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Effectiveness of lactation counseling on maintenance of breastfeeding
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Objective(s): To determine the effectiveness of lactation counseling on maintenance of breastfeeding after
cesarean section for study group.
Methodology: A quasi-experimental study was conducted on non probability sample (purposive) of (60) women
who had cesarean section and sample divided in to two groups (30) of them as a study group from Fatima AlZahra'a
Maternity and Pediatric Teaching Hospital & implement lactation counseling on it and another group (30)
as control group from Baghdad Teaching Hospital in Baghdad City. Study implemented for the period of April 24th
2011 to August 2nd 2011. A questionnaire was used as a tool of data collection to fulfill with objective of the study
and consisted of three parts, including demographic, reproductive characteristics and maintenance of
breastfeeding of the sample. A pilot study was carried out to test the reliability of the questionnaire and content
validity was carried out through the 11 experts. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were used to
analyze the data.
Results: The results of the study revealed that most mothers their ages within ideal fertility age which ranged
between (20-24) years, and most of them had low educational level, and were housewives, and live in urban
area, with moderate socioeconomic status, and (53.3%), (50%) respectively of them were primigravida. The
study shows that (100%) of the study group had continued breastfeeding, while (76.7%) of the control group had
continued breastfeeding and the reasons for discontinuation of breastfeeding for control group are not enough
milk and newborn refuse lactation, (73.3%) of the study group had exclusive breastfeeding, while (26%) of the
control group had exclusive breastfeeding.
Recommendations: The study recommended to reactivate the role of Baby-Friendly Hospitals Initiative in
promoting of breastfeeding by implementation of ten steps successful of breastfeeding, and breastfeeding
counseling for women during pregnancy and after birth especially who have cesarean section which has important
role on maintenance of breastfeeding up to 6 months after birth.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Cognitive Linguistic Study of Visual Language as a Reflection of Culture: Violence Against Women in Iraq
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The present work is qualitative descriptive. It aims to examine the idiosyncratic schema when deciphering the selected violence-based panel from Nasser Ibrahim’s caricatures. The researchers accordingly adopted part of Sharifian’s (2011) Cultural Schema model, particularly that part that is concerned with the examining the micro/idiosyncratic level of understanding. The study has revealed that the participants have not only differed among themselves regarding the way a figure is being denotatively conceptualized, they also highlighted different exact conceptualizations for the same figure, such as: using various adjectives that reflect various levels of intensity, emphasizing the behavioral aspect or the appearance of the figure, ado

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Evaluation of Resonance Strengths and Reaction Rates of 22Ne (p, gamma) 23Na Nuclear Reaction at Thermonuclear Energies
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At thermal energies near stellar conditions, nuclear reactions are sensitive to resonance strengths of the nuclear reaction cross-section. In this paper, the resonance strengths of  nuclear reaction were evaluated numerically by means of nuclear reaction rate calculations using a written Matlab code, at the energies of interest in stellar nuclear reactions. The results were compared with standard reaction before and after application of a statistical analyses, to select the best parameters that made theoretical results as close as possible to the standard values. Fitting was made for different temperature ranges up to 10 GK, 0.6 GK and 0.25 GK. The evaluated results showed that as the temperature range becomes narrower, more error is ad

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 24 2018
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    Coral reef area in northwest of the Arabian Gulf was investigated for mineralogy and geochemistry to throw lights on such unique Iraqi Marine Environment; six specimens of two main species of coral reefs, Platygyra pini Chevalier, 1975 and Octocoral Menella were collected at two sites. While eight samples of the surrounding sediments are chosen from other two sites. The mineralogy is determined by XRD, and reveals that calcite, low magnesium-calcite, and aragonite are the main minerals that comprise the Octocoral Menella in site 1, whilst aragonite and calcite are dominate in the P. pini coral reef at site 4.

