotype 0128:B12) LPS. Results: Ten isolates were confirmed to be Staphylococcus xylosus. Histopathological study showed different pathological

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 21 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Effect of transglutaminase on mechanical and barrier properties of edible films made from soybeen and why protein isolate
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This study was aimed to study the effect of adding transglutaminase (TGase) on the mechanical and reservation properties of the edible films manufactured from soybean meal protein isolate (SPI) and whey protein isolate(WPI). The results showed an improvement in the properties with increase in the WPI ratios. Thickness of the SPI films amounted 0.097 mm decreased to 0.096 mm for the WPI: SPI films at a ratio of 2:1, when TGase was added decreased to 0.075 mm. While the tensile strength increased from 7.64 MPa for SPI films to eight MPa for the WPI: SPI films at a ratio of 2:1, when TGase was added increased to 11.04 MPa. Also, the elongation of the WPI: SPI films at a ratio of 2:1 presence of the TGase decreased to 40.6% compared wit

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2006
Journal Name
Anbar Journal Of Agricultural Sciences 4 (1)‏
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Acetic Acid on Electrochemical Behavior of Sealed AA2319-T3 Al-Alloys Anodized in Phosphoric Acid Electrolytes
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      The present study investigates the effect of acetic acid on corrosion behavior and its potential of hydrothermally sealed anodized AA2319-Al-alloys. Anodizing treatment was performed in stagnant phosphoric acid electrolyte with or without addition of acetic acid. Hydrothermal sealing was carried out in boiling water for each anodized specimen. The open circuit potential of the unsealed and sealed anodized samples was examined using open circuit potential measurement for the purpose of starting in scanning polarization diagrams. The potentiostatic polarization technique measurements were performed to assess corrosion behavior and sealing quality (i.e., degree of sealing) of

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