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Relationship between Third Trimester Vaginal Bleeding Medical Causes and pregnancy Outcomes of Pregnant Women Attending Bint Al-Huda Hospital in Al-Nasiriya City
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Objective: To find out the relationship between vaginal bleeding during third trimester and pregnancy outcomes. Methodology: A purposive sample is "Non-probability" of (100) women who had diagnostic vaginal bleeding during third trimester (27-40wk) of pregnancy, and who visited the Bint Al-Huda Hospital for the period from 15th Feb. to 17th May 2015.Validity and reliability of questionnaire are determined through pilot study. Descriptive and inferential statistical procedures were used to analyze the data, and the data were collected by using interview technique, constructed questionnaire has been designed in three parts: socio demographic, reproductive data and questions related to current vaginal bleeding and medical Causes, and pregnancy Outcomes. Results: Results of the study showed that the highest percentage of the study sample were within the age group (20-24 years). And women with high educational and economic level and more than half of the study sample were housewives, and residents in urban areas. With regard to the information reproductive the highest percentage of the study sample had been pregnant for five times and had given birth five times and more and have at least four living children were pregnancy in weeks period (28-29) a week and (30-31) a week, respectively, and the interval between the last pregnancy and current one year to two years. And that the cause of bleeding from a medical point is the rupture of the uterus and attributed the causes of bleeding from their medical point of view were accidents. The study shows that the impact on the newborn was premature birth of a child and that there is a significance relationship between the medical causes of 3rd trimester vaginal bleeding and pregnancy outcomes. Recommendations: Increases pregnant women awareness about pregnancy complications especially bleeding during pregnancy through mass media, pay more maternal attention and Emphasize the importance of attending the primary health care center for antenatal care to early diagnosis and treatment of some possible complications during pregnancy, reduce the number of pregnancy especially for those with high risk through family planning and Reduce the perinatal morbidity and mortality through good neonatal intensive care facilities.



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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
the administrative investigation and its impact on the performance of the offices of the inspectors General.
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The purpose of this research is to highlight the relationship between the   administrative investigation and the improvement of institutional performance, and the research sought to achieve a set of cognitive and applied goals. the administrative investigation is the modern trend of managing the offices of the general  hginspectors and the main source to build the necessary standards to manage and invest its resources efficiently and effectively required to achieve the goals it seeks. The institutional performance is the cornerstone for the implementation of all tasks and duties carried out by institutions operating within the borders of a particular country, The significant change

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 13 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Environmental Cost Management And The Role Of Sustainable Environmental Development: بالتطبيق في مصنع اسمنت باجل
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The environmental cost management focus on continuous improvement of processes and the various activities of the organization in order to improve the environmental performance by producing an environmentally friendly products lead to a competitive advantage for the organization and supports the activities of their sustainability.

  The study was carried out in Bagel cement factory, one of the pioneer projects in Yemen in manufacturing field, The study found the need to develop a separate section for environmental management in order to put plans and environmental policies and the introduction of a special division in the Department of costs cares about Management practices cost and measure environmental costs, also give solu

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Effect of AcceleDent® Device on Both Gingival Health Condition and Levels of Salivary Interleukin-1-βeta and Tumor Necrosis Factors-Alpha in Patients under Fixed Orthodontic Treatment
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Background: Orthodontic tooth movement is characterized by tissue reactions, which consist of an inflammatory response in periodontal ligament and followed by bone remodeling in the periodontium depending on the forces applied. These processes trigger the secretion of various proteins and enzymes into the saliva.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in saliva during orthodontic tooth movement using different magnitude of continuous orthodontic forces. Materials and Methods: Thirty orthodontic patients (12 males and 18 females) aged 17-23 years with class II division I malocclusion all requiring bilateral maxillary first premolar extractions were randomly divided into three groups according to t

