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Quality of Life in Schizophrenic Patients: The Relationship with Personal Characteristics

Objectives: The study aims to identify the quality of life level in schizophrenic patients and to find out the
relationships between the quality of life and some of personal characteristics for those patients with
Methodology: A descriptive correlation analytic design was used by using the assessment technique on sample
of 100 schizophrenic outpatients, who were selected purposively (non-probability sample) during the period
10/ 3/2013 - 1/ 12 /2013. The study was conducted on the schizophrenic patients in an out patient psychiatric
clinics at Ibn-Rushd; and Al-Rashad Psychiatric Teaching Hospital; Baghdad Teaching Hospital, and Al-Kadhimya
Teaching Hospital. Self administrative questionnaire was used which includes of two parts: the first includes the
covering letter and personal characteristics; the second include the quality of life scale (World Health
Organization QoL-BREF). The validity of the instrument was determined by using of face validity through the
panel of experts, and the reliability of the instrument was determined by internal consistency through the
computation of Alpha Correlation Coefficient (Cronbach's Alpha). The data were collected through the
utilization of the self administrated questionnaire as a mean of data collection via structured interviewing. Data
analysis was employed by applying the Statistical Package for Social Science version 17.0 (SPSS).
Results: The results indicated that the majority of sample were single males aged from 30-44 years old who
were unemployed graduated from institute or college education. The higher percentage of them had 11 years
and above duration of illness with 1-3 admission and complaining positive symptom. The majority of
schizophrenic patients have moderate quality of life level. There is a significant positive relationship between
quality of life and marital status and there is no relationship with other characteristics.
Recommendations: The study recommended of providing vocational and rehabilitative programs for the
schizophrenic patients to improve their quality of life, and also the replication of the study with a large sample
is important.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 25 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Mapping groundwater quality Index for irrigation in the Dibdibba aquifer at Karbala - Najaf plateau, central of Iraq

Mapping groundwater quality Index for irrigation is of great importance for agricultural issues. As groundwater is a vital source of water for domestic and agricultural activities in Iraqi Western Desert area, where the study area (Dibdibba aquifer) represents the extreme eastern part of it, evaluation of groundwater quality and its suitability for irrigation is important. This study aims to develop decision support tools for identifying the optimal locations of groundwater regarding its quality to meet the future demands of the study area. Samples were collected during the wet season (April-May 2017 (and analyzed for determining the physicochemical  properties. The indices used in the quality assessment were the sodium adsorption r

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) with Probiotic Potential from Dengke Naniura

Dengke Naniura is a traditional food from Sumatera Utara, Indonesia, that is produced through fermenting process, and this food is believed to contain high probiotics. The objective of the current research is to determine the potential of LAB as a probiotic that has been obtained from Dengke Naniura. Dengke Naniura was traditionally prepared from Cyprinus carpio. Four LABs have been successfully isolated from Dengke Naniura, such as D7DA3, D7B3, D7DBF and D7DN3. Those four LAB isolates were identified as Lactobacillus sp. This result has been confirmed by the non-spore forming bacterium, non-motile, and Gram-positive. Also, it has been supported by biochemical test, for the example Voges Proskauer, catalase test, Methyl

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Scopus (6)
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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Strategic relationship training to promote self-growth of the individual

The main objective of the research is to identify the role of strategic training and its effect on enhancing the self-growth of the individual. Stratigic training represents a contemporary tendency. that is adopted by business organizations in carrying out their activities and tasks.

It is worth to mention, that self-growth of the individual is one of the indictors used to determine the ability of organization to a achieve its goals. 

The problem of the research has pointed out to the minimum awareness of the important role played by training strategy in enhancing the self-growth of the individual. The researcher has adopted an analytical approach, in collecting and analyses

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Quality of Experience Metric of Streaming Video: A survey

Technological development in the last years leads to increase the access speed in the internet networks that allow a huge number of users watching videos online.

     Video streaming important type in the real-time video sessions and one of the most popular applications in networking systems.  The Quality of Service (QoS) techniques give us indicate to the effect of multimedia traffic on the network performance, but this techniques do not reflect the user perception. Using QoS and Quality of Experience (QoE) together can give guarantee to the distribution of video content according to video content characteristics and the user experience .

     To measure the users’ perceptio

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Adding High-Density Polyethylene Polymer on the Engineering Characteristics for Sandy Soil

The loose sand is subject to large settlement when it is exposed to high stresses. This settlement is due to the nature of the high drainage of sand, which displays foundations and constructions to a large danger. The densification of loose sandy soils is required to provide sufficient bearing capacity for the structures. Thus soil stabilization is used to avoid failure in the facilities. Traditional methods of stabilized sandy soil such as fly ash, bituminous, and cement often require an extended curing period. The use of polymers to stabilize sandy soils is more extensive nowadays because it does not require a long curing time in addition to being chemically stable. In this study, the effect of adding different percent

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Teaching methods approved in the university and its relationship to classroom discipline and management proposals treated

The study aims detection teaching modalities adopted relationship in Jerash University exactly the classroom, and to achieve the goal of the study was to develop a questionnaire consisting of (39) items, and was achieving validity and reliability have, then sent to a sample of professors made up the university from (122) university professor of the total (172) professor, and they study population.

     Study found a relationship between the teaching methods of the four their strategies with classroom management, and as a result the overall average level, while Hspt critical thinking at the highest correlation with classroom discipline management relationship strategy, while the relatio

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The role of relaxation program for reducing anxiety of patients in dental clinic

The role of relaxation program for reducing anxiety of patients in dental clinic  

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Reservoir Characteristics for Khasib Formation in selected wells of East Baghdad Oil field, Iraq

     Four subsurface sections and electrical, porosity logs, and gamma-ray logs of the Khasib Formation (age Late Turonian-Lower Coniacian) were studied to identify reservoir characteristics and to evaluate the reservoir properties of the Khasib reservoir units in the East Baghdad oilfield. The lithology of the formation is limestone throughout the whole sequence in all studied wells EB-83, EB-87, EB-92, and EB94. It is bounded conformably from the top by Tanuma Formation and has a conformable lower contact with Kifl Formation. The lower and upper boundaries of the formation were determined using well log analysis, and the formation was divided into three main rock units (Kh1, Kh2, and Kh3), depending on the porosity logs. The porosi

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Land Uses temporary agricultural in the province of Maysan and its relationship to soil salinity and its chemical

The research aims to learn spatial disparities tracts of agricultural crops in the
province of Maysan and their relationship (the salinity of the soil and the degree of chemical
interaction (PH)) The research is divided into an introduction and three Investigation eat first
section spatial disparities agricultural crops (cereals, vegetables, legumes and forage). The
comparison between the years of production in the province where the province has seen
varied spatial by hand and taking second section degrees of soil salinity and its impact on
agriculture, as well as the chemical reaction (PH) and its impact on agriculture The third
section has been used three technical techniques first linkage and the second simple an

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
صلابة الشخصية وعلاقتها بتقدير الذات لدى التدريسيين في الجامعة

     يتركز محور مشكلة البحث الحالي حول مفاهيم أساسية تعكس مكامن القوة في الشخصية الإنسانية وما لها من دور مؤثر على الواقع النفسي والمادي للفرد عموماً وهذه المفاهيم هي صلابة الشخصية، وتقدير الذات,ويتحدد مفهوم الصلابة من خلال مظاهر الشخصية وأسلوبها الذي تتميز به في التعامل مع الواقع وكيفية إدراكها وما تتمتع به من خبرات نفسية وتجارب حياتية داخلية تعكس مدى الوعي بالمستجدات الموقفية التي تصادفها

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