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The effect of rear earth doping CdS nanostructure on structural, optical and photoconductivity properties

Rare earth elements (Cerium, Lanthanum and Neodymium) doped CdS thin films are prepared using the chemical Spray Pyrolysis Method with temperature 200 oC. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis refers that pure CdS and CdS:Ce, CdS:La and CdS:Nd thin films showed the hexagonal crystalline phase. The crystallite size determined by the Debye-Scherrer equation and the range was (35.8– 23.76 nm), and it was confirmed by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). The pure and doped CdS shows a direct band gap (2.57 to 2.72 eV), which was obtained by transmittance. The room-temperature photoluminescence of pure and doped CdS shows large peak at 431 nm, and two small peaks at (530 and 610 nm). The Current – voltage measurement in dark and illumination (100 mW/cm2, 183 mW/cm2 and 288 mW/cm2) condition. The photocurrent increases and the resistivity decreases with the light intensity increases. So film reveals photoconductivity phenomena suggesting it's useful for optoelectronic applications.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Structural and Optical Properties for Nanostructure (Ag2O/Si & Psi) Films for Photodetector Applications

Ag2O (Silver Oxide) is an important p-type (in chasm to most oxides which were n-type), with a high conductivity semiconductor. From the optical absorbance data, the energy gap value of the Ag2O thin films was 1.93 eV, where this value substantially depends on the production method, vacuum evaporation of silver, and optical properties of Ag2O thin films are also affected by the precipitation conditions. The n-type and p-type silicon substrates were used  with porous silicon wafers to precipitate  ±125 nm, as thick Ag2O thin film by thermal evaporation techniques in vacuum and via rapid thermal oxidation of 400oC and oxidation time 95 s, then characterized by measurement of

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effects of multi- Deposition on the structural and optical properties of CdS nanocrystalline thin film prepared by CBD technique.

Cadmium sulfide (CdS) nanocrystalline thin films have been prepared by chemical bath deposition (CBD) technique on commercial glass substrates at 70ºC temperature. Cadmium chloride (CdCl2) as a source of cadmium (Cd), thiourea (CS(NH2)2) as a source of sulfur and ammonia solution (NH4OH) were added to maintain the pH value of the solution at 10. The characterization of thin films was carried out through the structural and optical properties by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and UV-VIS spectroscopy. A UV-VIS optical spectroscopy study was carried out to determine the band gap of the nanocrystalline CdS thin film and it showed a blue shift with respect to the bulk value (from 3.9 - 2.4eV). In present w

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of the Thickness and Annealing Temperature on the Structural Properties of Thin CdS Films Prepared by Thermal Evaporation

A thin CdS Films have been evaporated by thermal evaporation technique with different thicknesses (500, 1000, 1500 and 2000Å) and different duration times of annealing (60, 120 180 minutes) under 573 K annealing temperature, the vacuum was about 8 × 10-5 mbar and substrate temperature was 423 K. The structural properties of the films have been studied by X- ray diffraction technique (XRD). The crystal growth became stronger and more oriented as the film thickness (T) and duration time of annealing ( Ta) increases.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2023
Journal Name
2nd International Conference On Mathematical Techniques And Applications: Icmta2021
Annealing effect on structural and optical properties of Sb2S3 thin film

The effect of annealing on the structural and optical properties of Antimony trisulfide (Sb2S3) is investigated. Sb2S3 powder is vaporized on clean glass substrates at room temperature under high vacuum pressure to form thin films. The structural research was done with the aid of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The amorphous to the polycrystalline transformation of these thin films was shown by X-ray diffraction analysis after thermal annealing. These films' morphology is explained. The absorption coefficient and optical energy gap of the investigated films are calculated using transmission spectra. Both samples have strong absorption in the visible spectrum, according to UV-visible absorption spectra. The optical

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
Studying the effect of cadmium chloride and thiourea concentrations on the structural and optical properties of CdS films deposited using the spray pyrolysis technique

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of doping ratio of Cu on the structural properties of CdSe Films

Films of CdSe have been prepared by evaporation technique with thickness 1µm. Doping with Cu was achieved using annealing under argon atmosphere . The Structure properties of these films are investigated by X-ray diffraction analysis. The effect of Cu doping on the orientation , relative intensity, grain size and the lattice constant has been studied. The pure CdSe films have been found consist of amorphous structure with very small peak at (002) plane. The films were polycrystalline for doped CdSe with (1&2wt%) Cu contents and with lattice constant (a=3.741,c=7.096)A°, and it has better crystallinty as the Cu contents increased to (3&5wt%) Cu. The reflections from [(002), (102). (110), (112), and (201)]planes are more prominen

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of SnO2/In2O3 Atomic Ratio on the Structural and Optical Properties of ITO Thin Filmsof SnO2:In2O3 Thin Film Composite Ratio on Structural and Optical Properties

In this work, the effect of atomic ratio on structural and optical properties of SnO2/In2O3 thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition technique under vacuum and annealed at 573K in air has been studied.  Atomic ratios from 0 to 100% have been used. X-ray diffraction analysis has been utilized to study the effect of atomic ratios on the phase change using XRD analyzer and the crystalline size and the lattice strain using Williamson-Hall relationship. It has been found that the ratio of 50% has the lowest crystallite size, which corresponds to the highest strain in the lattice. The energy gap has increased as the atomic ratio of indium oxide increased.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 10 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Application Or Innovation In Engineering & Management (ijaiem)
The Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Optical Properties of CdS and CdS:Al Thin Films

Cadmium sulfide and Aluminum doped CdS thin films were prepared by thermal evaporation technique in vacuum on a heated glass substrates at 373K. A comparison between the optical properties of the pure and doped films was made through measuring and analyzing the transmittance curves, and the effect of the annealing temperature on these properties were estimated. All the films were found to exhibit high transmittance in the visible/ near infrared region from 500nm to 1100nm.The optical band gap energy was found to be in the range 2.68-2.60 eV and 2.65-2.44 eV for CdS and CdS:Al respectively , with changing the annealing temperature from room temperature to 423K.Optical constants such as refractive index, extinction coefficient, and complex di

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of the Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma on the Optical Properties of CDS Thin Film

Cadmium sulphide CdS films with 200 nm have been prepared by thermal evaporation technique on glass substrate at substrate room temperature under vacuum of 10-5mbar.In this paper, the effect of Dielectric Barrier Discharge plasma on the optical properties of the CdS film. The prepared films were exposed to different time intervals (0, 3, 5, 8) min. For every sample, the Absorption A, absorption coefficient α , energy gap Eg ,extinction coefficient K and dielectric constant ε were studied. It is found that the energy gap were decreased with exposure time, and absorption , Absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient,  dielectric constant increased with time of exposure to the plasma. Our study conside

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Materials Science: Materials In Electronics
Effect of graphene nanoplates and multi-walled carbon nanotubes doping on structural and optical properties of polyvinyl chloride membranes for outdoor applications

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