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Variation of pH and Composite Dosage on the Photocatalytic Activity for ZnO/epoxy Nanocomposites
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In this research, Zinc oxide (ZnO)/epoxy nanocomposite was synthesized by simple casting method with 2wt. % ZnO concentration. The aim of this work was to study the effect of pH and composite dosage on the photocatalytic activity of ZnO/ epoxy nanocomposite. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) technique images proof the homogeneous distribution of ZnO nanoparticles in epoxy. A synthesized nanocomposite samples were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometer (FTIR) measurements. Two spectra for epoxy and 2wt.% ZnO/epoxy nanocomposites were similar and there are no new bonds formed from the incorporation of ZnO nanoparticles. Using HCl and NaOH were added to Methylene blue (MB) dye (5ppm) to gat pH values 3 and 8. The degradation of the dye was 90.816% were pH =8 after 180 min. under sun-light. The degradation was 6.131% were pH=3 after 240 min. under sun-light irradiation. It is found that the base solution help in accelerating the photocatalytic process, pH with high value provides greater concentration of hydroxyl ions which interact with h+ to form hydroxyl radicals OH- that give an enhancement degradation rate of dyes. The dose of ZnO was increased from 3g to 6g with Methylene blue MB (5ppm) the degradation was 94.3755% after 240 min. under sun-light irradiation. This means that increasing the dose of ZnO, the photocatalytic activity will be increased.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 04 2009
Journal Name
Ibn Al- Haitham J. For Pure & Appl. Sci
The Life Cycle and Larval Development of Neoechinorhynchus iraqensis (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) in the Intermediate Host
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The Life Cycle and Larval Development of Neoechinorhynchus iraqensis (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) in the Intermediate Host

Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The susceptibility test of vaginal yeasts and their relationship with the age in Iraqi women
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This study aims to isolate the pathogenic yeasts from genital tract and investigate their relationship with the age .The results clarified that the most pathogenic yeast isolated from genital tract was Candida albicans , also the results of C.albicanas isolates susceptibility test, to different antifungal revealed that they were sensitive to Miconazole, Ketoconazole and Clotrimazol and were resistant to Nystatin and Grisofulvin. The study of relationship of vaginal infection with the age showed that the incidence of infection with Candida was high among females age group (19-39 years).

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Common Origin of Languages: A Comparative Study between the Holy Quran and the Heavenly Religions
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This research is a new reading of some of the words in the Holy Quran, which is very old. It is a human reading in which religions are intertwined by recognizing the relationship between man and his fellow man in the unity of existence and the unity of the source of religions and the unity of language. The importance of this research in comparing some of the Arabic words has been contained among books believed by followers that it is from the one God Sunday.

When words are spoken in one way in the form of one creature, from the beginning of creation to the present day, this indicates the single origin of the languages..

The research tools were books of heavenly religions, the Quran, dictionaries and interpretations.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Psychological counseling skills and their relation to the power of the ego in educational counselors
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The study aimed to identify the psychological counseling skills and the strength of the ego in the educational counselors, and to identify the relationship of statistical significance between the psychological counseling skills and the strength of the ego in the educational counselors, and to identify the differences of statistical significance in the relationship between psychological counseling skills and the strength of the ego in the guides according to the gender variable(male, Females), the number of sample (100) guides, including (50) males and (50) females from the area of ​​Atifiya and Qadissiya and Ameriya in the Directorate of Education Karkh / 1, the researcher adopted a scale of psychological counseling skills prepared b

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Invariant Moments Based With Wavelet Used To Decide the Authintication and Originality of Images
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 The digital image with  the wavelet tools  is increasing nowadays with MATLAB library, by using  this method based on invariant moments which are  a set of seven moments can be derived from the second and third moments , which can be calculated after converting the image from colored map to gray scale , rescale the image to (512 * 512 ) pixel , dividing the image in to four equal pieces (256 * 256 ) for each piece , then for gray scale image  ( 512 * 512 ) and the four pieces (256 * 256  ) calculate  wavelet with moment and invariant moment, then  store  the result with the author ,owner for this image to build data base for the original image to decide the authority of these images by u

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Developing the School Curriculum in a way Helps Raising the Values of Forgiveness and Acceptance
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تناولنا في هذه الدراسة التأكيد على تطوير المناهج الدراسية بأتجاه تنمية قيم التسامح والتعايش السلمي ، لان ثقافة التسامح باتت من الضرورات الملحة التي يفرضها الواقع الراهن لمواجهة العنف المجتمعي ، مما يوجب الحرص على ترسيخ القيم الانسانية ، لان التسامح من الصفات التي تحبها النفوس وتنجذب اليها القلوب .

والقيم الاخلاقية والسلوكية كالتسامح وغيرها ، من الامور الرئيسية لعمليتي التربية والتعليم في المدارس وال

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Organizational Ethnography and its Reflection in the Resonant LeadershipCase study at the University of Kufa
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between organizational ethnography and resonant leadership in the University of Kufa, importance of research includes rare of studies that investigated the relationship between organizational ethnography and resonant leadership. Moreover, it comes as an attempt to reduce or bridge the knowledge gap between the variables of the research. As well as try to put the right foundations and appropriate for industry leaders of various Iraqi organizations aimed at profit or service. Based on the random sampling, 450 questionnaires were distributed to employees at the University of Kufa. Only 392 questionnaires were returned. Out of which 104 questionnaires we

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 29 2016
Journal Name
Al- Mustansiriyah J. Sci.
The Approximate Solution of Newell Whitehead Segel and Fisher Equations Using The Adomian Decomposition Method
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In the present work, we use the Adomian Decomposition method to find the approximate solution for some cases of the Newell whitehead segel nonlinear differential equation which was solved previously with exact solution by the Homotopy perturbation and the Iteration methods, then we compared the results.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Calculating the Vertical Displacement using the Method of Least Squares Adjustment and 3D Objects Fitting
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Abstract<p>In this research, the Iraqi flagpole at Baghdad University, which is the longest in Baghdad, with a height of 75m, was monitored. According to the importance of this structure, the calculation of the displacement (vertical deviation) in the structure was monitored using the Total Station device, where several observations were taken at different times for two years the monitoring started from November 2016 until May 2017, at a rate of four observations for one year. The observation was processed using the least square method, and the fitting of circles, and then the data was processed. The deviation was calculated using the Matlab program to calculate the values of corrections, where </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 09 2019
Journal Name
Преподаватель ХХi век | مجلة الاستاذ في القرن الواحد و العشرين
Arabic borrowings in the Russian language and features of their actualization in the modern period
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