The charge density distributions of 10 B nucleus are calculated using the
harmonic oscillator wave functions. Elastic and inelastic electron scattering
longitudinal form factors have been calculated for the similar parity states of 10B
nucleus where a core of 4He is assumed and the remaining particles are
distributed over 3/ 2 1p and 1/ 2 1p orbits which form the model space.
Core-polarization effects are taken into account. Core-polarization effects are
calculated by using Tassie model and gives good agreement with the measured
Inelastic longitudinal electron scattering form factors have been calculated for isoscaler transition
T = 0 of the (0+ ®2+ ) and (0+ ®4+ ) transitions for the 20Ne ,24Mg and 28Si nuclei. Model
space wave function defined by the orbits 1d5 2 ,2s1 2 and 1d3 2 can not give reasonable result for
the form factor. The core-polarization effects are evaluated by adopting the shape of the Tassie-
Model, together with the calculated ground Charge Density Distribution CDD for the low mass 2s-1d
shell nuclei using the occupation number of the states where the sub-shell 2s is included with an
occupation number of protons (a ) .
An Expression for the transition charge density is investigated
where the deformation in nuclear collective modes is taken into
consideration besides the shell model transition density. The
inelastic longitudinal C2 and C4 form factors are calculated using
this transition charge density for the Ne Mg 20 24 , , Si 28 and S 32
nuclei. In this work, the core polarization transition density is
evaluated by adopting the shape of Tassie model togther with the
derived form of the ground state two-body charge density
distributions (2BCDD's). It is noticed that the core polarization
effects which represent the collective modes are essential in
obtaining a remarkable agreement between the calculated inelastic
The effect of short range correlations on the inelastic longitudinal Coulomb form
factors for the lowest four excited 2+ states in 18O is analyzed. This effect (which
depends on the correlation parameter β) is inserted into the ground state charge
density distribution through the Jastrow type correlation function. The single particle
harmonic oscillator wave function is used with an oscillator size parameter b. The
parameters β and b are, considered as free parameters, adjusted for each excited state
separately so as to reproduce the experimental root mean square charge radius of
18O. The model space of 18O does not contribute to the transition charge density. As
a result, the inelastic Coulomb form factor of 18
In this work, the calculation of matter density distributions, elastic charge form factors and size radii for halo 11Be, 19C and 11Li nuclei are calculated. Each nuclide under study are divided into two parts; one for core part and the second for halo part. The core part are studied using harmonic-oscillator radial wave functions, while the halo part are studied using the radial wave functions of Woods-Saxon potential. A very good agreement are obtained with experimental data for matter density distributions and available size radii. Besides, the quadrupole moment for 11Li are generated.
Inelastic longitudinal electron scattering form factors for second
excited state C42 in 42Ti nucleus have been calculated using shell
model theory. Fp shell model space with configuration (1f7/2 2p3/2
1f5/2 2p1/2) has been adopted in order to distribute the valence
particles (protons and neutrons) outside an inert core 40Ca. Modern
model space effective interactions like FPD6 and GXPF1 have been
used to generate model space vectors and harmonic oscillator wave
function as a single particle wave function. Discarder space (core
orbits + higher orbits) has been included in (core polarization effect)
as a first order correction in microscopic theory to measure the
interested multipole form factors via the model
The ground state proton momentum distributions (PMD) and elastic charge form
factors for some odd 1f 2p shell nuclei, such as , , 59 63Co Cu and Cu 65 have been
studied using the Coherent Density Fluctuation Model and formulated by means of
the fluctuation function (weight function) ( ) .
f x The fluctuation function has been
connected to the charge density distribution of the nuclei and determined from the
theory and experiment result. The feature of the long-tail behavior at high
momentum region of the PMD has been calculated by both the theoretical and
experimental fluctuation functions. It is found that the inclusion of the quadrupole
form factors ( ) 2 F q C in all nuclei under study, which are de
The matter, proton, and neutron density distributions of the ground state, the nuclear root-mean-square (rms) radii, and the elastic form factors of a two- neutron, 8He and 26F, halo nuclei have been studied by the three body model of within the harmonic oscillator (HO) and Woods-Saxon (WS) radial wave functions. The calculated results show that the two body model within the HO and WS radial wave functions succeeds in reproducing the neutron halo in these exotic nuclei. Moreover, the Glauber model at high energy (above several hundred MeV) has been used to calculate the rms radii and reaction cross sections of these nuclei.
The nuclear charge density distributions, form factors and
corresponding proton, charge, neutron, and matter root mean square
radii for stable 4He, 12C, and 16O nuclei have been calculated using
single-particle radial wave functions of Woods-Saxon potential and
harmonic-oscillator potential for comparison. The calculations for the
ground charge density distributions using the Woods-Saxon potential
show good agreement with experimental data for 4He nucleus while
the results for 12C and 16O nuclei are better in harmonic-oscillator
potential. The calculated elastic charge form factors in Woods-Saxon
potential are better than the results of harmonic-oscillator potential.
Finally, the calculated root mean square
Inelastic longitudinal electron scattering form factors to 2+ and 4+ states in 65Cu nucleus has been calculated in the (2p3/2 1f 5/2 2p1/2) shell model space with the F5PVH effective interaction. The harmonic oscillator potential has been applied to calculate the wave functions of radial single-particle matrix elements. Two shell model codes, CP and NUSHELL are used to obtain results. The form factor of inelastic electron scattering to 1/21−, 1/22−, 3/22−, 3/23−, 5/21−, 5/22− and 7/2- states and finding the transition probabilities B (C2) (in units of e2 fm4) for these transitions and B (C4) (in units of e2 fm8) for the transition 7/2-, and comparing them with experimental data. Both the form factors and reduced transition pr
... Show MoreInelastic longitudinal electron scattering C2 form factor in 48Ca has been utilized
to study the effects of fitting parameters on the sigma meson exchange type
potentials as a residual interaction. By coupling the core particles with model space
particle, where the latter used as an active part of residual interaction in the so called
core polarization process, it is included as a correction with first order perturbation
theory to the main calculation of model space, and the excitation energy has been
carried out with ( ). A model space wave vectors are generated in full fp shell
model with FPD6 as effective interaction with mixing configuration technique and
harmonic oscillator as a single particle wave function.