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Equilibrium, Kinetic and Mechanistic Studies of Formation of Cis- mono (AA)bis (oxaJato) Chromate (III) C,omplex (where AA is · glycine, alanine and histidine)In Monderately Aqueous Acidic Solution
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Equilrium, kinetic  and mechanistic studies  for  thcoordination of




some amino acids  "'AA'1


glycine,  alanine, .a:ncl  histidine, to  Cr  (Ill)


center  of trans .[Cr(ox}2(B.2 0hr   {TJ'} cornplein monderarely  acidic

range ofpH=4.8-6-.7 ( p =Q.4M NaN03) are  reported.  The equili rium

c.onsta:nts   at  25°C   .were  found   logKequ.=4.95J ,5.206and5.128for glycine, alap.ine, md

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role OF Human Resource managment Strategies In Enhancing Cognitive Skills.
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 In its theoretical farm, the research adobet  the subject of human resource management strategies  and the cognitive skills. It comes as result of the rapid development which considers it human resource. as main axis in organization , the research in includes ,connective analysis  , between  human resource management strategies  and cognitive skills which is considers one of the new concept that should  be  studied widly so that the organization can be able recognize it as concept and type and its importance for people in the organization.The study method was descriptive and  analytics , it identified collation of hypothesis which were by statist too

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Effect Of Time Driven Activity Based Costing in Pricing Decisions
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The research aims to demonstrate the impact of TDABC as a strategic technology compatible with the rapid developments and changes in the contemporary business environment) on pricing decisions. As TDABC provides a new philosophy in the process of allocating indirect costs through time directives of resources and activities to the goal of cost, identifying unused energy and associated costs, which provides the management of economic units with financial and non-financial information that helps them in the complex and dangerous decision-making process. Of pricing decisions. To achieve better pricing decisions in light of the endeavor to maintain customers in a highly competitive environment and a variety of alternatives, the resear

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
Journal Name
The concept of Sustainable Environments in the UAE: عبد الصمد الخالدي
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Over last decade, rapid growth in economic and population accompanied with depletion of the energy resources lead to serious impacts on environment and humanity. This development coupled with active constructions, which in some examples ignore the impact on the environment and human activities. Therefore, principle of sustainability has required in order to reducing this negative impact on the environment and the humanity.In developing countries, it seems that there is a huge gap between the current construction practices and sustainable principle, which need more attention to clarify and define the problems in order to find suitable solutions before it comes more difficult and expensive. The study aims to choose one of the develo

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Magazine Aldhakwat Albedh
The impact of atheism on the individual and society, Iraq as a model
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Atheists have spread in the modern era, so that atheism has become a bad phenomenon in the world in general and in Islamic societies in particular, so the research aims to study the individual and social effects left by atheism on the atheists themselves, and the research included multiple axes: atheism linguistically and idiomatically, atheism in the Qur’an Noble and Modern (and Contemporary) Atheism Statistics: and the reasons for atheism: Studying the phenomenon of atheism in Iraq as a model, then studying the effects of atheism: on the individual first, then atheism and its impact on society, then the conclusion, recommendations, sources and references

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Factors specific to the process of sustainable development in Prov Iraqi Kurdistan
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Thoudy sustainable development attention of researchers and scholars at various orientations intellectual economies were or Ssayasn, or others as gaining the process of paramount importance in the light of major developments and unprecedented in the modern world at the levels of all and which turned the world sprawling into something like a global village is small, being aimed at elimination of backwardness and development branches of the national economy and raise the level of economic performance, and what was the province of Kurdistan-Iraq from areas with privacy clear and meets the elements of economic development has seen the movement of economic development and social with special features de facto geographical, political a

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Trends of Women's Economic Empowerment in Iraq for the Period 1990-2018
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This research aims to study the economic, social, and political reality of Iraqi women by identifying the obstacles and diagnosing their empowerment trends in various fields, assessing the extent of their participation in economic activity, and re-achieving balance between women and men by reducing the gender gap between them and reducing the percentage of female unemployment to the lowest possible level. Is achieved by enhancing confidence in Iraqi women by enacting laws and making decisions that allow them to access resources freely. The researcher used the descriptive and analytical method to deal with information and data related to the research topic over a specific period (1990-2018), using local, Arab, and international re

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