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Effectiveness of Dietary Habits on Urolithiatic Patients at Urinary Units in Baghdad Teaching Hospitals
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Objectives: The study aims at finding the effectiveness of dietary habits on urolithiatic patients at Urinary Units
in Baghdad Teaching Hospitals.
Methodology: A quantitative descriptive study was conducted to identify the effectiveness of dietary habits on
(100) of urolithiatic patients in Urinary Units at Baghdad Teaching Hospitals starting from May 2011 to Sep.
2012.Data were collected through the use of constructed check list of the questionnaire format, which
consists of two parts: - The first part: is related to the patient's demographic variables ; the second part: is
constructed to serve the purpose of the study (effectiveness of the dietary habits). The total number of items
of the questionnaire is (69) items. Validity of the questionnaire format was determined through a panel of (23)
experts and the reliability is determined through a pilot study. Descriptive statistical analysis procedures (the
frequency, and the percentage) is used for the data analysis of this study.
Results: The data of this study shows that the urinary tract system (UTS) stone formation (SF) is: {Activated
(increased) by fried foods, soft drinks (Pepsi cola and Coca cola), tea, red meat, eggs, ice cream, tomato,
potato, pepper, urinary tract infection (UTI), obesity, hot areas, low education; and, Inhibited (decreased) by
water, coffee, cacao, natural raisin and apricot ( fresh, syrup, dry), Artificial beverage (Seven up, Miranda),
herbs, milk, cheese and butter, white meat (chicken, fish), vitamins}. So, it would be concluded that there is a
clear effect of ''dietary habit'' on urinary stone formation.
Recommendations: The study recommended that the patients should be given booklets or manual guides
including the following (Type of his/her urinary stone. Accordingly should be advised to: Reduction of his/her
dietary habit by preventing certain materials and increasing others to avoid stone recurrence; Advised to drink
liquids especially water 3-4 l/day, Never delay urine voiding, and add the Milk to tea to decrease tea's
promotion to stone formation because the tea is high content of oxalate).

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 19 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Real Time Multi Face Blurring on Uncontrolled Environment based on Color Space algorithm
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Faces blurring is one of the important complex processes that is considered one of the advanced computer vision fields. The face blurring processes generally have two main steps to be done. The first step has detected the faces that appear in the frames while the second step is tracking the detected faces which based on the information extracted during the detection step. In the proposed method, an image is captured by the camera in real time, then the Viola Jones algorithm used for the purpose of detecting multiple faces in the captured image and for the purpose of reducing the time consumed to handle the entire captured image, the image background is removed and only the motion areas are processe

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Scopus (3)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study on Liqid- Liquid Etraction on Iron(III) With 2,5- Diphenyi Oxazole
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A study on  liquid- liquid extraction  of Iron (III) in Benzene has  been made. The effect of different parameters such as type of medium and time of equilibration,  concentration  of metal  ion, type of organic  solvent,  and effect of cations on distribution ratio of Iron (III). Has been studies the stoichiometry   of  the  extracted  species  determined   using  slope  analysis method and found to be (M:L) (1 :3).

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Images Segmentation Based on Fast Otsu Method Implementing on Various Edge Detection Operators
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The present work aims to study the effect of using an automatic thresholding technique to convert the features edges of the images to binary images in order to split the object from its background, where the features edges of the sampled images obtained from first-order edge detection operators (Roberts, Prewitt and Sobel) and second-order edge detection operators (Laplacian operators). The optimum automatic threshold are calculated using fast Otsu method. The study is applied on a personal image (Roben) and a satellite image to study the compatibility of this procedure with two different kinds of images. The obtained results are discussed.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Management Science Letters
Work-life balance and its impact on employee satisfaction on five star hotels
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This study aimed to find out the impact of work-life balance on employee satisfaction in five-star hotels in Amman, Jordan based on a descriptive analytical approach. The questionnaire of the survey was designed and distributed to a sample of participants in order to collect the necessary data for this study and they were analyzed later through the SPSS V22 program. The study population was the hotel sector in Jordan, while the study sample included the five-star hotels in the capital, Amman, and the sampling unit included the employees of the middle and lower levels of management in the five-star hotels in Amman. The study showed a number of results, including the existence of a good level of work-life balance by employees in top manage-me

