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Effect of Glass Inclination of Windows Facing East and West on Solar Radiation Transmittance into Buildings
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To reduce solar radiation transmittance into buildings through windows facing east or west during summer, a window inclination from vertical position is suggested. The inclination of the window glazing and the rate of unwanted solar radiation during summer can be calculated knowing the dialy inclination of the sun rays. The inclination of window glazing depends on the latitude of the position required. For instance in Baghdad which is at about 33o north latitude a slope of 15o for window glazing is sufficient to prevent about 419 MJ/m2 of total solar radiation energy from penetration during summer for clear glazing of window facing east. This value drops to about 96 MJ/m2 during winter. Therefore the ratio between the energy saved for cooling during summer to the energy expended in heating during winter reached 4.4:1 for window facing east and 4.0:1 for window facing west

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of solar cells distribution on the Performance of solar panel
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Three different distribution modules of silicon solar cells in a panel are used in this study . Each module consists of five identical circular silicon solar cells of radius (5cm) and then the total panel areas are identical. The five solar cells are arranged in the panel in different shapes: circular, triangular and rectangular .The efficiency for these three panel distribution are measured indoor and outdoor. The results show that the efficiency is a function of the cells distribution.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of UV radiation on dielectric properties of PU/nano-TiO2 composites
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The dielectric constant of most polymers is very low; the addition of TiO2 particles into the polymers provides an attractive and promising way to reach a high dielectric constant. Polymer-based materials with a high dielectric constant show great potential for energy storage applications. Four samples were prepared, one of them was polyurethane (PU) and the other were PU with different weight percent (wt %) of TiO2 (0.1, 0.2, 0.3) powder AFM test was used to distinguish the nanoparticles. The result shows that the most shape of these nanoparticles are spherical and the roughness average is 0.798 nm. The dielectric properties were measured for all samples before and after the exposure to the UV radiation. The result illustrates that the

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees20
Capitalized effect of gamma radiation on blood thinning drug (Aspirin)
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees20
Capitalized effect of gamma radiation on blood thinning drug (Aspirin)
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n this work, the effect of gamma rays on blood thinning drugs was studied using the drug (Aspirin), where gamma rays were spread with the drug using a radioactive source (Co60), and 15,000 grams of Aspirin were placed in the device (gamma chamber 900). The drug was subjected to different irradiation doses (5 KGy, 10 KGy, 15 KGy) and the amount of absorption of the drug was observed in the gamma for different doses and the study of x-rays. After confirming the absorption of the drug to radiation, the effect of the drug on blood thinning was calculated using the rat model and compared with the same drug and the same dose but without exposing the drug to radiation and comparing all results with the control group. The way drugs absorbed radiati

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study on the Effect of the Curvature of Solar Collector on Wind Loading Coefficients and Dynamic Response of Solar Collector
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In the current research, the work concentrated on studying the effect of curvature of solar parabolic trough solar collector on wind loading coefficients and dynamic response of solar collector. The response of collector to the aerodynamic loading was estimated numerically and experimentally. The curvature of most public parabolic trough solar collectors was investigated and compared. The dynamic response of solar collector due to wind loading was investigated by using numerical solution of fluid-structure interaction concept. The experimental work was done to verify the numerical results and shows good agreement with numerical results. The numerical results were obtained by using finite element software package (ANSYS 14). It was found

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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study the effect of radiation microwave (MW) in inhibition the growth of some types of bacteria in a minced meat and barker were exposed to MW for different times included (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40) sec.The results showed a high inhibition rate for 40 sec, reached to 100%. It is the other side studied the effect of microwave radiation against four types of bacteria included (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and Klebsiella spp), when were exposed to for (0, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40) sec the inhibition ratio reached to 100% in each of the Proteus mirabilis and Klebsiella spp at 30 sec and Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli at 40sec. using MW in the sterilization media, such as Nutrient agar, Macconkey agar and Man

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An Investigation into Thermal Performance of Closed Wet Cooling Tower for Use with Chilled Ceilings in Buildings
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Chilled ceilings systems offer potential for overall capital savings. The main aim of the present research is to investigate the thermal performance of the indirect contact closed circuit cooling tower, ICCCCT used with chilled ceiling, to gain a deeper knowledge in this important field of engineering which has been traditionally used in various industrial & HVAC systems. To achieve this study, experimental work were implemented for the ICCCCT use with chilled ceiling. In this study the thermal performances of closed wet cooling tower use with chilled ceiling is experimentally and theoretically investigated. Different experimental tests were conducted by varying the controlling parameters to investigate their effects

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 02 2019
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability
Effect of thickness variation CdO/PSi thin films on detection of radiation
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CdO films were deposited on substrates from glass, Silicon and Porous silicon by thermal chemical spray pyrolysis technique with different thicknesses (130 and 438.46) nm. Measurements of X-ray diffraction of CdO thin film proved that the structure of the Polycrystalline is cubic lattice, and its crystallite size is located within nano scale range where the perfect orientation is (200). The results show that the surface’s roughness and the root mean square increased with increasing the thickness of prepared films. The UV-Visible measurements show that the CdO films with different thicknesses possess an allowed direct transition with band gap (4) eV. AFM measurement revealed that the silicon porosity located in nano range. Cadmium oxide f

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Study the Effect of Using Microwave Radiation and H-Donors on Improving Heavy Oil
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The present research has investigated the effect of microwave energy on improving the flow properties of heavy crude oil. The fragmentation of crude oil molecules was carried out with and without using 1 and 10 wt. % concentration of various types of H-donors like tetralin, cyclohexane, and naphtha.  Microwave power of 320, 385, and 540 W and radiation time 1-9 min, and temperature were studied. The kinematic viscosity and asphaltene content were measured for evaluation the improving of heavy crude oil.

   Results show that viscosity of crude oil decreased with increase H-donor concentration, a maximum percentage of viscosity reduction was10.63 % for tetralin at 6 min radiation time, while 8.67%, and 7.34% for cycl

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Natural Sciences
Effect of Gamma Radiation on the A.C Electrical and Dielectric Properties of Prepared Pure and Doped Polyaniline Salt
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Purepolyaniline and doped with hydrochloric acid was prepared in different molarities at room temperature. The a.c electrical properties were stadied.AC conductivityσac (ω), is found to vary as ωS in the frequency range (100Hz-10MH), S< 1and decreases indicating a dominate hopping process. Thedielectric constant ε1and dielectric loss ε2 have been determined for bulk polyaniline. ε1 decrease with the increase frequency. Electrical conductivity measurements increase with the increases both of the amount of HCl and the dose of radiation. The dielectric investigations show decrease with dose radiation.

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