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Comparison study of CC and CH vibration frequencies and eelectronic properties for mono, Di, Tri, and tetra-rings layer of arm chair (SWCNTs)
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Semi-empirical methods were applied for calculating the vibration frequencies and IR absorption intensities for normal coordinates of the {mono (C56H28), di (C84H28), tri (C112H28) and tetra (C140H28)} -rings layer for (7,7) armchair single wall carbon nanotube at their equilibrium geometries which were all found to have D7d symmetry point group.

Assignment of the modes of vibration (3N-6) was done depending on the pictures of their modes by applying (Gaussian 03) program. Comparison of the vibration frequencies of (mono, di, tri and tetra) rings layer which are active in IR, and inactive in Ramman spectra. For C-H stretching vibrations, the results showed that vibration frequencies value increased with increased of length nano tube (rings layer SWCNT).

The results include the relation for axial bonds, which are the vertical C-C bonds (annular bonds) in the rings and for circumferential bonds which are the outer ring bonds. Also include the assignment of puckering, breathing and clock-anticlockwise bending vibrations. They allow a comparative view of the charge density at the carbon atom too.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
A comparison of cross sections for Selenium -73 radioisotopes produced by accelerators and reactors
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Background: Selenium-73 with half- life of 7.15 hour emits β+ in nature and has six stable isotopes which are ( 74Se,76Se,77Se,78Se,80Se and 82Se ). Selenium-73 has many applications in technology and radioselenium compounds of metallic have found various applications in medicine. Objective:  To make a comparison between different reactions that produced cross sections of Se-73 radioisotopes. Subjects and methods: The feasibility of the production of Selenium -73 via various nuclear reactions was investigated. Excitation functions of 73Se production by the reactions of 75As (p,3n), 169Tm( d,x), 74Se, natSe, natBr (p,x) , 75As (d,4n), natGe (3He,x), 70Ge (α, n), and 72Ge (α, 3n) and neutron capture were calculated using the avail

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
A comparison of cross sections for Selenium -73 radioisotopes produced by accelerators and reactors
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Background: Selenium-73 with half- life of 7.15 hour emits β+ in nature and has six stable isotopes which are ( 74Se,76Se,77Se,78Se,80Se and 82Se ). Selenium-73 has many applications in technology and radioselenium compounds of metallic have found various applications in medicine.

Objective:  To make a comparison between different reactions that produced cross sections of Se-73 radioisotopes.

Subjects and methods: The feasibility of the production of Selenium -73 via various nuclear reactions was investigated. Excitation functions of 73Se production by the re

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Tri-Gene Ontology Migration Operator for Improving the Performance of Meta-heuristics in Complex Detection Problems
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      Detecting protein complexes in protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks is a challenging problem in computational biology. To uncover a PPI network into a complex structure, different meta-heuristic algorithms have been proposed in the literature. Unfortunately, many of such methods, including evolutionary algorithms (EAs), are based solely on the topological information of the network rather than on biological information. Despite the effectiveness of EAs over heuristic methods, more inherent biological properties of proteins are rarely investigated and exploited in these approaches. In this paper, we proposed an EA with a new mutation operator for complex detection problems. The proposed mutation operator is formulate

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Comparison Between Different DNA and Conventional
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Background: The discriminative power of the classical WHO parameters in relation to male fertility is quite low, because they only address few aspects of sperm quality and function. This has led investigators to focus their attention on the male gamete and in particular its genome.Objective: To explore which of the sperm DNA damage parameters measured by comet assay are more reliable, and their relations with the standard semen parameters.Methods: Study was done on 40 infertile men selected from couples attending the Institute of Embryo Reasearch and Infertility Treatment at Al-Kadhimiya City/ Baghdad in the period between February 2009 and May 2009, with a history of infertility of ≥1 years; and 15 healthy volunteers of proven fertili

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
2016 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference And Room-temperature Semiconductor Detector Workshop (nss/mic/rtsd)
Comparison of columnar and pixelated scintillators for small field of view hybrid gamma camera imaging
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 19 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Synthesis, Characterization and Study of Electrical Properties of Some New Aromatic Polyester
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This research discloses the synthesis of various polyester resins, the polyesters containing homoring aromatic and others heterocyclic were synthesized by the condensation polymerization of suitable monomers (which are containing variety function groups in different structures) with phthalic anhydride. The main objective is synthesis of new polyester with keeping a reasonable electrical insulating behavior. The structural of polymer was characterized by Fourier Transform infra-red spectroscopy FTIR and HNMR. The dielectric constant (real ε' and imaginary parts ε") and AC conductivity (σAC) for all the polyester samples are studied by varying the frequency (30, 50, 70, 90, 120, 300, 500Hz and 1KHZ) at 25⁰ C. Indeed, study of the electri

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Study of the structural and optical properties of CuAlxIn1-xTe2 thin film
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Reduction of Noise and Vibration of Spur Gear by Using Asymmetric Teeth Profiles with Tip Relief
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Reduction of noise and vibration in spur gear experimentally by using asymmetric teeth profiles with tip relief was presented. Both of classical (symmetric) and asymmetric (with and without tip relief) spur gears are used in this work. Gear test rig was constructed to achieve torsional vibration measuring, and two modified cutters are designed and manufactured to achieve tooth profile modifications. First to cut asymmetric gear tooth with pressure angles (14.5o/25 o) without tip relief for loaded and unloaded tooth sides respectively, and second to cut asymmetric gear tooth with pressure angles (14.5o/25 o) for loaded and unloaded tooth sides respectively with tip relief to ach

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 15 2015
Journal Name
Al Mustansyriah Journal Of Science
Comparison between (ARIMA) and (ANNs) models for estimating the relative humidity for Baghdad city
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The aim of the research is to study the comparison between (ARIMA) Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average and(ANNs) Artificial Neural Networks models and to select the best one for prediction the monthly relative humidity values depending upon the standard errors between estimated and observe values . It has been noted that both can be used for estimation and the best on among is (ANNs) as the values (MAE,RMSE, R2) is )0.036816,0.0466,0.91) respectively for the best formula for model (ARIMA) (6,0,2)(6,0,1) whereas the values of estimates relative to model (ANNs) for the best formula (5,5,1) is (0.0109, 0.0139 ,0.991) respectively. so that model (ANNs) is superior than (ARIMA) in a such evaluation.

Publication Date
Wed Apr 28 2021
Journal Name
Misan Journal For Physical Education Sciences
The Effectiveness of Using Generative Learning Model in Learning Kinetic Series on Rings and Horizontal Bar In Artistic Gymnastics for men
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The aim of this study was to identify the effectiveness of using generative learning model in learning kinetic series on rings and horizontal bar in artistic gymnastics for men ,Also, the two groups were better in learning the two series of movements on the rings and horizontal bar . The experimental method was used to design two parallel groups with pretested and posttest .The sample included third graders at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Baghdad ,The third class (d) was chosen to represent the control group that applied the curriculum in the college, with (12) students per group. After conducting the tribal tests, the main experiment was carried out for (8) weeks at the rate of two units per week di

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