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
مجلة الباحث للعلوم القانونية
الالتزام بضمان سلامة الشخص الحاصل على تطعيم (كوفيد-19)
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بعد مرور عام واكثر على ظهور فيروس كورونا والعالم يواجه تسونامي تلك الجائحة التي تكاد تعصف بالوجود البشري برمته لذا اخذت البشرية على عاتقها مواصلة الجهود والابحاث للوصول الى علاج طبي يتم من خلاله مواجهة هذا الفيروس او التقليل من آثاره التي تهدد الحياة البشرية بالموت المباشر دون الاصابة، مما نتج عن تلك الجهود مجموعة من اللقاحات التي تبنتها الشركات العالمية المسؤولة الا ان الضرورة القصوى التي نتجت عنها تلك الل

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
حولیات کلیة الآداب جامعة عین شمس
اعتماد الجمهور العراقي على الصحف وعلاقته بمستوى معرفته العامة
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يدرس هذا البحث مشكلة اعتماد الجمهور العراقي على الصحف، باعتبارها إحدى وسائل الإعلام التقليدية، في تكوين معلوماته ومعرفته العامة. وهي دراسة وصفية اعتمدت المنهج الوصفي المسحي الذي يصور الظروف أو الاتجاهات الحالية للظاهرة قيد الدراسة ويحاول تفسيرها. استخدم الباحث الاستبانة في المقام الأول كأداة بحث، حيث تم تصميمها وتوزيعها على عينة مكونة من 150 باحثا قصديا من قراء وقراء الصحف. وينتهي الباحث بالنتائج التالية: إ

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
بعض الملاحظــات المنهجيـة على موارد كتاب الشوكاني(البدر الطالع)
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يأخذ هذا النوع من الدراسات اهميته في مجال الكتابة التاريخية لما لها من اهمية في بناء التراث الفكري الحضاري للامة العربية الاسلامية.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اقدام إقدام الخلفاء العباسيين وأولادهم على انتهال العلم والتعلم
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The theme of the Abbasid Caliph and their children great interest in the knowledge and effective not only in the history of civilization but in the history of the humanity and the sublime values. Their interest and care for the scholar ulamaa and rendering help and encouragement by their caliphs were keen for science and knowledge because whatever the scholars have a status they cannot give help without and knowledge and the practice of their role in the interest and the care

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Integral Sliding Mode Control Design for Electronic Throttle Valve System
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 One of the major components in an automobile engine is the throttle valve part. It is used to keep up with emissions and fuel efficiency low. Design a control system to the throttle valve is newly common requirement trend in automotive technology. The non-smoothness nonlinearity in throttle valve model are due to the friction model and the nonlinear spring, the uncertainty in system parameters and non-satisfying the matching condition are the main obstacles when designing a throttle plate controller.

In this work, the theory of the Integral Sliding Mode Control (ISMC) is utilized to design a robust controller for the Electronic Throttle Valve (ETV) system. From the first in

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La influencia del artículo inglés a los iraquíes que estudian el español ( un estudio analítico , estadístico )
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     Each language in the world has its special methods in using articles that connected with nouns. There are languages do not have articles and others their articles from one class, that is to say it do not have masculine and feminine such as our Arabic language. Also in some languages the nouns come after article.

The main aim in our research is to analyze the usage of these articles and its presence or not in the structure of sentence for the learners of Spanish language as a foreign language.

    The usage of these articles in Spanish language forms one of the problems that face students in the grammar of Spanish language, at the same time it stands as a problem in translation becau

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