Objective: This study aims to assess the level of nurse's knowledge regarding toxoplasmosis management
in pregnant women.
Methodology: A descriptive analytic study was carried out from January 2012 to March 2012. A sample of
(70)nurses who provide prenatal care to pregnant women at primary health care centers of AL-Adala,ALHindia,AL-Askary,AL-Jamea,AL-Ansar
and AL-Salam in AL-Najaf city. The questionnaire was self-completed
and included questions on sociodemographic characteristics and toxoplasmosis aspects.
Results: The findings of the study indicated that (44.3%) of nurses have moderate level of knowledge.
(32.9%) of nurses was with age ranging from 31-36 years. (74.3%) were male. (52.9%) were secondary
graduate,(31.4) were institute graduates, regarding the training sessions the majority of nurses
(84.3%)have no training sessions, (34.3%) of nurses who were included in the study have duration of
experience ranging from 7-13 years. Highly significant relation between nurse‘s level of knowledge and
their age and years of experience (0.009, 0.024) respectively
Recommendations: The study recommended that: it is necessary to join all nurses who work in prenatal
care units in workshop training, continuing education sessions regarding toxoplasmosis aspects and other
mother –child issues to improve health awareness. Another study should be conducted to investigate the
association between the prevalence of toxoplasmosis and affectivity of prenatal care in preventing
Rationing is a commonly used solution for shortages of resources and goods that are vital for the citizens of a country. This paper identifies some common approaches and policies used in rationing as well asrisks that associated to suggesta system for rationing fuelwhichcan work efficiently. Subsequently, addressing all possible security risks and their solutions. The system should theoretically be applicable in emergency situations, requiring less than three months to implement at a low cost and minimal changes to infrastructure.
The verbal formula // i3-gal2 //is a commonly form in the written Sumerian economic texts, starting from the early dynastic period (2900-2372 BC), ending with the Ur III dynasty (2112-2004 BC). This formula has appeared either without infixes, or accompanied by infixes like / in-da-gal2/, corresponded in Akkadian the formula: ibaššu ,which is means "to found, to Storage ", As to the formula / da / come to indicate "to found with, to storage with--).
ملخص البحث تنوعت اساليب وطرائق التدريب بشكل واسع وكبير وتعددت الاهداف التدريبية تبعا لخصوصية الاداء في النشاط الرياضي الممارس، وكل هذا جعل امام العاملين في الانشطة الرياضية كم كبير من الحلول لمواجهة المشاكل التي تواجههم في اثناء الاعداء للرياضيين، وتعد التمرينات المركبة واحدة من الاساليب التنظيمية للتمرين التي تضم في محتواها تعدد الاداءات خلال التمرين الواحد مما يتيح للاعب تطبيق متطلبات بدنية او مهارية ا
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the history of Damascus by Ibn ' asaakir d. 571 a.h. 1272 m from local histories books concerned with male citizen narrators, to distinguish between rate and Rob them, this book is more a history of Islamic heritage books on Islamic City, and if we know that Ibn ' asaakir translated it for personal
Islamic Culture face many challenges Such as، Secularism، westrenism، globalism and Colonialism under current attempts For western States and united states of America to dominate on world and Confront all her Opponent Polaris it be clear when U. S. A. Occupied Afghanistan and Iraq and Threatened many Arabic and Islamic States
سعى البحث الحالي الى التعرف على بعض الاضطرابات السلوكية والانفعالية وعلاقتها بالاستعمال المفرط للالعاب الالكترونية لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية, إذ يواجه التلاميذ مشكلات سلوكية عديدة ،تظهر من خلال تعاملهم مع اقرانهم في البيت او في المدرسة والتي قد تتطور عند بعضهم وتتحول الى اضطرابات نفسية،مما يؤدي بهم الى ضعف التعلم وسوء التوافق في حياتهم المدرسية ويصبحون عُرضة للا صابة بالامراض النفسية ،إذا لم يتم تشخ
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