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Self-Evaluation of Nurses and Midwives Practices Using SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) Communication Tool on Maternal Health Documentation
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Objective: To self-evaluate the effect of SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation) educational program on nurse and midwives practices in maternal health report documentation accuracy.
Methods: A quasi- experimental design was carried with the application of pre- post test for nurses and midwives’ knowledge and practices regarding SBAR communication tool. The study was held in Al-Elwia maternity teaching hospital, Al –Karckh maternity hospital and Al-Yarmouk teaching Hospital. purposive sample as it was convenient with inclusion criteria consisted of (84) nurse and midwives. The questionnaire comprised of demographic data, nurses- midwives practices of SBAR using (5) level Likert scale for assessment, with Cut –off point (3). Content validity was determined through (21) expert. Pilot study was conducted on (10) nurses and midwives at Al- Elwia maternity teaching hospital during 15th to 22nd ,may, 2017. Reliability of the questionnaire (pre (0.89), post (0.89), evaluation (0.936) Descriptive and Inferential statistical data analysis were used.

Results: The result shows that there is significant statistical differences in all domain, so we reject the nil
( ) hypotheses and accepted the alternative one ( ). Because the calculate value greater than table value for each degree of freedom (3,4) that corresponding the table value (7.816 ,9.488) respectively. The means are not equal for all in chi- square distribution and in the corresponding degree of freedom. No significant differences between evaluation variable (practice) in SBAR program with the socio-demographic characteristics, except for work place shows significant differences at (P-value : 0.000). The results also presents that participants were extremely confident in applying scenario for Placenta praevia, Abortion, Teenage pregnancy, Postdate pregnancy, Preeclampsia, and last Premature rupture membranes. Recommendations: A coordination with Ministry of health in Iraq- to activate SBAR forma to be used in nursing curriculum. Encouraging nurse –midwives to attend workshop, conference training programs and review nursing care related to SBAR forms.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On generalized b*-Closed Sets In Topological Spaces
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 In this paper, we introduce and study the concept of a new class of generalized closed set which is called generalized b*-closed set in topological spaces ( briefly .g b*-closed) we study also. some of its  basic properties and investigate the relations between the associated topology. 

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Keystroke Dynamics Authentication based on Naïve Bayes Classifier
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Authentication is the process of determining whether someone or something is, in fact, who or what it is declared to be. As the dependence upon computers and computer networks grows, the need for user authentication has increased. User’s claimed identity can be verified by one of several methods. One of the most popular of these methods is represented by (something user know), such as password or Personal Identification Number (PIN). Biometrics is the science and technology of authentication by identifying the living individual’s physiological or behavioral attributes. Keystroke authentication is a new behavioral access control system to identify legitimate users via their typing behavior. The objective of this paper is to provide user

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 24 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiyah For Computer Science And Mathematics
Iris Data Compression Based on Hexa-Data Coding
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Iris research is focused on developing techniques for identifying and locating relevant biometric features, accurate segmentation and efficient computation while lending themselves to compression methods. Most iris segmentation methods are based on complex modelling of traits and characteristics which, in turn, reduce the effectiveness of the system being used as a real time system. This paper introduces a novel parameterized technique for iris segmentation. The method is based on a number of steps starting from converting grayscale eye image to a bit plane representation, selection of the most significant bit planes followed by a parameterization of the iris location resulting in an accurate segmentation of the iris from the origin

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Image And Data Fusion
Image edge detection operators based on orthogonal polynomials
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Scopus (32)
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Infertility problems HS Effects on human development
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  • The problem of infertility considers one of the chronic problem a which faced the
    individual & families equally . This problem causes a negative effects in psychological ,
    social and development fields. The infertility contributes in weakening the human
    development, when the human development has become as a centre point which centered
    about individual preparing , rehabilitation, training and knowledge toreach to the required
    We think that , the infertility destroys the socially development; therefore the socially and
    scientific institutions are working hard to find successful solution to resolve the problem
    infertility through sophisticated and scientific methods. This problem
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Survey study on Cholera Disease in South Baghdad
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The study includes collection of data about cholera disease from six health centers from nine locations with 2500km2 and a population of 750000individual. The average of infection for six centers during the 2000-2003 was recorded. There were 3007 cases of diarrhea diagnosed as cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae. The percentage of male infection was 14. 7% while for female were 13. 2%. The percentage of infection for children (less than one year) was 6.1%, it while for the age (1-5 years) was 6.9%and for the ages more than 5 years was 14.5%.The total percentage of the patients stayed in hospital was 7.7%(4.2%for male and 3.4%for female). The bacteria was isolated and identified from 7cases in the Central Laboratory for Health in Baghdad. In

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
GNSS Baseline Configuration Based on First Order Design
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The quality of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) networks are considerably influenced by the configuration of the observed baselines. Where, this study aims to find an optimal configuration for GNSS baselines in terms of the number and distribution  of baselines to improve the quality criteria of the GNSS networks. First order design problem (FOD) was applied in this research to optimize GNSS network baselines configuration, and based on sequential adjustment method to solve its objective functions.

FOD for optimum precision (FOD-p) was the proposed model which based on the design criteria of A-optimality and E-optimality. These design criteria were selected as objective functions of precision, whic

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 12 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Cryptography with Dynamic DNA Depending on Edge Detection
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Making the data secure is more and more concerned in the communication era. This research is an attempt to make a more secured information message by using both encryption and steganography. The encryption phase is done with dynamic DNA complementary rules while DNA addition rules are done with secret key where both are based on the canny edge detection point of the cover image. The hiding phase is done after dividing the cover image into 8 blocks, the blocks that are used for hiding selected in reverse order exception the edge points. The experiments result shows that the method is reliable with high value in PSNR

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
External audit data on liabilitySocial organizations for profit
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Givers of foreign Audit about Social Responsibility of Profit Organization. The recent time is charcterstically with big economic Organization activities, because there are many transactions between these Organizations and different financial markets development techniques.

This  encourgage business men to increase their efforts for investment in these markets. Because the Accounting is in general terms it represents a language of these Unions Activities and translate them in to fact numbers, for that there is need for Accounting recording for certain of these Organizations behavior and their harmonization with their Objectives.

In this respect the Audit function comes to che

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Ruling on combining prayers without excuse when needed
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Jurisprudence is one of the most honorable sciences in value, and the greatest of them in reward. Through it, the rulings of religion are known. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: ((Whoever God desires good, He gives him understanding of religion)), and through it, the legal rulings and what is related to them are known from what is permissible and forbidden.
And prayer is the believer’s ascent to his Lord, with which the heart is at peace and the soul is at ease. If he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was overwhelmed by an issue or something became difficult for him, he would panic in prayer and be reassured by it. It was necessary for the students of knowledge to investigate its aspects and its secrets

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