    The non–carbonate fractions indicate that thes

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Scopus (2)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum
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In this study, the genus Xylocopa Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) was revised. There were 4 species registered in our investigations: X. hottentotta Smith, 1854; X. olivieri Lepeletier, 1841; X. pubescens Spinola, 1838 and X. valga Gerstäcker, 1872, the first species was described as being found for the first time for the insect fauna of Iraq, which were obtained from Solanum melogena L. flowers. Key to the species was constructed and supported by figures of the main diagnostic characters and some morphological features, illustrated and compared with other species, which are recorded in the current survey.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Estimation of Immunoglobulins and complements and Using Enzyme linked Immuno sorbant Assay in Identification of Vulvovaginal candidiasis
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This study was conducted to determine the Immuno – globulins and complements quantitatively. The result revealed that the concentration of Immunoglobulin M(IgM) was increased significantly in patient group comparing with control group . The concentration of complement protein C4 was increased significantly in patient group comparing with control group.IgG of Candida albicans was detected by using ELISA Technique, the result indicated also that this antibody was found in 628% of the women who infected with Vulvovaginal Candidiasis. The sensitivity and specificity of the test were 63% and 89% respectively.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of some agronomic technical in morphologe traits, yield compound and oil of rape seed c.v. pactol
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A field trial was conducted at Abu-Ghraib research station , Baghdad , Iraq . The objectives were to study the effect of nitrogen fertilizer and planting space on the performance of rape seed. A split-plot in a randomized complete of block design with three replications were used. Five levels of nitrogen fertilizer ( 120,160,200,240,280 Kg / ha ) were assigned to main plots, where as planting space in sub-plots. The result obtained confirmed that 280,240 kg / ha nitrogen maximized seed yield 1.830 , 1.773 ton/ha, oil yield,0.843,0.824 ton/ha .Results showed that planting space 30 cm produced the highest seed yield 1.90 ton / ha and oil yield , 0.884 ton / ha . Interactions between nitrogen fertilizer and p

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Morphological study of sex organs and pollen grain of chosen wild species from Solanaceae family in Iraq
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In this study four species from Solanaceae family was conducted. These four species belong to four different genera (Solanum L. ? Physalis L. ?Withania Pauq. ? Lycium L.) The study included morphological characters of sex organs and their pollen grains for these Iraqi wild plants.The results showed that the position of epipetalous stamens , the shape of anther, their dimensions ,and the length of filaments are important taxonomical characters .On the others hand the shape of their ovaries and stigmas are also important characters in distinguish between these four species .Pollen grains are similar in their general shapes and polarities, they have three germinal furrows and germinal apertures, so they are minor in distinguish between these f

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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While providing important news information, News tickers ( also called sliders or crawlers ) have become one of the methods used daily by satellite channels, because it’s almost a continuous news coverage and as it seems, it has become today an addition to the news world. Hence, satellite channels need to look for a mechanism to build news tickers in order to develop them even though they are still today not recognisable and in need of being classified in a radio or television art, and that is not easy. This research sheds light on the construction of the slider of a news satellite channel, which is important according to our modest convictions, as it can be the beginning of a long scientific research in a new field of study. The probl

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Revista Iberoamericana De Psicología Del Ejercicio Y El Deporte
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Abstract The purpose of this paper is to preparing small games for fifth graders. And to identify the impact of these small games in developing some concepts of traffic safety for fifth graders. The two researchers used the experimental method to solve the research problem, and the research community was identified with students. The fifth grade of primary school in the province of Baghdad and a sample was chosen from the private Baghdad Primary School, which numbered (60) male and female students. They were distributed equally into two groups by simple random method (experimental and control groups). As for the most important conclusions reached by the two researchers, it is the presence of an effect of small games in developing some conce

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The immediate and late results for balloon angioplasty of native coarctation of aorta in pediatrics age group
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Background: percutaneous balloon dilation of corotation of aorta is a less invasive and alternative to surgical repair for patients with discrete coaction of aorta and although the used of balloon angioplasty in patients with recurrent postoperative coarctation gained a wide consensus, the use this technique for native coarctation is still controversial in children less one years. 

Objective: to evaluate the immediate and late result of balloon dilation of native coarctation of aorta in infant and children.

Type of the study: A prospective study. 

Subjects & Methods: The study was done on forty-five patients who were referred for cardiac catheterization and balloon

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