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Simulation of Small Radio Telescope Antenna Parameters at Frequency of 1.42 GHz
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The paper presents an overview of theoretical aspects of small radio telescope antenna parameters. The basic parameters include antenna beamwidth, antenna gain, aperture efficiency, and antenna temperature. These parameters should be carefully studied since they have vital effects on astronomical radio observations. The simulations of antenna parameters were carried out to assess the capability and the efficiency of small radio telescopes to observe a point source at a specific frequency. Two-dimensional numerical simulations of a uniform circular aperture antenna are implemented at different radii. The small diameter values are chosen to be varied between (1-10) m. This study focuses on a small radio telescope with a diameter of 3 m since this telescope is very common in the world. The simulated results of this study illustrated that the power pattern of a 3 m antenna has a half-power beamwidth of approximately 5 degrees. Also, the maximum peak antenna temperature is estimated to be more than 3000 K. All of these results were in good agreement with observations of the neutral hydrogen spectral line at the frequency of 1.42 GHz using a small radio telescope.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Physics And Research
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In this paper, a study was made to determine the properties of Jovian radio bursts emitted at frequency 20.1MHZ. The data were provided from the Radio Jove archive for twelve years (2000-2012) for multi stations. The duration time for Long bursts (L) was (10-30) seconds and for Short bursts (S) was (10-20) seconds. The effect of radio bursts from the Sun and the galactic background were calculated at the same frequency and were found that radio bursts from the Sun will reduce the occurrence probability of Jovian radio bursts much more than radio bursts from the galactic background. The distribution of Jovian radio bursts was different; the occurrence probability with respect to the northern latitudes was more than the southern latitudes.

Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
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In This paper, sky radio emission background level associated with radio storm burst for the Sun and Jupiter is determined at frequency (20.1 MHz). The observation data for radio Jove telescope for the Sun and Jupiter radio storm observations data are loaded from NASA radio Jove telescope website, the data of Sunspot number are loaded from National Geophysical Data Center, (NGDC). Two radio Jove stations [(Sula, MT), (Lamy, NM)] are chose from data website for these huge observations data. For the Sun, twelve figures are used to determine the relation between radio background emission, and the daily Sunspot number. For Jupiter a twenty four figures are used to determine the relation between radio background emission and diffraction betwe

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees19gr
Characteristics measurement of Baghdad University radio telescope for hydrogen emission line
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The aim of this paper is to measure the characteristics properties of 3 m radio telescope that installed inside Baghdad University campus. The measurements of this study cover some of the fundamental parameters at 1.42 GHz. These parameters concentrated principally on, the system noise temperature, signal to noise ratio and sensitivity, half power beam width, aperture efficiency, and effective area. These parameters are estimated via different radio sources observation like Cas-A, full moon, sky background, and solar drift scan observations. From the results of these observations, these parameters are found to be approximately 64 K, 1.2, 0.9 Jansky, 3.7°, 0.54, and 3.8 m2 respectively. The parameters values have vital affect to quantitativ

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Publication Date
Sun May 12 2019
Journal Name
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters
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Solar hydrogen line emission has been observed at the frequency of 1.42 GHz (21 cm wavelength) with 3m radio telescope installed inside the University of Baghdad campus. Several measurements related to the sun have been conducted and computed from the radio telescope spectrometer. These measurements cover the solar brightness temperature, antenna temperature, solar radio flux, and the antenna gain of the radio telescope. The results demonstrate that the maximum antenna temperature, solar brightness temperature, and solar flux density are found to be 970 K, 49600K, and 70 SFU respectively. These results show perfect correlation with recent published studies.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 17 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Plasma Spectroscopy Diagnostics of V2O5 at a Variable of Operating Power and Pressure With Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering.
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   In this paper, we investigate the basic characteristics of "magnetron sputtering plasma" using the target V2O5. The "magnetron sputtering plasma" is produced using "radio frequency (RF)" power supply and Argon gas. The intensity of the light emission from atoms and radicals in the plasma measured by using "optical emission spectrophotometer", and the appeared peaks in all patterns match the standard lines from NIST database and employed are to estimate the plasma parameters, of computes electron temperature and the electrons density. The characteristics of V2O5 sputtering plasma at multiple discharge provisos are studied at the "radio frequency" (RF) power ranging from 75 - 150 Wat

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Simulation and Evaluation of a Variable Effective Focal Length of Refractive Binocular Telescope
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The telescope works to magnify images of distant objects in general, but it needs special optical elements to complete the task to the fullest. The telescope needs optimal balance values of the optical parameters used to produce the best image, such as the effective focal length and the diameter of the pupil aperture, which are combined in a single concept called the focal number. The ground-based binary telescope relies on special lenses and an exceptional prism to achieve a hybrid design that produces clear images of relatively distant terrestrial objects. The pupil diameter of the telescope is relatively large to ensure that the largest possible amount of light is received, and as a result, a good image is obtained.

In this wo

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Mutual Interaction effects between Array Antenna Parameters and Receiving Signals Bandwidth
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The presence of a single complex adaptive weight in each element channel of an adaptive array antenna is sufficient for processing of narrowband signals. The ability of an adaptive array antenna to null interference deteriorates rapidly as the interference bandwidth increases. The performance of narrowband adaptive array antenna with LMCV Beamforming algorithm is examined. The interaction effects between received signal angle of arrival and array parameters like the interelement spacing and the number of array element and the received signal bandwidth were studied. The output Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) and Interference to Noise Ratio (INR) are used as performance parameters for evaluation of these effects. It is found

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Medical And Health Sciences
A Computer Simulation of Hubble Telescope Including Eyepiece Nano- Sensors to Increase Optical Efficiency
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The Hubble telescope is characterized by the accuracy of the image formed in it, as a result of the fact that the surrounding environment is free of optical pollutants. Such as atmospheric gases and dust, in addition to light pollution emanating from industrial and natural light sources on the earth's surface. The Hubble telescope has a relatively large objective lens that provides appropriate light to enter the telescope to get a good image. Because of the nature of astronomical observation, which requires sufficient light intensity emanating from celestial objects (galaxies, stars, planets, etc.). The Hubble telescope is classified as type of the Cassegrain reflecting telescopes, which gives it the advantage of eliminating chromat

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Investigation of Radio Frequency Signal Propagation of Wireless Services in Oyo, Oyo State, South Western Nigeria
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This study reported the investigation of the Radio Frequency (RF) signal propagation of Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) coverage in Emmanuel Alayande College of Education (EACOED), Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria. The study aims at amplifying the quality of service and augment end users' sensitivity of the wireless services operation. The drive test method is adopted with estimation of coverage level and received signal strength. The Network Cell Info Lite application installed in three INFINIX GSM mobile phones was employed to take the measurement of the signal strength received from the transmitting stations of different mobile networks. The results of the study revealed that MTN has the maximum signal strength with a mean value

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Simulation of the Frequency Doubled Nd:YAG Laser Effect on the Retina
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The  present  study  was  conducted  with  a  view  to  determine

whether focal laser therapy results in avisual recovery and regression of macular odema in patients with non-proliferative diabetic maculopathy. A

Frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser was used for the treatment of diabetic maculopathy. For several has been studied and the treatment results were discussed. The study evaluates 14 eyes of 8 diabetic patients. Mathematical model of the laser interaction with the retinal tissue is demonstrated and analysis results are explained and compared with the recent experimental and mathematical models . It has been shown that the laser treatment of the retinal diabetic macolapathy ,

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